1-2-3's help me please!

Could anyone direct me to a video or reading on how to execute the classic 1-2-3's.... I basically feel like Loca the Dog who Can't Run every time... arms and legs flailing with zero coordination.

So take me back to basics... how do I execute with perfect form?


  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    I am not sure I understand what you are asking. Are you asking for guidance on how to run properly? If so check out Chi Running.
  • justcallmejennifer
    justcallmejennifer Posts: 68 Member
    I just started insanity and in the same boat with you. I'm so uncoordinated and cant get my feet running and then adding in the heisman at the end kills me. I can't seem to get it down either.

  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    I just started insanity and in the same boat with you. I'm so uncoordinated and cant get my feet running and then adding in the heisman at the end kills me. I can't seem to get it down either.


    Heh so you feel my pain.... where are the sadistic high school coaches when you need em.

    The heisman I just pretend I'm running tires and try to keep decent posture, not the killer it once was. I find a lot of the exercises rely on momentum, like power squats... I just have zero momentum with the 123.