


  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I've used Hydroxycut on and off throughout my weightloss journey. What I have found for me is that there is no difference in the loss from when I was taking the pill and when I was off. Not worth the money.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I've been battling my whole life. I've used Hydroxycut and some other pills and supplements as well claiming to help with this stuff. In my opinion, it's not worth it and absolutely save your money.

    The only thing that is truly going to work is changing the way you eat, TRACKING (HUGE HUGE HUGE) in your food journal and exercise. I hate to say it really is that simple, but it is. I'm down 150 lbs since 2007 and yes I have a little more to go....

  • hardymommy123
    hardymommy123 Posts: 32 Member
    It DOES work. But it is terrible terrible terrible for you. Plus, do you want to take it forever? Once you stop taking it, the weight will come back. I lost like 20 lbs on it, but the headaches and shakes were so bad I was miserable. Went off of it, but kept exercising and dieting and over half of my weight went back on.

    I have tried every pill there is. Some work, some don't. But bottom line, they are all bad for you and dangerous. Eat right, exercise, and you can do it without some overpriced pill:-)

    Good luck!!!
  • LindseyLinea
    LindseyLinea Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advise. I have decided not to take the pills. I really apprecitate all the advise. It helps a lot to have advise from everyone.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advise. I have decided not to take the pills. I really apprecitate all the advise. It helps a lot to have advise from everyone.

    Yay! Best of luck to you. :smile:
  • My doctor okay'ed me to use it a few years ago, and I still go in each year for a physical... She checks a lot of stuff out on me & i'm still healthy.

    I did use it according to directions (dose levels & times), but after about a month I was still jittery like I had just started taking it... so i slowly cut back to only 1 pill per day... RIGHT before my morning work out.

    I have noticed that it gives me a good level of energy (probably from the caffeine) and it makes me warm feeling (probably from everything else lol)...

    I then slowly got in the habit of having about 3 cups of coffee all day long (sips here & there). I think if there was a lower caffeinated version where you could take one every 2 hours or so (since it takes me about 2 hours to drink a cup of coffee), then i'd be more interested in it.

    But please note: I drink a LOT of water... 3 Liters a day. I also work out a lot, and eat healthily. I only wanted to include this in my diet because of the added intensity (or possibility of heightened intensity) during work outs...

    You need to be smart. If the normal dosage doesn't make you feel good, cut it back. If any dosage doesn't make you feel good, cut it OUT.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    There are plenty of reasons not to use diet aids like pills... I will say PERSONALLY I love Hydroxycut. My energy is through the roof & the weight melts off when I use it.
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    I stopped using it once they stopped selling it with ephendrine in it (at least around here)
  • Candicejoy1988
    Candicejoy1988 Posts: 14 Member
    skip the pills, they r a waste of money... u need to lose weight by healthy eating habits and exercise :)
    and drink lots of water :)
  • hardymommy123
    hardymommy123 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advise. I have decided not to take the pills. I really apprecitate all the advise. It helps a lot to have advise from everyone.

    Good for you!!! Good luck on your journey:-)
  • My experience,
    I needed to lose weight so I bought Hydroxycut Max, I changed my diet while taking hyroxycut mostly eating fruit and meat, cutting my carbs and in 2 months I lost 30POUNDS!

    SO then I quit taking hydroxycut going back to my old ways of eatting and gained my weight back.

    Then I got a gym membership, the best way is to goto the gym everyday do weights, and some cardio remember , muscle burns fat which makes you lose weight now, im on this journey of losing weight I will see how far in two months.
    Hydroxycut Max gave me many symptoms my head would feel light, and when I would be at work, mostly it would be hard for me to focus, suppressed my hungar, people noticed I lost weight too.

  • I know you have made decision but, thought to add my experience.

    I used hydroxycut hardcore for a few months to give me a bit of a boost... and it did. I lost a lot of weight in month 2 and also helped me up my TT times on my cycling. I didn't change my diet. Had no problems with side affects. It was brilliant.
    I got of them as I didn't want to get addicted. After i got off them I have gained 0.00 in weight and the extra boost it gave me when I trained has helped. My legs got stronger faster thanks to the the extra effort I could put in and I haven't lost time in TT but still got better.
    So, its not a waste of money, you can hit your targets on your own however, a little help is sometimes nice.
    This product works different for everyone so, don't go on what we tell you, get a tub and try it...

    Good luck ;)
  • It's ok to use it just don't get carried away but it works tho.
  • gillythyme
    gillythyme Posts: 51 Member
    All the caffeine in hydroxy cut is turning me into a raging psycho!! Yes I'm not hungry but I also feel like a rage-a-holic. I'm going to stop taking them. Not worth it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    save your money and use MFP to create a calorie deficit and teach yourself how to have long term sustainable success…

    Are you really going to use hydroxycut for the rest of your life? If you do not teach yourself how to make healthy changes now and just use "weight loss products" what do you think is going to happen when you stop taking said products, and have not made any noticeable changes to your lifestyle? You will be back on here in six months saying "starting over, help…"
  • firepxy
    firepxy Posts: 13
    I never have taken Hydroxycut.

    But I would suggest taking a fish oil pill if you do not already, the one a day kind, read the bottle you'll see what I"m talking about

    and also a multivitamin, which seems odd, but they help me very much.. (Do not get anything with caffiene in it)

    I take fish oil and Woman's One a Day with my breakfast.

    Also, I would suggest to take both with breakfast, like eat roughly half your food, then take them, continue eating.
  • Tried for one week, didn't have my scale so I have no idea if I lost any weight, but it gave me horrible headaches, every two hours so I'm stopping.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Just say NO!!!! My numbers prove what hard work and dedication can do
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    It's ok to use it just don't get carried away but it works tho.


    ....and then read some of the solid advice in this thread.

    great decision, OP!
    the fact that you came in looking for advice, got it, and LISTENED TO IT.....awesome.
    you are well on your way to success!

  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member