What do you guys think about Weight Watchers?



  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    It wouldnt hurt to try it. The old program I lost 70lbs. The new program I can't lose an ounce so personally I don't like it.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I lost weight on WW and worked for them --- IMO, don't. Just don't. They are overly focused on the BMI, with very little focus on providing facts and accurate acknowledge about nutrition.

    Their focus is to make money (ie keep you from your goals because then it's free). Use a free site and don't fool yourself into thinking fruit doesn't have calories.

    I remember one of our leaders saying she had 3 bananas that day, I was like "Ummm that's like 300 calories??? How the hell does this equate to 0 points?"
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Once I learned the program I did it on my own for free for a couple yrs. It helped a bit and I did lose about 20 lbs on it. But honestly the most success I've had for over all weight loss & fitness is here on MFP alone. I love it so much better than any program I've tried in the past.
    I personally think it's all about commitment. WW or MFP, if you don't dedicate yourself and stay committed for the long run, you won't have the success you are looking for.
  • sszbarber
    sszbarber Posts: 45 Member
    I thought the expense was NOT worth it for me when I could do basically the same thing and get support through MFP......Another less expensive option is TOPS....take of pounds sensibly....weekly weigh ins, support group and cost is minimal. 34 for a year and 50 cents a week. I guess it all boils down to what you want to get out of joining the group? The accountability, the support, the program........there is pros and cons to everything. Make a list and decide if it is worth the expense. To me with many children and not a lot of money it is not, but to others it is. Best of Luck!
  • sszbarber
    sszbarber Posts: 45 Member
    Great thoughts!
  • blaaaaah
    blaaaaah Posts: 11
    I find Weight Watchers & all related things to just be terrible. While it may help lose weight, it's a calorie restriction diet which essentially depletes your muscle mass & that's why you experience a weight loss. If you do it for long enough, you'll also reach a plateau. They simply aren't effective in the long term - you get a large spike of weight loss followed by a plateau & slowly gaining it back (sometimes plus interest).
    It's the same with if you ever stop doing Weight Watchers.

    If you really feel the need/want to do it, then go ahead. But just know that it isn't really the healthiest way to lose weight, despite the way they market it. It's also interesting to note that all these companies - Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig etc - are owned by a larger company and often they are the companies who produce chocolate bars & other high calorie, not-so-good-for-you products.

    TL;DR - I guess what I'm trying to say is it presents a false sense of healthiness. If that makes sense.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    I love Weight Watchers. It's the only program where I lost weight and kept it off. I don't know why I do this to myself but I always reach goal, stop WW thinking I can do it on my own and then gain up to 20lbs and then start again:( I had no problem counting points. You get so used to it. I wanted to try something different this time so I am trying to count calories. I'm giving counting calories until June and I have yet to lose weight but I have not been counting calories religously like I should so I only have myself to blame. I've been doing good so we'll see but I can see myself going back to WW.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I've belonged to Weight Watchers several times since the 1970s and each time I learned more about eating right and lost weight that stayed off for several years. I'd recommend Weight Watchers to anyone starting out who doesn't know much about healthy eating and portion control. Yes, everything you do with Weight Watchers you can do here but the going through a set of weekly meetings (you'll know when they start getting repetitive) you will learn a great deal.

    The Weight Watchers points systems rewards eating healthy food and reminds you that you have to pay for unhealthy, weight-gain-inducing foods. So, for example, you might be able to eat unlimited amounts of green beans for zero or very few points, but eat bread, French fries, etc., and the points will add up fast.

    So, I'm not going to Weight Watchers now because I don't need it but I wouldn't have missed those times I did it for anything. It really taught me the basics.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    I've done WW, Jenny Craig and TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) - I had the best luck with TOPS for some reason. All the programs held you accountable at the weekly weigh in. I would have to say that you generally get out what you put in. I had a much better sense of community with TOPS. WW was OK but I never got to know people in my group. Jenny Craig was like being an Army of One - I only really talked with my "counselor".
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    I've done Weight watchers (I reached goal and lifetime status) and Medifast (baby vomit). Weight Watchers is expensive over time and you get dependent on the system. When I found MFP It was like a whole new world to me. And I had that WW motivation ON MY PHONE!! I can't post a status like "OMG Work making me go out to mexican for lunch! What can I eat" And my friends give me advice before we hit the restaurant. It's a built in support system!

    I also found the WW website & mobile apps (I havent used them in about a year) very clunky and most food wasn't in there. MFP works much better and it's FREE!!!

    Im my eyes, WW is a waste of money. It's the same thing as MFP but with smaller numbers.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Weight watchers is counting to 20. Counting calories is counting to 2000. Save the money and count higher. Plus the whole idea of fruits and vegetables being "free" is asinine IMHO. Everything has calories.
  • MontanaStwbrry
    MontanaStwbrry Posts: 34 Member
    WOW there are a few irresponsible replies on here. For $7 per month, I think you don't need anyone's input, especially the negative, because weight watchers may be YOUR life saver and prayer answer, I would not leave it to strangers to limit that decision for you, esp when you're talking about $7, plus the cost of a point calculator.... fairly minimal.

    I have tried every diet under the sun including weight watchers, did it for 3 years learned how to eat healthy, learned how to snack healthy, learned that an evening out and splurging on my calories wouldn't derail all I had done, and yes, if you reach goal weight it's free, how can you knock that? (I only quit because of economic crash and husbands business closing... had to save cash....)
    Sure WW has WW food, but it's there for convenience, not required to follow the plan.

    For ME the meetings were imperative, I had IN PERSON motivation and stories and food tips, this site is great and all, but WW truely is so much more, but instead of taking any strangers word for it, for only $7, I'd say it's worth trying for yourself, what's the worst that can happen? It's not likely you'll GAIN weight. It's a no brainer hot stuff. Do it. =) So you're out $7....
  • Andrea_Alexis_1980
    Andrea_Alexis_1980 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm on weight watchers now and i have lost 40 lbs , I follow it online ( free ) i stay in my points and it works for me , really easy once you get the hang of it. You can eat anything you want no need to buy there food you just have to find out online how many points it is .... Good luck
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I've done WW twice and lost over 40 pounds each time. But I got bored with the meetings and tired of converting stuff to points and quit...only to regain the weight plus more. Now I use the money that used to go to a WW membership for a monthly gym membership, and I have lost more weight more quickly than I ever did on WW (and as a post-menopausal woman I don't exactly see the weight "falling off" - I work for every single pound I lose). I actually found it very stressful to weigh in, and that contributed to my quitting. So for me, MFP and the gym are working. But WW is at least a healthy approach so it's worth a shot if you think it will help.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I generally am not inclined to programs like "weight watchers" "Jenny Craig" "Nutri-system" because of how expensive they could be. I already pay a lot of money for a gym membership. But I just found out today that my employer has a relationship with Weight Watchers and because of that, I'd only have to pay $7 a month for a membership....so now I'm thinking, should I try it being that it's right there and basically, almost free compared to the $200-$300 a month people normally pay for those kinda things.

    Is Weight Watchers really effective? Some opinions on this please :)

    I'd say it's effective but not sustainable. I'm a science girl. Calories in/Calories out is the best long-term way to stay at the weight I want.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I enjoyed WW and earned my lifetime membership, I went steadily to meetings for about 4 years, and I stuck to healthy eating and exercise even after they stopped having the meetings at work...it was easy, I like the weekly meetings with new tips for food and exercise and strategies for surviving office parties, etc...for me the social support was fun and helped to keep me motivated...for $7 a month, you don't have much to lose by trying it...
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    WW rocks. Period.

    I'm Online only, since I have enough motivation already, and only need to be held accountable to myself. The plan itself is so very wonderful. I wasn't hungry on it, and not only have I lost weight, but I feel so much better.

    It's not so much about depriving yourself as it is about making better choices.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh, my mom lost 65 lbs on it as well, and has maintained her loss as long as I have (almost two years).

    My husband began in January and is down 15 lbs.

    I enjoy food so much more these days and love how I am so much healthier all the way around.

    Anybody who knocks it has either never tried it, or was just plain doing it wrong.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Here's my take on weight watchers.

    They encourage you to "eat whatever you want" and just track it. It's not effective.

    I lost 11 pounds, but over a span of 6 MONTHS... I should have lost at least double that in that amount of time. That was with frequent exercise and healthy eating about 70% of the time.

    I think even at the discounted price, it's not worth it. I quit WW and came here and I am losing more weight each week, experiencing less stress with the tracking and food is food, with this many calories. No more calculating points values. It's just stress.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    All these programs work while on them it's when you stop is when the weight comes back on, normally + more than you started with.