would love some buddies to help with this challenge



  • sheshebum
    I am also looking for buddies to help with this challenge. Please feel free to add me. Thanks
  • sylenseikeelyoo
    yeah I got like 70 pounds to lose. just had my second baby and the weight wants to just creep up and stay on. In a few weeks, I will head into the last year of my twenties. Time to get healthy and stay that way.
  • kershaann
    kershaann Posts: 1,824 Member
    I have been at this for a while still have about 30 more pounds to go!!! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Katrenki
    Katrenki Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I have started 2 months ago and lost 16lb but fell that I'm starting to loose my motivation slowly so thought I find some people to join me and hopefully u guys will keep me going ;-) Please add me and good luck everyone :-)
  • Deep_Fried_MarsBar
    I'm also looking for buddies to help get me started on this journey, feel free to add me.
  • DarrenFlyGuy
    feel free to add me as well. I've got about 40 left to go.
  • DeevahLee
    DeevahLee Posts: 11
    Hey I also have 45 pounds that I want to lose. My daughter is now 3 months old so I am trying to really focus on this weight loss program. We can be friends. . .
  • luv2travelgirl
    luv2travelgirl Posts: 7 Member
    Angela , Welcome back !, I too joined a while ago and have just got back on my healthy eating plan , I would love to lose a total of 70 pounds ,but I am just going 2 try to work on 10 pounds at a time. I'm doing the 1200 cal a day plan, I am finding it very hard 2 fit in a work out by the time I get home from work & picking kids up from after school activities.