Food Peer Pressure

Tonight two of my friends and I went to a soccer game and stopped at McDonald's afterwards. I told one of my friends that I wasn't going to get anything because I had some fresh bread I had bought from a bakery waiting for me at home. Besides that, I honestly didn't want to spend the money and I didn't really want anything from McDonald's.
She responded by sort of freaking out and saying "Why?! Bread is bad for you, too. Just get something."
She was very rude about it and I felt like she was judging me, so I ordered a strawberry sundae, a veggie wrap, and a diet coke. Luckily the restaurant was closing so we had to take the food to go and I am saving the wrap for lunch tomorrow and will burn off the extra from the sundae in my workout tonight.
It's strange because earlier that day I had just been telling her that my pants were getting looser, and I have been telling her about my workouts recently...for some reason I feel like maybe she doesn't want me to get healthy.
Has anyone else got this sort of "food peer pressure?"


  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    i think ur over analyzing the situation.. she just wanted you to enjoy something with her, and you did instead of sticking to your guns. should have just said u werent hungry or ask if shes buying.

    "hey were gonna go to mcdonalds sound good?"

    'yeh ok you buying?"


    "well im not really that hungry il just eat later"
  • ellygolightly
    All the time. Even in the smallest of ways, whether it's my boyfriend putting extra food on my plate that I feel I have to eat, or someone saying I'm being "BORING" because I won't drink alcohol or eat entrees. It's quite annoying really. I don't judge anyone else for what they eat or drink, why do they feel like they can?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Next time just get the diet coke.... but I totally understand. I hate when my kid refuses to eat something because I said I don't want anything - hellllloooo - just because I don't want 500 calories of ice cream doesn't mean he can't have some. Then I end up eating something out of guilt to get him to eat. (he's 16 - he's not actually going to starve to death or anything - it's clearly just my own issues)
  • iheartpolkadots
    This happens to me all the time, usually by people who talk about how they want to lose weight all the time yet don't make any lifestyle changes. Eventually you just have to learn to stick to your guns. Realistically (and hopefully) that person would have remained your friend if you didn't get something from Mcdonalds, make sure to remind yourself this next time this happens!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    i think ur over analyzing the situation..

    I don't think so tbh. I've got a very overweight colleague (I won't be wrong to say she's obese). When we go out to lunch, sometimes macdonalds and she orders a hamburgers, chips etc, I order a chicken salad. She tries so hard to make me change my order to also get her 'rubbish' but I put my foot down and say I want the chicken salad. And when we are eating, she'll go on and on and on about how I should have got the burger etc :grumble:
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    This is where you repeat yourself, calmly and firmly. If she continues to argue with you, maybe she's not the type of friend you want.
  • djmp92
    djmp92 Posts: 3 Member
    Uhhh happened to me all the time. If you must just get the diet coke, or maybe a wrap. It's easily possible to eat low calorie at fast food joints if you're mindful of it..
  • Icanhazsugarnow
    There's nothing wrong with eating a burger every now and then. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I'm eating just at 1,200 calories a day and I still have room to add half a burger in there. Half a WHOPPER to be precise. And I'm still losing weight. I just lay off the sodas.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eating a burger every now and then. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I'm eating just at 1,200 calories a day and I still have room to add half a burger in there. Half a WHOPPER to be precise. And I'm still losing weight. I just lay off the sodas.

    You're right, burgers can fit into a weight loss plan. However, the point is, the OP didn't want to spend money at McDs and had something else waiting for her at home.
  • Icanhazsugarnow
    In that case... if she just wants to hang out and you don't mind, just invite her back to your place for some bread.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    I just posted this in a similar thread:

    "Be as rude as possible.


    When people tell me "one won't kill you" (usually while shoving 10 into their mouth), I tell them that yes it will, it will clog my arteries and give me a heart attack, and the same will probably happen to them. Go with "I have enough self-restraint not to die young over a cookie, unlike SOME people." It's obviously not true and really mean, but trust me, that will be the LAST time they push food on you."

    It's hard because she's your friend, but really try to evaluate the friendship. Women can get really manipulative if they feel threatened or jealous, and your weight loss might be intimidating her. If you think she can support you then sit her down (NOT at mealtime) and tell her that you need her help to stay on track. If she's not supportive, kick her to the curb. She will be more of a hindrance than a help to your weight loss journey. Don't forget, this is your health you're talking about.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Think we all know someone who will deliberately or inadvertently try to sabotage weight loss.
    My husband loves to cook but if I ask him to use less oil etc he'll say 'yeah ok' then still put it in so I watch him like a hawk lol
    A friend at work keeps complimenting me on how well I'm doing and how much she'd love to lose weight, then spends the days I'm at her office trying to get me to snack or go out for big lunches. I don't think she's jealous, just I remind her that after 2yrs paying WW Online she has actually gained because she hasn't reached the point where she WANTS to lose the weight - she'll reach that point one day but until then I stand firm!
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    Women are notoriously competitive with weight loss . She's intimidated by your self-control. You have the upper hand, don't let her manipulate you.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Luckily none of my friends/family are like this, they all accept that I like to eat healthily. I've got friends who I meet for coffee, and they might get a slice of cake, and when I don't, they don't say anything. I guess because most of my friends are slim and don't feel any guilt for eating!

    If anyone did say anything, i'd stick to my healthy food anyway. I certainly wouldn't order a Mcdonalds just to make someone else feel better about themselves. I'd probably just have bought a diet coke or a coffee.