Something needs to be done.. Motivation needed!

Hi, my names Rachael. 23 from uk.
Currently about 10 and a half stone at a short 5ft 1. Seems my weight has slowly creeped up in the past 3 years since getting
In a serious relationship. 3 years ago I was a very healthy size 8/10 and in a fresh new relationship. Very frequent nights out for meals and takeaways at home have taken its toll. Now a size 12/14 weighing about 10 and a half stone it has finally hit me. Starting from the first of the month a serious health kick is needed. It's gotten to the point were I can't take photographs I have getting dressed and would rather lounge in pjs. I work as a chef and am constantly surrounded by food. Because of this I hate to spend a lot of time in the kitchen after work. Hence the vast amount if takeaways ect., my partner can eat as he likes and still looks great. Which makes it difficult for me. I've started logging a normal days eating until the 1st to hopefully see the difference. Hoping to find some new friends for confidence and motivation :) x


  • hiiamamie
    hiiamamie Posts: 32 Member
    Well - welcome to MFP!!! When you are ready to accept that you need to do this for you, with or without the support of your mate - you will be ready! I've been with my husband for 10 yrs now. We are finally at the point that he knows I will no longer eat unhealthy food and on his nights to cook - he'll actually cook 2 seperate meals some days!!! That is huge! Now I just hope our 3 yr old will follow my thinking.

    My husband eats very unhealthy and his body, attitute, emotions, health and us all suffer due to this. I will be a positive example and hopefully pull him into my way of thinking before it's too late. I'm very overweight after an injury and child birth, I came back to this site about a 1week ago and love it!!! I told my hubby last night - please do not make popcorn tonight - I can't eat anything else and popcorn is way to hard to resist - he didn't :) I made easter eggs with my daughter - she ate 2 - I just helped her.

    I also joined a biggest looser group at work - 13 of us in for $25 each - so there is money, a weekly weigh in, and support from friends now also!! Best wishes!! I'm here for you! (also started to take a B complex stress vit - seems to help me get some energy back)

    It's time we walk the talk - you are a chef - you know how to be healthy. I grew up with a health nut as Dad! I know also. It took me a while, I'm 34 and finially said this time I'm making a life change. 2013 is the year of Me!!! I started making small changes untill I was 100% ready to committ! I'm here and ready - can't wait to see how my life changes.
  • rlouise100
    Thank you!
    Sounds like your husband is really supporting you :).
    I know deep down that my partner will do the same, although he constantly tells me there's nothing wrong with how I look.

    You sound like you have really great will power! (I would have eaten the popcorn)
    This is how I know I need a change, I will pick at everything weather I'm hungry or not. Working in a kitchen all day makes this easier to do.

    I've recently gave up bread for lent and have done great. So I know I do have the will power to do it.

    Life's come to the point now were I know I'm ready, I need to do it.
    Long and split shifts leave me really tired hence why I need motivation, once finishing work my get up and go sees to have got up and gone. Lol

    You seem really determined I can tell just from your last post your strong and a going to do really well!
    Good for you and good luck!