Help with figuring out my tdee

Can anyone help me out. I've been eating roughly 1300 calls a day for 3 months and have lost over a stone but I keep reading that if I up it and go by my tdee I will still loose weight, I'm totally confused. I found a tdee calculator and it told me I burn 2280 a day so how many should I be eating when I'm moderately active each day and excersise 4 days a week.

And what percentage of that should be carbs, protein and fat?


  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    Check out

    Gives you all the info you need :smile:
  • chaaalgeo
    chaaalgeo Posts: 70
    use the scoobys calculator i am losing about 1lb a week eating 20%
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    If what you've been doing has worked, and you've lost weight (a stone in 3 months is great, congrats! ) then you shouldn't change. The tdee and bmr calculators online are all estimates, the best way to figure out what works for your body is through trying it. You've created a calorie deficit and lost weight so far, and if you increase your calorie intake you'll reduce that deficit. Stick with what is working for you!
  • PoshDinosaur
    PoshDinosaur Posts: 49 Member
    I've been relying on FitnessFrog so far -

    The theory runs that 1lb of body fat has 3,500 calories in it. If you eat under your TDEE by 500 a day, that's 3,500 weekly and you'll lose a pound of fat. If you eat 1,000 under, that's 7,000 weekly, so 2 pounds. Bear in mind this is only talking about total intake, not net so you don't subtract calories.

    As for your macronutrients - fat, protein, carbs - that really depends on your activity level and other goals. Generally, the more sedentary lifestyles should steer clear of carbs (relying on protein and vegetables) and the more active you get, the more carbs begin to be necessary. There's no one answer here, so it makes it difficult without knowing what you're aiming to do :)
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Can anyone help me out. I've been eating roughly 1300 calls a day for 3 months and have lost over a stone but I keep reading that if I up it and go by my tdee I will still loose weight, I'm totally confused. I found a tdee calculator and it told me I burn 2280 a day so how many should I be eating when I'm moderately active each day and excersise 4 days a week.

    And what percentage of that should be carbs, protein and fat?

    Your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is an estimate of the calories it takes to maintain your current weight. It already includes your projected activities and exercise. If you want to lose a pound a week, and the numbers change as you lose weight, you need to cut 500 calories a day on average. So you could theoretically eat 1780 calories a day and you would lose that one pound a week. Remember that a TDEE calculator is just an estimate. You need to try it and see what happens. It is fairly accurate for many people, but not for everyone. It is a good starting point.

    You've come here you could also just use this program and follow what they suggest. I personally recommend much more protein than MFP recommends. At least 1g of protein per pound of LBM at a minimum. I eat 1.1 grams per pound of body weight. 1 to 1.2 gram per pound of body weight is often recommended for people looking to gain muscle and some recommend it for everyone.

    .3 to .5 grams per pound of LBM for fats.

    Remainder in carbs.

    SO 150 pound person that is 25% BF.

    100 to 150 grams of protein. (protein is about 4 calories per gram)

    50 to 75 grams of fats (fats are about 9 calories per gram)

    All remaining calories as carbs. (carbs are about 4 calories per gram)

    That is a very basic plan. Not recommended for everyone and can be very difficult do do for many people. I'd suggest seeing a doctor/nutritionist about any plan you want to start. That's just my opinion, I'm not a doctor.
  • Thanks for all the replys think ill up my cals by 100 and see how it goes and also my protein :)
  • lvtruu1
    Thank i sort of figured out if i eat 1500 cal a day take 30% protein (113) 40%
    carbs and 30%(50) fats
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Thank i sort of figured out if i eat 1500 cal a day take 30% protein (113) 40%
    carbs and 30%(50) fats

    Sounds fine. Protein and Fats are far more filling for most people. if you struggle, you may want to lower the carbs and increase the other two.

    I eat

    31% protein 200g or so.
    25.5 % fats 74g but should be at 82, I eat to "clean"
    46 % carbs Remainder. (I don't care how many really. Just get the first two right)

    The macros (protein, fats, carbs) are what is important. You shouldn't rely on a percentage. As your weight changes you don't want to keep the same percentages. If you eat 1g per pound of weight at 150 pounds you should eat 1g per pound of weight at 140 or 160. Telling someone a percentage to eat to a % is a mistake. Its good for generalizing but each person's needs and weight will lead to different amounts.

    I'm not a carb hater. Lower carbs are a function of protein and fats being far more important. I had vastly lower protein levels in the past and it very likely didn't help me retain LBM or in gaining muscle.

    When I was cutting calories I ate a lot less carbs. Not keto, but protein and fats are far more important.