I'm Afraid of My Scale!

Anybody else have this crazy fear of weighing? Every time I go to my doctor, I'm around the same weight. I've been working on this for so long, I'm finally getting so wary of weighing that I just don't do it.

My hubby and my friend BOTH weigh daily. I just can't bring myself to do it. How often do you weigh yourself? And should I be doing this, in spite of my anxiety? :noway:


  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    don't weigh yourself everyday... weight changes daily for a variety of reasons, water, stress ext and often the scale is reflecting those things not actual weight loss. Do what you need to do every day ( caloric goals, exercise goals) and the weight WILL come off. There are days I feel soooooo heavy and I know Ihave not gained.. its just water or stress.. other days I feel like the pounds fell off...Hang in there and stay consistent!!
  • mcdaws
    mcdaws Posts: 27 Member
    I feel the same. The scale causes anxiety so I avoid it. I weigh just once a month. I need smaller clothes and I feel good, so I don't worry too much about the scale.
  • supernova08
    supernova08 Posts: 17 Member
    lol i have the same problem i hate scales with an undying passion(mostly because it doesn't tell you how much is fat and how much is muscle.) To be honest i don't find the scale to be particularly accurate on how much you actually losing because muscle weighs more than fat. the more you work out the more fat you'll burn so yes you will start losing but then that damn scale goes right back up as soon as you start putting on more muscle. not to mention genetics can have a lot to do with how your body looks and the average functions for you as an individual person. but then again i really don't like scales too so maybe it just rounds back to that.
  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Weighing regularly (a few times a week but only recording it once a week) actually helps lower my anxiety about the scale because then I see the patterning if I fluctuate (like someone else said water/stress/TOM), and no surprise numbers (which is the biggest fear I think for me!). Or if you are terrified of the scale, take measurements on a scheduled basis (once a week, once a month, whatever).
  • red103112
    red103112 Posts: 20
    Scale = Evil! I swear one of the scariest feelings is waiting for that number to appear on those stupid things
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I weigh daily and never get nervous about it since I know weight fluctuations are unavoidable due to water retention, etc. Don't be afraid, it's just a number, if it doesn't suit you, do something about it.
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    I hate the scale... HATE it. I want it to do what I tell it too but it never does.

    But seriously... I understand. Sometimes I just don't get on the scale because if it doesn't say something I feel as good it will bum me out all day.
  • AwesomeTriathlon
    AwesomeTriathlon Posts: 11 Member
    I stopped weighing myself completely. I base my progress on fitness levels and accomplishments and what I see in the mirror.
    For me weighing in was super stressful and if I gained or maintained over a week or something I would literally not eat for a day. It was terrible for my mental and physical health and I'm much happier not worrying about it :)
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    Actually I get more anxiety if I weigh less often. I weigh myself everyday. This help me actually because I get accustomed to weight fluctuations of my body. When I weigh in once a week or once a month and it happens during those times that I weigh heavier (water retention, etc.) I freak out.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    I weigh myself at least once a day. I made a graph of the first weighing of the day for every day for the past month.

  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Hey, you replied to my scale topic. Wanna be MFP friends?
  • molina76853
    molina76853 Posts: 143
    I fear the scale to and threw mine away. The last time I weighed was March 04, 2013 at the doctors office. I then went to work and weighed myself with our work scale and it was the same exact weight. So I have decided that I am going to start weighing myself on the 4th of every month only.