Exercise is wasting our time???



  • feistymoon
    feistymoon Posts: 152
    I was thinking about this last night actually. If I wanted to 'run off' a pound, at my current weight it would take me around 40 miles to do so! However, it's not just about weight. It's about making your heart stronger, your cardiovascular system more efficient, your muscles more toned and your joints more supported. Mentally, exercise is a great form of stress relief too!

    I agree that exercise is not the 'quick' method for losing weight, but thinking of the other long term and short term benefits, it makes sense to integrate it into any weight loss program.
  • bubbanene
    bubbanene Posts: 101 Member
    I am not agreeing with this study by any means..........but i was at a plateau for about 3 weeks then i got injured at work. I had to stop excersing and BOOM weight starting coming off at about 2800 cal a day. Just sayin lol
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    if the goal is to look good/toned/fit and be healthy then u have to exercise... but if you just want a low bodyweight then i would agree being dormant and eating less is a better option if overall bodyweight is the goal.

    i think there is some truth to what you said such as doing exercise can lower metabolism if doing extra amounts of cardiovascular activity and creating a deficit then u can lower metabolism that way
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    stupid anecdotal article.

    I move so that when i weight 200lbs less I am not starting at ground zero and can maintain my weight.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    My doctor told me, "Move more. Eat less." I listened to him and lost 80+ pounds. I believe him. Short. Sweet. Simple.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I used to be a fat person huffing and puffing along. If I had lost this weight without exercise I would now be a skinny person huffing and puffing along. Thanks to exercise I now only huff, puff, not to mention wheeze when my allergies/asthma are acting up.

    That is what exercise during weight loss is valuable for.
  • Dominantia
    So if it doesn't work then why so many people actually lose weight and fat when they work out? They burn more calories than the ones that don't while eating same foods and same amount of cals. And oh I forgot that working out sometimes distracts us from eating and makes our body look healthier and better.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Well I have to disagree. I only lose when I'm exercising. I can't say I'm any kind of expert in what kind of exercise is most effective, but if I don't do something, nothing happens for me.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I am not agreeing with this study by any means..........but i was at a plateau for about 3 weeks then i got injured at work. I had to stop excersing and BOOM weight starting coming off at about 2800 cal a day. Just sayin lol

    And this is true because exercise is a stress to the body, stress causes inflammation, inflammation holds onto fluid. However, when you think about the other intrinsic benefits of exercise, balance, stability, strength, endurance, and better cardiopulmonary function the benefits outweigh the 'slowed" weight loss.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    hahahahahaha. oh lord. tomorrow air will make us fat.

    diet is def the most important but to put on muscle? def excercise. and muscle is what will make you look good :)

    Air DOES make us fat. Dr. Oz said so. :wink:
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    Well if you do end up losing weight without resistance training, you are going to look like ****.


    If I didn't lift while I lost 100lbs I can promise I wouldn't be stretching the sleeves & chest on my polo's while they are baggy on the waist.
    Those shirts would be baggy everywhere.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Well if you do end up losing weight without resistance training, you are going to look like ****.

    I totally agree with you.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I think cardio is a waste of time for the most part but lifting is definitely important.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Double post due to stoopid site maintenance errors.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    An hour's exercise in the gym allows me to eat one more 400 cal meal. For me that's enough motivation or I would feel seriously deprived of food. I love my food. I have list 39 lbs through eating 1700 cals a day with my hour. Of course, limiting your food intake is VITAL. And it is getting harder to lose the nearer my goal I am, but that is because I am lugging less weight around with me. I lose about 1 lb every 9 or ten days now. I'm not in any rush, I still think I'll hit my goal within the year.
    The joy I get from being fitter is immeasurable. So many things I can do now that I couldn't before. So many health benefits.
    The article is c***. Calories out, calories in. The law of physics.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Exercise helps you to retain muscle while losing fat. Perhaps when exercising you don't lose as fast because you are not losing the muscle too. There's a big difference between "losing weight" and "losing fat". I'm lifting weights and am noticing much more (positive) differences to my body than I did with diet alone. My "weight:" isn't changing much, but I'm definitely smaller. Which is what I want.
  • bubbanene
    bubbanene Posts: 101 Member
    without a doubt i didnt really think that i lost fat, from reading posts on here i realized it was probably water lost. But this kinda goes along with what a lot of lifters preach, abot keep cardio to a minimum and concentrate on muscle building. I would love to know what that study says about increase in muscle mass effect on BMR
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    It depends on what your goal is.

    If you're goal is to lose weight, then start with food.
    If you're goal is to live longer, have more energy, look good, and out run/fight a zombie horde then I think you need to exercise.
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I read something like that saying something like that..I read it to my husband and said if exercise isn't helping you lose weight then what am I doing that I am losing weight from if it isn't the exercise...=) It makes me think that they put that out there for the people who don't want to workout they can say well I read this article and it said exercising doesn't help you anyway so why should I waste my time doing it if it isn't going to work anyway and it will give them an excuse to not exercise anyway. I don't care what it says I have been doing good with what I am doing and better with food choices and I am losing weight so I say this article is not true and I will continue doing what I am doing and get my results I want...=)