What do I do?

HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Well last week I managed to hurt my hip while working out. I took it a bit easy and it started feeling better. Today I went to the gym feeling good and did a great work out. I headed out to a board meeting and had to sit for 3 and a half hours. Now it is worse than it was last week. It is cracking and popping out of place and it hurts. If I push on it while I am walking it feels better but other than that it hurts to move.
I have never had an injury like this before and I am wondering if I should just go to my doctor or do I go to a chiropractor?


  • susielou
    susielou Posts: 18 Member
    I say the doctor.
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    A doctor. Then he/she will refer you to a specialist. Hope you feel better.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Definitely see your doctor who should refer you to an orthopedic dr. Popping hips...not a good thing.
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Doctor Heather ASAP!!! That doesn't sound good to me.:huh: I'll be wishing you well soon.
  • HeatherCanDoIt
    HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks....I will call in the morning to get in and see my doctor!
  • hslobar
    hslobar Posts: 12
    I second the vote for the doctor. A general doctor might refer you to an orthopedic doctor, but either way they can actually diagnose what is wrong, rather than just make it feel better in the short term. Since this has never happened before, it's a good idea to find out what is going on, rather than possibly damaging it further. Once you know what's wrong, you make decisions about how to manage it from there. Maybe they can give you some physical therapy exercises to help strengthen it, or maybe they will recommend a chiropractor.

    I understand how scary and frustrating this can be. I have luxating patellas, which means that my knee caps slip off of my joint randomly, for no apparent reason, which really hurts and results in me falling on my face. The first time it happened I was terrified. I still struggle with occasional incidents. When it happens, I can be sore and gimpy for weeks, which makes getting a healthy amount of exercise really hard. The PT really does help though--hopefully the doctor will have a good solution for you too!
  • k9crystal
    k9crystal Posts: 7 Member
    This is no doubt a really frustrating and painful set back. HOWEVER it is sooo important to get it checked out by a doctor, and I'm so glad to hear you will be.

    Keep your chin up (as cliche as that sounds). You've spent a lot of focus on getting better weight wise, and emotionally wise during the journey and now it's time to focus on healing yourself physically. Just think how much more your hips would be bothering you with those 90 pounds still attached! You're doing so amazingly well, don't let this make you worry so much about working out etc... it's time to heal so you can get back at it pain-free and all better :)
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