That last 10 pounds..

Hi everyone. I have been on my weight loss journey for about a year and a half. I lost 80 pounds and was down to 152. I recently gained a few pounds and am at 155. My goal is 145 and it seems I have been stuck here for a while. I know for a while I wasn't eating the best but I've continued to work out 4-5 days a week. The last couple weeks I have been counting calories, 1500 a day, and varying my workouts, same amount a week and still haven't lost anything. Suggestions how to lose the last ten pounds?


  • es5864
    es5864 Posts: 28
    I have been eating better now also.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    First of all, congrats on your success!!! 80lbs is extremely impressive!

    I got stuck on the last 3 lbs for 2 months. It was really annoying, but I realized that I was being too relaxed with my diet. I felt that I was so close that I could have an extra fro yo this week, etc. I took the past couple weeks and really cleaned up my diet. No treats unless it fit into my cals, and those last 3lbs fell off. Maybe you just need to tighten up the diet a little? Can't see your diary so I can't really help there.

    Good luck! You lost 80, so 10 more aint no thang!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I'd say take a break for a week. Eat at TDEE. From there, get back down to eat, trying to lose 0.5 to 1.0 pounds a week, lower the better.

    You WILL need to measure your foods accurately. Sometimes when they say 1 cup (30g) the 1 cup actually turns out to be 45g instead, meaning significantly more calories than you budgeted.

    So, food scale time.
  • es5864
    es5864 Posts: 28
    Good point with tightening up the diet. Since I lost so much weight, I justify it to myself that I can have a late night snack or go get greasy Chinese food. I think I do need to be better about eating more healthy and not making excuses. Thanks!!:happy:
  • es5864
    es5864 Posts: 28
    Thanks, I think you are right with the weighing... :ohwell: I'm sometimes not as good about that as I should be. Thanks!