So tired, craving carbs/sugar and need advice asap!!

karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have been working 9 hour mornings (4am to 1pm) and am soooo tired everyday. I have been craving sweets and carbs like a maniac and NEED TO FIND a way to STOP before I pack on the pounds...

Heres my daily schedule

3am- Wake up, eat something light (yogurt, a piece of fruit, or high fiber cereal) along with vitamins and supplements

4am- Work at a coffee stand and make myself a Sugar Free latte, americano, or tea

1pm- Off work, come home and binge. eat foods like carbs and sugar because it sounds soooooo good at the time and the
only foods to satisfy me. :devil: PLUS I live with my family and can not get rid of the carby/sugar foods because it is
theirs..not mine...:sad: Its always staring at me....

2pm- Nap time

3pm- Wake up, maybe eat a snack

4pm- Take an energy supplement just to stay awake to go workout at the gym for an hour :yawn:

6pm- Home from gym.Burned 300 calories in cardio, plus weights

7pm- Hungry but dont want to eat because Ill go over on my calories :grumble:

HELP!!?? What can I do to stop these sugar/carb cravings and FAST!!


  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    You need to bring food to work! You have a nice little wake up meal but then you go without any good for 9 hours if I'm reading this right. That's waaaaaaaay to long. Try to pack a "lunch" the night before so you have a sandwich you can eat or more fruit you can snack on. You're probably craving carbs and sweets when you get home because you're body is dying for anything and it knows those foods will satisfy it most quickly (although it will be a quick satisfaction and not the fuel your body needs).
  • Hi, Try to eat protein like boiled egg or piece of chicken breast before you leave work and when you first get up.
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Have some water w/ some Crystal tea...or some mixed nuts. If you're metabolism is fast enough, have a piece of fruit or two :o]
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    I have been following The Zone diet plan and I tell you honestly I am living without cravings. I've been on it for 2 weeks now and they teach you to first get rid of sugar, second treat processed carbs like a condiment and third to have a balance of low GI carbs, protein and healthy fat at every snack and meal. I feel like I am eating a lot but I am not hungry. So it goes something like this, low fat protein like chicken, egg whites, tofu or fish, then add a lot of veggies and some fruit and then fat like a few nuts, or olive oil or avocado.

    Today there was cake in the kitchen for the everyone who had a birthday this month. I had just finished eating a couple of cherries and had celery sticks with almond butter on them. I was not tempted in the least and I am not tired at all! There is chocolate candy and ice cream in the building at all times. I am not tempted at all.

    So, try small steps first. Maybe by eliminating all sugar in your diet. I know for me that is a biggie. See how that goes and how it makes you feel. You just might be surprised how little things can make big differences.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm with everyone else- you definately need to eat!
    Try a couple pieces of turkey bacon with your yogurt and fruit in the AM or a good high fiber oatmeal.
    Bring snacks like nuts, and fruit to work... I often will bring a can of tuna fish, mix it with a table spoon of dressing (like Newman's low fat sesame ginger) and eat it with "mary's gone crackers" (made with flax and sesame) or some lettuce. Protien with complex carbs REALLY helps keep you going. If the most troublesome time is "nap time" I'd recommend not going home right away after work. If you bring enough to eat- go to the gym right after work and then eat a healthy well rounded dinner when you get home. You'll probably be beat for a while but if you're fueling your body properly that mid day nap won't be as necessary and you're not going to binge as badly at night.

    Good Luck!!

  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    honestly I think you need more sleep. When I do not get enough sleep I crave the carbs something terrible. Of course try to eat healthy snack but get some rest.
  • BethTucker
    BethTucker Posts: 21
    Would it be possible for you to go to the gym straight from work? In addition to eating more at work, you could eat a mini-meal before you leave so you have enough energy to work out. That might help with the cravings. But I agree with what everyone else said about not eating enough during the day and not getting enough sleep. I also crave carbs terribly when I don't get enough sleep.

    Ok sorry I just saw that someone else already suggested that.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    I agree, SIMPLE carbs causes cravings for more carbs. Protein will keep you fuller longer and craving carbs will not be much of a problem for you.
    Hi, Try to eat protein like boiled egg or piece of chicken breast before you leave work and when you first get up.
  • amyday1
    amyday1 Posts: 35
    i eat all day long and stay under my amount. eat more healthy snacks and you will not get to the point when you can turn away from junk.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I can't believe you go so long without eating!!! I would binge eat too if I did that. I agree with the majority--take food to work. And going to the gym straight from work would save on time and let you have a sensible dinner afterwards.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Holy cannoli! You really need to eat more... and how many quality hours of sleep do you get a night? Gotta get at LEAST 6. Weekends are a different story but seriously, rest. That way you're a) refueled for the next day and b) not awake and therefore not consuming calories.

    It's good that you're having breakfast (at a ridiculously early time) but you have to be eating every few hours. Have something high in protein and/or fiber first thing with a tall glass of water and maybe some coffee or tea. I highly recommend Greek yogurt, scrambled egg whites with spinach, bread/toast with at least 5g fiber per slice with a bit of low-sodium nut butter... Healthy Life has this ridiculously awesome double fiber bread with 5g per 60 calorie slice... and they are big delicious slices! You gotta get your protein.

    Mid-morning snack - do it. It's a beautiful thing. Have some fruit or veggies or maybe lowfat cottage cheese that you pack with you. You need to be consuming at least 1200 calories a day... 1350 or more if you're hitting the gym to torch 300 calories a day. For lunch? You don't have to binge - again, nutrient-dense foods are key. Samesies for dinner. As I am right now, have a little treat that's carby and sugary every day... but make sure you've gotten all your important macronutrients first and can stay within your calorie goal! Plus drink a lot of water, fill up on veggies and fruits and good, wholesome protein sources. Energy supplement my butt - get yourself some tofu or fish or something! Preferably nothing corn fed... that stuff is nasty.

    SAVOR everything that passes between your lips. Take several chews and say, hey, why did I choose this food in the first place? Oh right, because it will fill me up, and it's good quality and delicious, nom nom nom... then swallow. Always take pleasure in eating, just do it eating foods with substance.
  • to me it sounds like you are starving your body in between getting up and that next meal.. eat a little more in the morning meal, drink plenty of water during the day.. plus an easy way to curb some of the hunger is to take a protein shake to mix up and drink half way through the morning.. it will add about 150 calories... then when you get home, hopefully that will allow you to eat a little more sensible... that mid afternoon nap could be from sleeping habits, but it is more than likely from a carb overload, kinda like all the guys get on thanksgiving.. which in turn makes you feel lousy the rest of the day. hope this helps.. i am not a fitness guru, just enjoy reading and learning about the science of fitness.
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you everyone. Maybe it is because I do not get enough sleep. I usually only sleep at most 5 hours a night. I also am going to start bringing food to work.... (even though most days I do not have time to eat at work). But thank you for all of the great advice! Maybe Ill start going to the gym right after work as well IF i have any energy...usually i'm too exhausted to move haha.

    Cutting out sugar could help as well it is just soooooo hard for me to do so with the family I live with haha (sugar JUNKIES!)
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i get mad cravings for sweet carbs.

    either eat fruit and lots of it


    mash up a banana with some egg and fry it

  • hgordon83
    hgordon83 Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone has great suggestions around different meal ideas and especially getting more sleep. I work in an environment where there are muffins, sugary drinks and vending machines which all tempt me throughout the day. I keep a bag of trail mix in my desk and when I feel starving or I am tempted to buy a blended coffee drink full of calories I grab a small handful of trail mix. I put the mix on my notepad and I put the bag away. This is key because if the bag stays out I'm prone to eat more than the small handful. It has the protein, salt and sweetness that I crave without blowing my calories out of whack. Just another suggestion that you can keep a small snack bag in your purse with little preparation and time. I feel your pain at 4:00 am it is hard to get out of bed let alone make a lunch.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    By viewing your diet for a few days I can tell you one of your problems is your breakfast...very carb loaded and protein lacking. If you start with a high protein breakfast you will have a better day, I can promise you that.

    I know you get up early and need something quick, so if you can't do eggs do lowfat cottage cheese or greek yogurt w/ fruit.

    You also should be taking a multivitamin to help you with that lack of sleep! That is probably another factor in your cravings!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I agree with the others.

    Sometimes I have a Veggie Burger on a Sandwich thin - In the Microwave 2 minutes :happy: = 250 calories and packed with protein. :happy:
    Maybe you should take that "energy" supplement right before you leave work, go workout and then you can get some restfull sleep. :flowerforyou:
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    By viewing your diet for a few days I can tell you one of your problems is your breakfast...very carb loaded and protein lacking. If you start with a high protein breakfast you will have a better day, I can promise you that.

    I know you get up early and need something quick, so if you can't do eggs do lowfat cottage cheese or greek yogurt w/ fruit.

    You also should be taking a multivitamin to help you with that lack of sleep! That is probably another factor in your cravings!

    Never noticed that! glad people can tell me things im doing wrong that I dont even realize...I love it! Im for sure going to try and start my day with protein instead. i usually do not have time to cook though so maybe ill start boiling eggs at night for the morning...hmmm:flowerforyou:
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