Help! I am not losing at all!!!! :-(



  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm feeling a bit that way myself but its a short time and your doing well don't underestimate yourself that's the first step back. Have you thought maybe with all the exercise your doing you are building muscle as it weighs more than fat. I would keep measurements all over and see if perhaps the inches are coming off, they usual do before the scales. I have to remember my weight has been on for a long time so if I have to wait a few extra weeks to see some results its all good. Strong and steady wins the race :)
    Love it! Thank you!!!!!
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    Also, check your calories - go to more than one site or look for listings on here with lots of confirmations. I picked a random day in your diary and saw that you ate two slices of Costco cheese pizza and logged 280 calories...which seemed very low (that's more like one of those crappy little Lean Cuisine pizzas) but most everywhere else I looked says each slice is 700 calories.

    Dang!!!!! Thank you!!!! :-)