Hi All :)

Hi Everyone!

My name is Katie and I've been a personal trainer for about 4 years. Some of my clients have had great things to say about myfitnesspal so I figured I would give it a try and check it out. I love talking about fitness and motivation. Since I work a lot, sometimes it is hard for me to focus on my own health needs bc I'm constantly thinking of my clients goals. This has held me back from entering a goal of mind: to enter physique/Figure competition.... (And the fact that I'm kind of a wuss and being a big baby to sign up!) haha. Anyway, I hope to meet some of you fellow fitness lovers. Feel free to send me a message! xoxo

Beach Physique Personal Training


  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Hi Katie welcome :) I been using this app for the last few months and I have lost almost 46 pounds, challenging my body and making changes.. I am currently at 166 lbs a big difference from when I use to weigh 350lbs I remember using size 26/28 in pants. I lost 150 lbs on my own by just walking and eating right. Keep on motivating yourself. You would know by all means. I think you need to go for it, and sign up for it you look great. Plus I know your kick butt :) If you need an extra buddy feel free to add me :)

  • Kabelo88
    Kabelo88 Posts: 3
    Hi Everyone

    I read about it on a lot of blogs and decided to register yesterday actually today is my first day on this journey to getting rid of my unhealthy lifestyle over the past two years, any tips that you might help on where to start would be awesome Im currently at 75 kg and 1.55 m tall my goal weight is 50 kg.
  • Kcapitano
    Kcapitano Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats Nadia, that is awesome!!!! What is your ultimate fitness goal? Yeah I need to just sign up... I know once I do I will be extra motivated, I just think I need a competition coach bc I literally would have no clue what to do haha.