So I go to bed with my hair wet every night.....

I have a toddler and an overworked, stressed out husband who is also trying to fit in exercise. I cannot exercise in the morning while my baby is sleeping, because my daughter would be on the 3rd floor of our house and I would be on the first. I am a paranoid mother and am not comfortable with that! So, my husband and I have from about 6 until 11 to make, eat, and clean up dinner, usually do some type of straightening or laundry or maybe a little family time, give the baby a bath and get her ready for bed, pack lunches, both of us get showers, and both of us EXERCISE!! Not a whole heck of a lot of time to fit in a half an hour of exercise for each of us, but we decided it needed to be as much of a priority as the rest of the nightly routine! So, in order to get all of this done, I usually shower after everyone goes to bed and by that point it is midnight, so I am too tired to dry my hair. So, I go to bed with my hair wet. My point is-I used to say I don't have time for exercise, but exercise is more important than some of the other things that I do for my nightly routine. I just wanted to hopefully help motivate others out there who are too busy to exercise. Trust me-- I feel like there is not one more thing that I could fit in my day, but I now make exercising a priority! Good luck to everyone out there who has as busy of a life out there or busier than I have!!:happy:


  • sexyvirgo911
    Keep up the good work
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    What a great mom you are. You are teaching your daughter to make herself a priority, even if she's asleep. Keep it up, you'll be working out with your daughter before you know (my daughter does 30DS with me and she turns 3 next week). You should be so proud of making yourself a priority!!! Keep it up!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Yes!!! It will be so much easier when she is older! We can work out together and she is more likely to entertain herself a bit!! I love her being this little, and will miss it, but I am sure I will have more time when she is older! I do want to teach her as early as possible how to live in a healthy way, so she never has to go through what I am going through now!! Thanks for your support!!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    You do realize though that your daughter would be fine. Even if you run up and check on her every 15 minutes. If she is in a safe place she can't get hurt. Is she still in a crib? Ok wait, I seee in th photo she is a little older then I figured. Yup that is a tough age. Maybe look for a young girl that can play with her while you have some time. For a small price a good 12 year old is gold.
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    No she is not in a crib, which means she could get out and climb dressers like she tries to when I am standing right there. I am just more comfortable with her sleeping at night time because my husband is upstairs, too. Just one of those new, first time mom things. Fortunately, I have found a way to make it work.
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    It's 12:50 AM and I just got out of the shower from my workout that ended at midnight. I have to wait for all 5 of my kids to be sleeping before I can workout. And I have to straighten the house up, clean the kitchen and do some laundry before I can workout out. I know exactly what you mean! You just got to find the time and do it!

    Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    I usually do my exercise between work, school and cleaning after 5 kids and my husband. Thank god my husband helps around the house. Keep up the good work. Thanks for being an insiration to the rest of us who feels like there is not enough time in the day to do their exercises. :wink:
  • capricediana
    What a great inspiration that you and your husband are to all of us and just think to your daughter as well when she is old enough... Just to pass on a healtly living lifestyle down to her... Give yourself a pat on the back for the both of you and keep up the good work...
  • getoverit2090
    If you have baby monitors, it would work great for fitting in excercise time while your daughter is sleeping.

    great to hear your making excercising a priority and not an option! keep it up
  • raspberrymerlot
    That is great! My husband picks up my 2 kids from daycare 2-3 days a week, on the days I work (part-time) so I can go by the gym on my way home from work. It makes for a long day, and I don't see my kids for much time, but it makes my non-work days so much more enjoyable.
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Great job to you and your husband.......................and by the way, your hair looks great!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Yep - sounds like our evenings... dinner, clean-up, pack lunches, baths, bed, then my time to exercise and eventually collapse. :yawn: My girls are 7 and 3, so they are pretty good at entertaining themselves if I exercise before they go to bed. They also enjoy watching me work out.

    Funny story... my 3 y.o. made a Mothers Day card for me at preschool. The teacher obviously dictated what Lindsey said. One of the questions was "What does Mommy like to do?" Lindsey said "Exercise!" The other card from my 7 y.o. asked, "What does Mommy like to drink?" Maddy wrote, "Water!" :laugh: I guess my girls are paying attention to my healthy habits. Hope they rub off on them! :bigsmile:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    bethinagain - do you have 5 kids in diapers still?
    OMG - if that is the case and you are making yourself a priority still - i give you PROPSSSSSS!!!!
    getting healthy with 2 kids, a full time job, a house to run and just life it hard enough for me...i can not imagine your life and i congratulate you for your success and cheer you on to continue to your goal...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    my son who is 5 did the same exact thing...they filled out a "my mommy" survey and he said exercise was my favorite thing to do...guess he understands how important this change is....
    he often questions me at night when he going to sleep and i'm dressed to go OUT to exercise why i have to go
    i say cause mommy is trying to get healthy
    he says you are trying to get rid of your chubby???
    i say yup baby and i'm trying to be the best mommy i can be for you and emma....

    the other day i wore a "new/old" bathing suit from the closet from like 3 1/2 years ago.....both my kids were like, ooooohhhh, mommy you have a new bathing suit and i was like not really but it fits now....he said to me, you have less chubby now he is noticing...i cant wait to be that healthy fit mom they both deserve and then i dont ever have to worry about my kids thinking they have a chubby mommy.....

    i'm doing this for ME - but in the end i'm doing it for them...
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    bethinagain - do you have 5 kids in diapers still?
    OMG - if that is the case and you are making yourself a priority still - i give you PROPSSSSSS!!!!
    getting healthy with 2 kids, a full time job, a house to run and just life it hard enough for me...i can not imagine your life and i congratulate you for your success and cheer you on to continue to your goal...

    I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - my 2 yr old twins are still in diapers, my 3 and 4 yr olds are in night time pull-ups and my 6 yr old is (of course) fulling potty trained. There was a couple of years that I had all 5 in diapers!!! That was crazy! But things are looking better for me now.:happy:
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Wow, you mommy's that have five kids are an inspiration!! Your awesome!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Great job to you and your husband.......................and by the way, your hair looks great!

    LOL, Thanks!!