Overweight Mom--350 lbs I need help

Thanks for reading this! I joined MFP a while back but I didn't really understand it but now I am quite interested in learning about it because I want to lose weight. I have been over weight since I was in my early twenties and I'm now 42 years old. It's time to lose weight. I bought a treadmill this year but I have no clue how many minutes I should be walking every day. As of this week, I have started walking 30 minutes everyday. I was walking 10 minutes to 20 minutes a couple times a week but not anymore. I am challenging myself to walk a mile on my treadmill each day. Do you think I'll lose weight?
I've also tried changing my eating habits. I now eat salad (no tomatoes though). I have cut out soda completely, I don't drink or smoke. I am a very picky eater. I love fried foods.....I'm from Louisiana and we fry anything. I have stopped cooking fried foods though. I've even stopped eating so much red meat. My husband and I are eating a lot more chicken dishes. Should I stay away from pork dishes though? I have no idea what I'm doing, as you can probably tell. Any help would be appreciated.


  • beautifulmess87
    beautifulmess87 Posts: 41 Member
    Trying to stay away from over processed food filled with sugar is a good place to start. I myself dont believe that there are any bad foods and allow myself to eat anythign that i want. the key is to do so in moderation. a lot of us dont know how many calories we are actually intaking until we start logging.
    Im not a nutritionist or anything, i just know counting the calories and watching your macros works!
    excersise of any form is a good place to start!
    feel free to add me :)
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Why no tomatoes?
  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    Any movement is better than no movement at all. I think that you are doing great right now. I eat chicken regularly. I also eat pork regularly, however, I only buy lean pork. Pork Tenderloin and the boneless loin chops is what I usually eat. You can eat whatever you want, in moderation. I bake everything.

    I think you will find that what you are doing is working. Just keep at it. :)
  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    Hello! I also count calories and try eating healthier. I eat alot of raw veggies and mostly grilled chicken and fish. I just started MFP in January and need to lose about 100 lbs. please feel free to add me.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Just remember that any change you make needs to be one you can stick to for life, otherwise it's very hard to stick with. I still have the 'bad' foods, just less of them. You don't have to eat things you don't enjoy, but it is good to try new things. A food scale is a great investment, along with measuring utensils. Good luck!
  • suumoner
    suumoner Posts: 17 Member
    Sounds like you're doing things in the right way. I feel that with the exercise and good eating it just needs to be done in moderation. Feel free to add me as a friend for support.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    You didn't say anything about logging your calories to see how much you are eating, so I recommend that you do that. Exercise is very important, but as far as weight loss goes - it comes down to calories. Diet is 80% of the equation. You can use the MFP settings for your first calorie goal or go over to fat2fitradio.com and use their calculators to personalize your goals.

    Welcome. I was about to say good luck, but it isn't about luck, it's about effort and persistence.
  • XXbrendaXX
    XXbrendaXX Posts: 169
    Hi Tarra. I am 43 yrs old and started 8 mo. ago at 320 lbs. Today I weigh 218. It can be done! Counting calories using this site has really worked for me. You can do this!! :smile:
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I am living proof that you do not need to give up the things you love in order to lose weight. I am also living proof that you do not need to eat salad in order to lose weight. In the past year I have probably had 4 salads, I am not a salad lover at all, but they are safe bet if you have to eat out.

    You can eat the things you love, you just eat less and make them differently. Instead of going out for nachos I make my own, same goes for pizza, french fries etc.

    Having said that you must allow yourself treats and eating out, otherwise you will tend to fall of your path.
    As for exercise, start slow and work your way up, if you start off trying to do a mile and it is too much you are setting yourself up to fail. I started walking and little by little increased it, your body will tell you when you need to move more.

    And last, willpower it what you really need, if you have that you can do this.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Good start. In terms of the treadmill---you can walk slowly until you are used doing it. Then gradually up your speed and tilt. If you increase your time on the treadmill just by 5 minutes a couple days a week you will see a difference. Also pool walking [wear a water vest and "walk" in the deep water] is a very good, low-impact exercise.

    Good luck!
  • phy40
    phy40 Posts: 260 Member
    First of all, you ARE NOT along! Everyone on this site is here for some reason. I suggest you workout or walk at least 30 minutes a day. When, I first started this journey, I would workout for 15 minutes twice a day. Evenually, you will have energy to do more. Hungry Girl is a good book for recipes. Keep logging, this will provide motivation and ideas for your weight journey. Best wishes!
  • Dulcefresh
    Dulcefresh Posts: 55 Member
    In the beginning of my weight loss journey. I cut all sugar out , no red meat... only fish and chicken ... mostly everything broiled, boiled, baked or grilled... I did that because I want to make sure that the cravings would go away. Before hubby and I would eat out all the time ontop of eating cakes , fried foods, lots of soda to the point where i would get a uti from not drinking water... now after almost 3 months. we have red meat everyonce in awhile and treats in moderation.... I started by walking then as the my body was stronger i was exercising more. Feel free to add me anyone...
  • kentermom4
    I just started too ! I started by getting rid of some of the junk and replacing it with healthy choices over several months. Exercise the same thing-started slowly and added more as I felt better. It is hard but it is worth it. Putting my food on this site every day really helps put things in perspective. You can add me if you like. I have good days and bad days and I journal every day to stop the emotional eating. Everything in moderation !!
  • Fat2wannabFit
    First of all I am not a fitness expert. I just started MFP a few days ago, and talking and hearing from others about fitness, its what your body can handle and not over doing it at first. If only starting out with 30 min of your tread mill is fine, you will gradually work your body up to doing more. If you start out hard you will eventually wear yourself out and then may start doing less. Walking is a good cardio, I would start on the treadmill or outside, and set a time for 10 min and see how far you walk and keep track. The next time do another 10 and try to go a little further and just keep working yourself til your comfortable doing a mile or two or even three. It's gonna take time, but if you put your heart and soul into it you will achieve your goals you set. There is a lot of support on this site and you can ask for it anytime. I wish you the best in your success for a new and healthier life. You may add me if you like. Good luck and happy fitness.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    First off it's wonderful you and your husband are making this commitment together. I would encourage y'all to include your children in your healthier choices as well.

    I'm with the "everything in moderation" camp when it comes to food. Other than sodas which I've stopped drinking completely, I eat everything, good/bad/ugly, but just watch the portion sizes through weighing, measuring and counting. If I don't have enough calories for a bowl of icecream, I'll have a couple cookies instead. I have a huge sweet tooth. I do stay away from 'trigger" foods and foods that I know are difficult for me to eat just a serving of - oh Krispy Kreme how I miss you.

    Here's a great thread with lots of explaination and resources to help calculate what you should be eating calorie wise: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937712-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0 It's been very helpful.

    As for exercise - do what you can, push yourself, but not so much that you seriously hurt yourself. I encourage you to look into weight training as well. Cardio is great for heart heath and burning calories, but weight training will help you maintain lean muscle mass while you're losing weight. Body weight exercises (situps, pushups, lunges, squats, planks) are a very easy at home way to include strength training into your day. I've even heard of folks creating a "commercial game". Each time a different type of commercial comes on TV, they do a certain exercise for the length of the commercial.

    Lastly, while numbers on the scale are a way to track weight loss progress, sometimes our body does some wild and crazy things and the scale can be wacky. Use the scale as a tool but incorporate pictures, measurements, how your clothes feel & look on you. I've had several weeks where the scale either went up, didn't move, or barely moved, but my clothes fit better or looser than the week or two before.

    I wish you the best on this journey!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Thanks for reading this! I joined MFP a while back but I didn't really understand it but now I am quite interested in learning about it because I want to lose weight. I have been over weight since I was in my early twenties and I'm now 42 years old. It's time to lose weight. I bought a treadmill this year but I have no clue how many minutes I should be walking every day. As of this week, I have started walking 30 minutes everyday. I was walking 10 minutes to 20 minutes a couple times a week but not anymore. I am challenging myself to walk a mile on my treadmill each day. Do you think I'll lose weight?
    I've also tried changing my eating habits. I now eat salad (no tomatoes though). I have cut out soda completely, I don't drink or smoke. I am a very picky eater. I love fried foods.....I'm from Louisiana and we fry anything. I have stopped cooking fried foods though. I've even stopped eating so much red meat. My husband and I are eating a lot more chicken dishes. Should I stay away from pork dishes though? I have no idea what I'm doing, as you can probably tell. Any help would be appreciated.

    Wow... alot of questions in this post. I'll try and hit them all-

    I bought a treadmill this year but I have no clue how many minutes I should be walking every day. As of this week, I have started walking 30 minutes everyday. I was walking 10 minutes to 20 minutes a couple times a week but not anymore. I am challenging myself to walk a mile on my treadmill each day. Do you think I'll lose weight?

    By walking only? No. Probably not. Studies have shown that you cannot out-exercise a poor diet. Assuming you are hitting your calorie goal consistently i would walk as much as i see fit.

    I've also tried changing my eating habits. I now eat salad (no tomatoes though). I have cut out soda completely, I don't drink or smoke. I am a very picky eater. I love fried foods.....I'm from Louisiana and we fry anything. I have stopped cooking fried foods though. I've even stopped eating so much red meat. My husband and I are eating a lot more chicken dishes. Should I stay away from pork dishes though?

    This makes no difference. You like fried foods? Good, eat them. So long as you fit them in your calorie goal (and by that i mean you will eventually learn that you can have a few peices of fried chicken or an entire meal for the same calories). Make small changes.

    Essentially the most important thing is to make sure you are hitting your calorie goal. Period. Consistently. You can fill it with a small amount of fried foods and go hungry, or you can fill it with lower calorie veggies, fruits, lean meats and be full. Your choice. :) Seriously.

    I think you may be overthinking things here initially. Focus on your calories and then once you get that down, focus on the nutrition. :)
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    I was at 354 at my highest. I understand the struggle, but I've lost the weight before and am now doing it again. Feel free to add me anyone
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    Like some of the above posters have said, everything in moderation. Don't completely cut out things you love or you'll be more likely to rebound. And just take it one pound at a time. Believe me. If I would have started out saying "I need to lose 270 pounds" I would have given up after the first 10. I never looked at the mountain ahead. I only looked at where I was at the moment.
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    i need to lose 170lbs myself please add me we can support each other
  • munsterisque
    I think the #1 factor in successful weight loss, is consistency.

    So even if you have to cut back the hours of exercise, it's better to just get out there and do it.

    For example, 10 minutes of walking everyday for a year, is much better then an aerobics program, that you drop in 3 monthes.
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