3 days in and up a pound

I can't take this anymore. Everytime I try to get healthy, not works. I know I only started three days ago but I have been staying at or below my 1200 cal and working out everyday and guess what - I go up a pound in three days. I might as well eat whatever I want while sitting on the couch because nothing works for me. I don't want to give up because I want to be healthy but it gets so frustrating. I come on here everyday and read all the success stories, all the advice and try to tell myself that even if the number doesn't move, I am eating healthier and moving my body but it gets so discouraging when the number never moves down


  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    The ticker in your profile indicates that you have 100 pounds to lose. If that's the case, then 1200 calories a day is a huge deficit. You need to be eating back your exercise calories if you're not doing so already. And it's only been three days. It'll happen. Give it some more time.
  • christinefultz
    christinefultz Posts: 21 Member
    Your body will enter starvation mode if you keep eating under 1200 calories AND exercising. I'll bet you need a lot more than that.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Well, there's your problem. You're not eating enough calories. MFP does a terrible job at estimating calories. You should be eating a MINIMUM of 1200 calories a day or your body holds on to stored fat. I can't see your diary, but make sure you're drinking lots of water, keep the sodium down, and eat fairly clean and the pounds will come off. And if you're exercising, be sure to eat back those calories too.

    Also, only weigh yourself once a week. Your body changes so much on a daily basis that it will make you mad if it goes up one day.
  • DinkyDani88
    DinkyDani88 Posts: 22 Member
    Going up a pound when you are working out is probably your muscles retaining water, which is what they do when they are repairing themselves.

    Don't give up, you are never going to succeed if you expect to lose within 3 days! Try weighing yourself weekly, or fortnightly to begin with. I have been in a similiar position when I didn't lose over 3 weeks, I didn't go up but it was frustrating, but I stuck at it and my next weigh in I had lost 1.4lbs!

    Don't give up!!
  • Momma2Beauties405
    Momma2Beauties405 Posts: 32 Member
    I've been there - but don't give up. I have my highs and lows. I am only down 8 pounds in over a year. But my non-scale victories are WAY more obvious. For example, I bought a dress size (and my hubby said "that fits really well!" that I haven't been able to wear since 2004. My measurements are consistently going down. My workout stamina has greatly improved. I could go on and on ...

    Take pictures, take measurements and ignore the actual scale results.

    Keep it up!!!!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Looks like someone didn't read the threads about this.

    It is NORMAL to gain when you first start working out and eating right. Your body is adjusting. Also...if you are following the MFP way you are supposed to EAT BACK your exercise calories. So...if you exercise and burn 300 calories one day, you eat 1500. Always make sure your net is 1200. MFP already sets a deficit for you, all you have to do is eat.

    And as for the weight gain, it is water retention as your body adjusts to the new work out routine. It will go away in a week or two.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Don't worry about it. My weight can go up 5 pounds in a single day. It's just water weight. Working out increases cortisol levels, which leads to water retention. My advice, only weigh once a week, and don't freak out about minor gains. Also, if you're only eating 1200 calories and working out a lot, be sure you are logging your exercise properly and eating those calories back. You need to fuel your workouts.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    PLEASE read this http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937709-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0 You are under eating and if you gained 1 pound is NOT fat, is water because you do exercise. I am exercising and gained 4 pounds but I am losing inches. Please calculate your TDEE and deduct 20% and eat that number of calories every day. Ahhh! And have PATIENCE!
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    Okay going to give you some tough love here. STOP WHINING!!

    Seriously- the goal should be to be healthy. Eating right and exercising while great for weight loss have a multitude of other benefits, like heart health, boosted immune system, ect.

    While I know its frustrating to start a program and seemingly gain weight here are the facts: If you have been eating 1200 calories (and being below that isn't good so try to stick to 1200 calories or even a little more) and exercising, your body could perhaps be storing water and glycogen from the increase in exercise. In a couple of days/week or so you should start seeing the scale go down as your body adjusts. 3 days is in no way shape or form an accurate indicator of the work you are doing. You need to give it a good MONTH before you start being upset about not seeing any results.

    If seeing the number not moving bothers you- than throw out the scale and use other forms of measurement to track progress... whether its 5 more mins of exercise added on, or staying in your calorie range and not going over. A number on the scale should not be the driving force. I have friends who weigh more and wear a smaller pant size and are overall healthier.

    So yes, could you just eat whatever you want- sure. But if you do that now, you're 3 more days behind where you could have been. Change your attitude and realize that the only person giving up hurts is yourself.

    good luck.
  • stofteland
    stofteland Posts: 19 Member
    You may be retaining water from your workouts. Also, you may not be eating enough to compensate for the workouts. Drink more water and keep to at least 1200 calories,1400 calories might be a better calories intake for you. You didn't mention your height, etc. I am below 5'4" and struggle everyday. No, I haven't seen the results that others are reporting either. So frustrating. Lost 30# eating about 1600 calories and cutting out diet food. Now I am stuck again and gaining a little. LOL.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I can't take this anymore. Everytime I try to get healthy, not works. I know I only started three days ago but I have been staying at or below my 1200 cal and working out everyday and guess what - I go up a pound in three days. I might as well eat whatever I want while sitting on the couch because nothing works for me. I don't want to give up because I want to be healthy but it gets so frustrating. I come on here everyday and read all the success stories, all the advice and try to tell myself that even if the number doesn't move, I am eating healthier and moving my body but it gets so discouraging when the number never moves down

    Take a deep breath and step away from the computer!

    Gaining 1lb of weight does not equal gaining 1lb of fat.
    Your bodyweight doesn't just consist of fat - it also has muscles, bones, organs, water, skin etc.

    If you have been working out every day it is probably water retention as your muscles are repairing themselves, but unless you have eaten 3500 calories OVER maintenance, then no, it isn't fat.

    Don't weigh yourself so often. you have just stated a new routine, so you need to give it longer than 3 days.

    Also, I would re-assess eating just 1200 calories if you are working out so much - is that a straight 1200, or 1200 PLUS exercise calories?
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    And please throw away that scale. Use pictures and measurements. It is for your own sanity, I promise!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    3 days and up one pound and you're ready to give up?

    Everyone of those success stories you read don't happen overnight. It's going to take time...a lot of time...especially when you want it to happen right now.

    Is there a reason your eating at 1200 cal and there should never be a reason you're under 1200 unless you're a really small woman. Also, if you're exercising everyday, you're net should be 1200 or above. Eating very low calories isn't require, just eating at a caloric deficit is required.

    If myfitnesspal is what assigned you 1200 calories, then make sure to eat back your exercise calories, and just give it some time. Make sure to weigh yourself in the mornings and not several times a day. You can weight in the morning one day and in the afternoon and you will have "gained" weight because of water, food, and other reasons.

    Don't measure with the scale, the scale is good for trending not for success. Success is measured with a tape measure or how clothes fit, or how you feel and in side by side picture comparisons.

    In the end, it's completely up to you to quit or continue. If you're thinking about throwing in the towel after three days, then you may not be ready. Stop focusing on the number on the scale or your results right now. Give yourself 6 months and if you have no progress in 6 months, the re-evaluate what you're doing and make some changes, or quit, but give yourself sometime to make this a real effort.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Your weight (and mine, and everyone else's) fluctuates all the time, which is why I don't weigh but once a week, same time of day, same day of week.

    Three days in isn't enough time to see a change, especially while your body gets used to this new "thing" you're doing to/for it. :wink:

    Have you been working out for a while or did you just start three days ago? If you have just started working out when you started logging, you may be holding extra water from a new change/increase in activities.

    Then, too, you want to make sure you NET your total calories...so if you are doing that 1200 calorie-thing, and you log 500 calories burned due to exercise, you would want to eat those calories back to 1200, otherwise you are only eating 700 calories for that day, and that isn't enough. (MFP builds the deficit in so that you can eat your exercise calories back.)

    Don't get frustrated. You can do this. :flowerforyou:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    3 whole days and you want to give up? You aren't going to find a lot of sympathy, especially from those of us who are clocking years at this.

    Only you can decide if it's worth it. Your attitude will take you a long way, or drag you back to the couch. Your decision.
  • thatblueyedchic
    thatblueyedchic Posts: 128 Member
    I'm sorry that you are feeling discouraged. I have been there but you have to stick with it. Two things to keep in mind:

    1. This is not an overnight thing. It's a process and an adjustement to your overall lifestyle. You're going to be more likley to stick with it for the long haul if you don't go to extremes. You need to be eating more than 1200. Eating less will actually slow your weight loss and will make you feel awful. Eat! Feed your body! Just feed it better things! It's all about moderation. I still eat ice cream and drink beer. It's okay!
    2. Don't believe the scale. As you said you've been excercising and eating under 1200 calories. It's not POSSIBLE for you to have gained a pound of fat, because you haven't eaten 3500 calories more than you need in the last 3 days. More than likely, it's water weight that you will lose in the next several days. Measurements are the best way to track success.

    Hang in there! It's worth it!
  • christinefultz
    christinefultz Posts: 21 Member
    Okay going to give you some tough love here. STOP WHINING!!

    Seriously- the goal should be to be healthy. Eating right and exercising while great for weight loss have a multitude of other benefits, like heart health, boosted immune system, ect.

    While I know its frustrating to start a program and seemingly gain weight here are the facts: If you have been eating 1200 calories (and being below that isn't good so try to stick to 1200 calories or even a little more) and exercising, your body could perhaps be storing water and glycogen from the increase in exercise. In a couple of days/week or so you should start seeing the scale go down as your body adjusts. 3 days is in no way shape or form an accurate indicator of the work you are doing. You need to give it a good MONTH before you start being upset about not seeing any results.

    If seeing the number not moving bothers you- than throw out the scale and use other forms of measurement to track progress... whether its 5 more mins of exercise added on, or staying in your calorie range and not going over. A number on the scale should not be the driving force. I have friends who weigh more and wear a smaller pant size and are overall healthier.

    So yes, could you just eat whatever you want- sure. But if you do that now, you're 3 more days behind where you could have been. Change your attitude and realize that the only person giving up hurts is yourself.

    good luck.
  • Tamisha15
    Tamisha15 Posts: 83 Member
    I know its tough esp if you have a long way to go and although looking at the success stories is encouraging it can also discourage you. You want to look how they look "right now" but the truth of the matter is it gonna take time. 1 lb isn't a big deal. It could be water weight, muscle or sometimes I think my frustration shows on the scale. You also might wanna up your cals if your working out a lot. Everyone's body is different so 1200 cals might not work for you. Your body could be holding onto to unwanted weight because your not feeding it enough. So some more research on calories in calories out. I mean think about it, if your doing 1200 cals a day then burning 300, 400 or 500 calories or more your trying to survive on way less calories than what your body may require.

    All in all, just keep trying, keep trying different things to see what's working and what's not working. Its gonna take time, it took me 6 months to loose 20lbs then I plateaued for 4 months. Up until recently I was discouraged but started eating 1800 cals from my usual 1500 (and not on purpose) and I've lost 3lbs so far. So stay with it because your on this site for a reason, I don't think you'll be happy with the alternative decision. Your in this for life, I'll be praying that you make it through this rough patch, GOD bless!!!
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I think this is a troll
  • rosem1020
    rosem1020 Posts: 41 Member
    thanks for the great advice everyone but I have one more question. If lsoing weight is calories in and calories out, why in gods name would I eat back calories that I work my butt off to get off of me?

    this part has me very flustered. I work out to burn calories, why eat them back. can't you just eat them to begin with and not work out at all.

    I can't wrap my head around this concept