Fat Girls Are A Men's Best Friend?



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Aside from the fact the OP was from November, JAC!, I would probably wonder the same thing if I still had male friends I hung out with. How would my weight loss affect my relationships with them? That part of my life changed after I got married and had kids (no longer married, but I still have my kids at home). This paragraph is not true for me.
    ...Plus, a guy can always have a skinny woman as his main squeeze and keep the fat girl as the best friend, because his girlfriend would never think he would cheat on her with the Big Girl! Even though deep in her heart, his girlfriend knows that he loves and respects the fat girl in ways that she may never receive, she doesn’t mind. After all, she’s the catch.

    My husband did cheat with "the Big Girl", and his friends did make comments behind his back for a while, even though I was still very overweight myself, but not as big as she was/is. He played a gig one night recently, and I took the kids to see him. The waitress asked if I was related, and I said he was my ex. Then she looked at his girlfriend, did a double-take, and said "that's a switch!" I kinda feel sorry for her when people make nasty comments, regardless of what she did.
  • Zuragh
    Zuragh Posts: 35 Member
    I'd love to hear from more men on the topic.
    This is kind of the opposite side to it, but similar perspective. I know before I got fat (I was still thick but well proportioned) it was all cat calls, *kitten* grabbing and the sort with one male best friend who was very respectful and overweight. He did ask me out eventually and I turned him down because he was in the friend zone. I regretted it down the road because he was such an amazing person and was not hard on the eyes, even overweight. I think there was something sacred about having that one male friend though, where there were no expectations, just safety and trust in the relationship with no insecurities or worry.
    I have noticed though since being more over weight in the last 6-7 years, I can relate to this article more. I have had several more attractive male friends who I have deep conversation with and consider very good friends. I am however married with children now so it doesn't quite fit into the control of this article :P.

    Edit: grammar
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I don't agree with much in that article.

    I have had and do have many male friends, and yes, some of them have tried it on with me, but I had that a lot more now that I am bigger than I did when I was slim. The ones that kept their hands to themselves I have been very good friends with for many years and we would never see each other in that light.

    That article made me feel a lot like they were saying bigger women are automatically unattractive and not an object of desire for men because they are overweight.
  • Bmoviemama
    No matter what my size I have had male friends and 99.9% wanted to have sex with me even being just friends. I think it's more about sexuality and attraction. Size is not an issue but I will say that sex is better when my thighs are slimmer....just wish I would not loose any up top!!
  • DrWilyMD
    DrWilyMD Posts: 14
    As shallow as it may sound, years of anecdotal experience seem to support this, at least for me personally. Even though I've never been huge, I've always been chunky, husky, "big," whatever you want to call it. As much as I have hit if off and gotten really close to a lot of women in my life, very few have ever seen me as "more than a friend." We may have everything under the sun in common and have amazing chemistry, but as soon as physical escalation starts, it's "Whoa, I thought we were just friends."

    Now that I've dropped 45 pounds, suddenly they are flirting back. Yeah, I'm sure a little bit has to do with having more confidence, but by and large, I am the same guy now at 215 as I was at 260, only now, apparently, I'm more desirable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about this; it goes both ways...

    I have never really been attracted to chubby women. Curvy, yes; but not chubby. For example, I have 2 really good female friends, both of whom I get along with great, see frequently, and share intimate details of our personal lives. They are 2 of my closest friends, and they are both cool as hell. The lean, curvacious one, I would sleep with in a heartbeat. The kind-of-chubby one, I probably would not, even though I place equal value on my friendships with both of them.

    As far as developing personal relationships and closeness with the opposite sex goes, weight is almost irrelevant. But as soon as romance/sex is introduced to that relationship, physical attraction counts for a lot.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Studies have shown men and women will always have sexual tension even if it's only slightly... it's just genetics. Sociologically speaking men bond with other men also men will live longer with a spouse/companion. Women on average live less with they have a male companion and do not experience the same cohesion with other female friends.

    Interesting group dynamics that male bonding produces positive behavior and females interaction does not produce the same benefit. Don't get made at me, get made at the studies I read in my sociology class.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm not sure about the whole men/women thing and some of the statements in the article irked me,

    Same, irritated me so much I didn't want to finish reading it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    In to hear others thoughts.....Great topic!

  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I take all kinds of the issues with the 'he must not actually respect his girlfriend because she is skinny', Maybe he does actually love his girlfriend, and just likes the attention you give him. Maybe she is more than a body, just like you are.

    but damn, if my bf was cuddling all night in his bed with someone who wasn't me

  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    I am going to say this goes in all directions , a knife cuts both ways, and I have been there
    8 years ago , i had my gastric bypass, i got down to size 10 , which is still curvy, but not the 330 i was when i had surgery,
    wow did attention skyrocket, i kept most of it off for a long time, but now i am big again, and the only guys besides my husband who will look at me are obviously chubby chasers, im not ugly, far from it, but what i am is the worst evil there is , FAT...

    that said , i prefer bigger guys, always have, the lean skinny thin guys have never done it for me, maybe growing up around pro wrestling and football my whole life had that effect, i dont know, but like ryan gosling and all his memes... oh please...
    give me a break , give me the bigger guys any day ... richard reihle , john goodman( at times) dwayne johnson , is amazingly hot, and a very big guy..and has said he weighs in at about 260
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
  • monizjm
    monizjm Posts: 92 Member
    Ahhh that was a refreshing article. Thanks for sharing. I have been the big friend that no girlfriend would assume I'd do anything... It's a nice feeling to be a wolf in sheep's clothing haha.
  • Bmoviemama
    Ahhh that was a refreshing article. Thanks for sharing. I have been the big friend that no girlfriend would assume I'd do anything... It's a nice feeling to be a wolf in sheep's clothing haha.

    You are awesomesauce!!!!
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    I prefer female friends to male friends to talk about many different more sensitive and potentially embarrassing subjects. It never matters to me what they look like though. I doubt I would ever do anything with any of them even if we were both single because I wouldn't want to ruin my friendship with them, doesn't mean that I don't find some of them attractive.
  • Bmoviemama
    Do you have a single brother gschneck that follows your philosophy???!!! LOL ( I am engaged) You are 1 in a million
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    For all you know the men you're friends with may want to sleep with you...

    Men are friends with skinny girls hoping for the chance that MAYBE they can get them into bed someday... I am sure the same holds true for big girls. Its all about attitude!

    didnt read this, the guy that wrote it has really nice eyes!, got distracted
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I dont really agree with this at all. When i was way more over weight I never had a problem finding boy friends, or having men around that were interested in me. I really think a lot of it is just how you put yourself out there and self esteem.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    If fat girls are a mans best friend, then what are skinny girlS?

    their younger sister that they feel the need to protect and take care of.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I think the article makes almost no sense whatsoever.
  • Shauncho49
    Shauncho49 Posts: 132 Member
    fat, skinny, ugly, pretty, dumb, smart, ALL WOMEN ARE FREAKIN' GORGEOUS!!! ...nuff said.

    ...unless they're just rude and b!tc4y...nothing turns me off more than a woman who treats others poorly and act like they're owed something just for "being"...