Please tell me if i finally got this right

Yesterday I explained I was eating 1200 calories a day, exercising about 600 calories away per day(not eating them back) and no weight loss. The common census was to increase my daily intake. I went on scoobyworkshop and did the tdee calculator. It said my tdee was 2165 and my bmr is 1397 sooo I reset my MFP daily goal to 1624,(25% reduction) and will not add back any exercise calories. Please tell me if I finally got this right?


  • LittleMissLisa
    Sounds right to me, but then again these things often confuse me.
  • syntaxxor
    syntaxxor Posts: 86
    Honestly, I would suggest you expirement on your own and find out what works for you; not what "everyone says". Everyone isn't you. The stall could've been for anything, maybe your diet has too much sodium and you've been retaining water, who knows.

    Your math for what you seem to want to do appears correct though.
  • amytaylorwilliamdrake
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    As long as you eat anywhere between your BMR and your TDEE you should steadily lose weight. Just look at them as your low/high limits and strive to eat in between them. When you're at goal weight, eat around your TDEE, for life. If your activity level changes, then adjust your TDEE with it.

    Very simple concept once you understand it.

    I personally eat at around TDEE for my goal weight, but the math comes out to about the same since my current TDEE is around 2500 and my goal weight TDEE is around 2300.

    I just know that I can go up to 2500/day or 17500/week and not gain. That's all I need to know, really.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Depends how much you burn while exercising. I wouldn't net below 1200 in any case.