This may be a stupid question...

But I am new to fitness so a couple stupid questions are allowed right? :tongue:

I have been running anywhere from 3.5-5.5 miles a night for the past month or so. However I just had my second child with my wife so my time at night is going to be a bit more limited.

Does it matter if I split my runs up? For example, run two miles in the morning before work and 3 at night after work? I'm assuming it dosent really make a difference but just wanted to get some feedback.

Also, I plan on incorporating some weight training this week along with my cardio ( one day cardio, one day weights...repeat) Is this an advisable method?

Lastly, any weight training ideas for newbies is much appreciated!



  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Yeah man it seems like you're on the right track. If you're going to be lifting heavy I don't suggest you do cardio right before working out however (not that what you wrote states that), because you want to be fresh and push yourself.

    Total calories burned are the same even if you split your runs, might even take some stress off your joints with shorter runs.

    Look into High Intensity Interval Training if you haven't already, it could help you maintain endurance and has a lot of other benefits too.

    As for weights,

    Some guys on here really like "Strong Lifts 5x5". It looks like a decent workout especially if you are tight on time and/or you need something simple (only 3 days a week). Right now I'm using "Bigger, Leaner, Stronger" and it's working pretty well for me so far...

    This is my approach:

    4-6 Reps x 3 Sets per exercise. Weight is heavy enough that I cannot complete more than 6 reps properly. Once I can, I up the weight by 5lbs per arm involved.

    You want to be lifting heavy and there is no need to stay in the gym for more than an hour. Be safe and don't hurt yourself, ease into it but go hard.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    No difference. In fact, some trainers will tell you that it's better that way because you raise your metabolism and fat-burning for a good period of time after any exercise; and this way, you're doing that twice in a day rather than just once.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    The only possible issue I see is that going for a shorter run might make it so that your heart rate doesn't get fully up to where it needs to be. But, if you're going to do two miles or so at a time, you're probably fine. Do it and see how it works out. If nothing else, going for a run in the AM ensures you get out there, even if something comes up so you can't do your PM run at all. Something is better than nothing.

    And alternating cardio and weights is a great idea. Just make sure you keep a day each week set aside for rest. You don't want to get burnt out, and you'll need the day for recovery purposes.

    As far as weight training ideas, look into Starting Strength or Strong Lifts, if you can get to a gym or have (or can get) a rack and barbells at home.
  • BillyWeaver1234
    Thanks everyone!

    The wieght room in my condo complex does not have free weights...its more of a multi level "bowflex machine" I guess?