Hard to stay motivated in a world FULL of numbers!

keliduggan Posts: 19 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
So I think I may have this yo yo weight loss/gain under control now thanks to some of your amazing advice & support thanks!!

My next obsticle is more mental, who's with me on this???:

I cant help but google, research, seek ect information on what the proper height/weight ratio is for someone of my stature (5'7"). Some charts say 120-145 some say 135-155, some say if Im even remotely over 140 im overweight blah blah blah.

I know realistically I shouldnt even bother looking at this information on the web and I really shouldn't bother weighing myself religiously, but in some aspects its fun to see the weight loss happen on a weekly basis...in a sense it's very motivating. But when I see information that counteracts my brief moment of happiness, I instantly lose motivation.

Im EXTREMELY athletic, ran over 20 full marathons. Conquered a semi ulta 70miler and in training to do another 100 miler for chairty.
Im 5'7', 154lbs... size 1 or 3 pants depending on company.

Is 154 "overweight" or "severly" overweight for my height???
Any trainers, nutritionists, ect care to lend their opinion before the what seems to be different info from chart to chart is super confusing.


  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Im 5'7', 154lbs... size 1 or 3 pants depending on company.

    Wow... I'm 5'7" 156 lbs and I'm a size 8 or 10! My goal weight is 135. I got down to 140 last summer, and was happy.
  • Kimd1972
    Kimd1972 Posts: 45
    I totally understand what you are going through :sad: . I am extremely atheletic as well, I am actually an internationally certified aerobics instructor! However, by those charts you mentioned, I am MORBIDLY obese. So, I do not go by them. My doctor and I determined what my ideal goal weight shoud be!!! That's what I go by, STRICTLY!!!

    So, smile and walk away from the charts :laugh: ! Talk to your physician and come up with an ideal weight for you. However, if you have a doctor that strictly go by charts ~ then at least you will have ONE not many to go by!

    Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Those "average weight" charts based on BMI should have a label or disclaimer that says they are not accurate for athletic and very muscular people. Going solely off the BMI chart, athletes would be considered overweight. I'd say to completely ignore what the charts are telling you and go by body fat percentage and just how you look. The average weight range is just that... average. Being an athlete like you are is outside the average range and those charts don't really offer any useful information.
  • keliduggan
    keliduggan Posts: 19 Member
    kelynn- totally. I have a friend thats about the same height and weight, but that lady has hips and a butt.
    Im 100% swedish therefore I wasnt blessed with hips nor a curvy butt:( I have a very boyish figure. Pretty slender all around... small waist, no hips, no butt.

    ID KILL TO BE A SIZE 8!!!!!!! Would love to have those curves
  • keliduggan
    keliduggan Posts: 19 Member
    Kimberly! thanks for the advice, I will definitely do that:) PS LLOOVVEE you hair!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    If you're a size 1 or 3, honey you are not anywhere NEAR overweight!!!!

    Maybe the reason you can't lose very much is because it is mostly muscle and you don't really want to lose too much of that!
  • amg5157
    amg5157 Posts: 52
    I try really hard not to pay attn to the lbs on the scale ... I too am 5'7"ish and when i was 127 i was wearing a size 0 and it was loose...at 146 i was back in my 4 or 6 cloths.... Im going more with inches and BF% these days but I know what you mean about those stupid online "ideal bodyweight" charts.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    If you're a size 1 or 3, honey you are not anywhere NEAR overweight!!!!

    Maybe the reason you can't lose very much is because it is mostly muscle and you don't really want to lose too much of that!
    Agreed. I'm 5'9" and am 144, but I don't have near the muscle I want, and still some fat. So at this point, it's not the scale you should worry about but body fat % because at that height/weight and being a size 1/3 there's no way you're overweight by any means.
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    I am 5'7" and the ideal weight according to American diabetes and Mayo clinic is: 128 - 150. I am striving for 135 - 145. Good luck!
  • No! I'm 5'7" 140 pounds, use to be 150. You're not. Trust me.
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    I work with someone who is 5'8" and is currently 154 (she's lost 6 lbs lately) and she plays hockey regularly, does cross fit workouts and is training for a tri. If she is overweight - bring it on - I'd love to be overweight like her!! Seriously, you have to have a goal in mind what is right for YOU and maybe talk to your doc next to you go for your physical and stop googling it'll drive you nuts
  • Kimd1972
    Kimd1972 Posts: 45
    Kimberly! thanks for the advice, I will definitely do that:) PS LLOOVVEE you hair!

    :happy: Thanks!!! and you are very welcomed!!!
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