Weight loss goal rewards?

I am going to start rewarding myself for hitting certain milestones in my weight loss journey in hopes of motivating myself a little more.

what are some of the things you do or allow yourself to get when you hit "mini" goals? what are your mini goals?


  • jolene_ca
    jolene_ca Posts: 91 Member
    For 25lbs lost I started a 1/2 sleeve. Since I hit 35lbs lost I scheduled my appt to start on color. When I hit my big goal I'm thinking I might get a boob job and tummy tuck. (I've had 5 children and my skin has awful elasticity so my stomach is all wrinkly skin)
  • My mini goals are for every 10 pounds of weight loss. My reward most of the time is simply reaching the benchmark and feeling the Internal Reward of a job well done. It allows me to move onto the next 10 pounds inspired.

    If that doesnt work, a really expensive piece of jewelry :)
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    unfortunately, just hitting the goal, doesn't seem to be enough of a motivator lol :tongue:
  • You can also motivate yourself the other way around. You take something away that you really like, and your reward is getting it back. For example, you always wear jeans. Well, until you''ve lost the next 2 pounds you won't wear those jeans anymore! Or perhaps, cut in television time (this might help you get more active)

    Other rewards if you have a significant other is getting a massage, not having to do the dishes x days in a row (this works for any chore you dislike) or treating yourself on some nice makeup.

    You can also make your progress visible by keeping two jars one being 'pounds to lose' and the other 'pounds lost'. For me personally visual reminders work the best, because the biggest reward possible is that fit healthy body I've always wanted.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    My favorite rewards are new clothes and mani/pedis. Of course, DURING my weight loss, the "new" clothes were usually from Goodwill, as I knew I didn't want to buy very many that would only be worn termporarily. :wink:

    I still love the mani/pedis. SO relaxing.

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    My first 10 were two new sports bras (helped me add some high energy exercise to get to the second 10 :tongue: ). I've scheduled a massage for the 20 pound mark. Now my next goal is 30 and I will be buying one pair of jeans and one pair of dress pants when I get there (I work from home so I can sit around in my "too big" clothes for now).

    I really like the idea of the nice make up...I've always wanted to do that....maybe my 40 pound mark!!!:love:
  • tasiawilson336
    tasiawilson336 Posts: 1 Member
    My weight loss rewards are new workout clothes.. I started out in old sweats and t shirts but the more I loose and the more time I spend in the gym I want to look the part. Plus I'm starting to look good in that stuff!!!!
  • My wife and I have a goal and reward. Ok, it is a contest. In 10 weeks to lose 8% lbs. If we individually make our goal, we get $50 at the end of the 10 weeks. Whoever wins overall gets another $50. I guess that is my milestone is when I meet my goal weight for 10 weeks. Now I will have still another 25 lb's to lose after that, but we found 8% is fair in 10 weeks.
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    My husband and I are going out for dinner and a movie when I lose 20 pounds. We have an almost 2 year old, so an adult dinner/movie out is a rarity. He's already lost 20 pounds (and counting) and he got a collectible he's wanted for awhile. We haven't yet discussed what we will be rewarding ourselves with once we reach our goal weights.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    My jeans are massive on me, so when I hit my first 15 pound mark, I bought one new pair of jeans. For small goals, shopping at a thrift store (Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc), are awesome! It can be a little hard to find things at those stores if you're on the plus-size side, but it wasn't too bad.

    My other rewards I've thought of are a nice pair of boots, a haircut (I haven't gotten my haircut in 3 1/2 years! I'm gonna donate it :D), new jewelry (doesn't have to be expensive), and eventually, I'm going to buy a whole new wardrobe! My old clothes won't really work when I've lost almost 100 pounds!

    Another great idea, which I'll probably use, is getting new fitness-related items for your goals. For instance, a new sports bra, a new pair of yoga pants, $50 to lululemon, a heart rate monitor.. you get the idea.

    Hope you like the ideas! Good luck!

    PS- a great idea is to make an inspiration board. You can make a sheet showing every pound you have to lose, and you can cross each one out, and write the reward pound numbers in a different color! Add some inspirational pictures/quotes, and of course a swimsuit or a piece of clothing you're gonna love phenomal in at your GW ;)
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    New clothes :love:
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Well, I will buy myself a new corset. I have a really bad back, and when I strain myself, the only way I can get out of bed is wearing one. The corsets I have now will only work for me until I have like a 35 inch waist. Im gonna get a pretty one this time instead of utilitarian black. Hopefully orchard corsets will have some on sale when I reach the point where I need a new one.

    . Before you ask, I can assure you, I am not on the corset diet. Yes there is such a thing. You see, corsets squish your stomach, making it so you do not really feel hunger. When you do eat when wearing one, you get full after like 3 bites. This leads to rapid weight loss. So rapid that it is UNHEALTHY. The corset is just something I use to immobilize my spine. I did once accidentally lose weight when I wore it too often (I had injured my back so badly that I had to wear the thing everyday all day for a month). So dont worry. Im on a sensible diet where I eat mini meals every couple hours. People hear corset and freak out. I just dont like the way medical back braces look. You can tell they were designed by a man because if a woman made them, they wouldnt be so ugly.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    New workout clothes

    Orrrrrrr 2 mo' spoons of peanut butter. Hehe