HELP! Caffeine Drinkers!

Ok. I like most of the world am addicted to coffee! I can't tell if it really helps me or not because or if it is just a mental thing (like a placebo or something) because I am not necessarily wired when I drink it. Most often I am still tired and usually, depending on how strong the coffee is - or how tired I am, I could still fall asleep after drinking a cup.

Anyway, to get to the point. Adding 4 sugar packets to my coffee is 32 calories extra! That's a lot considering my daily calorie goal is 1210! Sometimes I have two cups of coffee and on nights that I study hard, I'll have a total of 3 cups!

Any suggestions on how else I could get energy???? I know people say that they stop drinking coffee and all of a sudden get their natural energy back - or stories like exercising and workout miraculously makes them more energized......

I find this too good to be true - I am always tired. Always....I don't eat terrible, but I don't eat that great either. I've started to taking multivitamins (for a two - three weeks now) and still always tired. I am also a Preschool Assistant Teacher so I am always on my feet moving around....

Anyway, any suggestions would be much appreciated....

: )


  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    A trick that has worked for me in the past was to stop adding sugar/cream to my coffee and I stopped drinking as much.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my coffee...but I'll have (at most) two cups per day --- and there is always one day a week where I have no caffeine, and there is usually one day a week where I have three cups. BUT most of my energy is natural energy these days. I have weeks where I'll switch to decaf coffee only. And right now I'm on a kick where I'm working out/running in the morning (or afternoon, since I'm working night shift) before I have coffee and that really gets me going. I also tend to drink less coffee when I've worked out or run.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    Use less sugar. I have been using half a teaspoon per mug for 15 years. Work it down slowly by reducing the amount of sugar and getting used to the taste. Then reducing again. Half a teaspoon is not much, it just takes away that bitter bite. If I run out of sugar, I can drink a sugarless cup no sweat.
  • oklahomapoet
    oklahomapoet Posts: 5 Member
    Try honey instead of sugar. It still sweetens the coffee and is better for you. If you get regional honey is also will help with allergies.
  • Kekob97
    Kekob97 Posts: 4 Member
    I like my coffee with tons of sugar, but I started drinking it black about two weeks ago. It takes some getting use to but it gives me the boost of energy I need without the extra calories.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    i swapped coffee for greentea! which i know isnt the same but now i dont touch coffee at all and greentea does has caffeine so its not so bad!

    i also have a sugar free v ( energy) at about 4.30 on days Im going to the gym with a afternoon snack of fruit to give me some energy.

    not the best for you...but it keeps me from going crazy :)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I tried black coffee with splenda. No good.

    Now, I use caffeine pills. No joke. I get these 200 mg caffeine pills and every morning split one in half and take it with breakfast.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I tried black coffee with splenda. No good.

    Now, I use caffeine pills. No joke. I get these 200 mg caffeine pills and every morning split one in half and take it with breakfast.

    no doz? also if you can find some glucose tablets can be good for a energy boost!
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    Oh my gosh I was the saaaammmmmeeeee way!! I was teaching 7th grade (yeah I know eek) and I would drink coffee all day just to get by and with added creamer and sugar!!! I used splenda for a long time but always feared the ick from fake sugars. I now add raw stevia to my coffee and I have found a fat free half and half at walmart. I put about a 1/4 cup into my one cup of coffee a day and the stevia and the total for my one cup is 40cals!!! No creamer will be NO CALS! Stevia takes about 2-3 times using it to get used to, but if you limit your other sugar intake you won't even notice it. I actually prefer the stevia to the sugar because you don't get a sugar crash on top of the coffee crash. I have been able to slowly over the past year get myself down to one cup (two on a bad day) and I don't feel as run down. I do "need" that cup in the morning because of my caffeine addiction, but I can get a fix off one cup a day and my cals stay down. May be something to try! GOOD LUCK!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good topic...ima go fix my 4th big *kitten* cup of coffee of the day. nothing like a little coffee before bed...decaff this time!
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    I pour a cup of black coffee and throw in a packet of fat free hot chocolate mix. The chocolate also contains caffeine. The fat free hot chocolate adds 15 to 25 calories, depending on the brand you buy. It keeps me happy!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I tried black coffee with splenda. No good.

    Now, I use caffeine pills. No joke. I get these 200 mg caffeine pills and every morning split one in half and take it with breakfast.

    no doz? also if you can find some glucose tablets can be good for a energy boost!

    Jet Alert. Same as No Doz, but cheaper. :laugh:
  • OLeoLionessO
    I work at starbucks where coffee is all around me. I like taking shots of espresso. i like coffee with a lot of cream and to get my energy kick i really only need like 5-7 shots of espresso to stay awake for awhile and get a boost. Just drink them real fast! only 5 calories each. drink it down with water or something healthy
  • happydispatcher
    happydispatcher Posts: 56 Member
    I too use stevia in my coffee and I buy the Darigold creamer that is real cream and very low fat. I found that I can use 1/2 tbsp per cup so if I have 2 cups it is 1 serving. I work shift work and have a 5 year old so I rely on coffee!
  • mrs727remedy
    mrs727remedy Posts: 25 Member
    I drink sugar free redbull (8.4oz) is 10 calories
  • jessvaughn74
    jessvaughn74 Posts: 164 Member
    I use splenda and fat free half and half. I know I have been lectured on my use of artificial sweeteners. I have give up cheesy mexican food, peanut m&m's, red vine licorice and many other things...believe me the people around me DO NOT want me to give up my coffee..sooooo the splenda
  • pterradactyl
    I actually just gave up caffeine about a week ago--I was tired of getting moody and having headaches anytime I forgot coffee/soda/energy drinks for a day. The first few days were really terrible, I was pretty sick for most of it and then the headaches were lovely. After about the fourth day though I felt pretty good, and now I'm feeling pretty okay without any help. :]

    If you wanna keep caffeine but skip the coffee, caffeine pills are pretty good. You can even find off brands at grocery stores that work pretty good. Also, B vitamins can be helpful with energy.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    More caffeine you consume the more tired it will make you. It's the way it works. I don't get a pick up from it either. In fact I can have it just before bed & still sleep perfectly well.

    Try Vitamin B.

    Better still..... go for a walk. It will help you get that boost as well.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    I add a little 1% milk and extract (peppermint, raspberry, etc) to mine. Peppermint is my favorite - delicious. Taste okay w/o the milk too.
  • samerzz16
    samerzz16 Posts: 102
    try to cut down your coffee intake to maximum 2 cups a day. The reason why you are still tired is because you are becoming tolerant to the caffeine. Also if you want to lower down your calorie intake with sugar, you should try the truvia/sugar baking mix. I started using that and it still taste great with only 1/4th of the calories.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    First of all, 39 calories is nothing, just vacuum-clean the living room once more and they're gone. It's easy to get used to coffee without sugar. Try it for a week, and you'll never go back to anything else but drinking your coffee black.