1am revelation

So I'm sitting in my pj's just unwinding from my day:
I mowed the lawn for an hour,
took the dogs for a walk (20 min)
and Did Jillian's 30 day shred workout
burning 882 calories total

Revelation -->. I actually feel sexier having exercised! Maybe it's because exercising causes me to hold myself better and on top of that it wakes everything up and gives me more energy. When I just lay around, I feel pulled down and sluggish...hmmmm


  • softlyspoken68
    GIRLLL i understand that completely
  • sammydiddly
    Im totally with you on that. I did a good cardio workout last night and afterwards I felt great. I felt sexy and happy and feeling sexy is an awesome feeling when losing weight!
  • KathleenAGarrity
    KathleenAGarrity Posts: 25 Member
    I feel that way too - your body feels tighter, and you dont feel like such a "lump".