Weight Loss Buddies

Do you find it easier to diet and work out when you have someone with you or when you are alone? I’ve basically heard everyone say that they like to have someone with them so they don’t fall astray but I find it easier to hold myself accountable for everything because then I know I don’t have an excuse like “well, you weren’t there so I didn’t go" and I'm the reason I have all this weight and the reason that I want to lose it (nobody told me to, infact my boyfriend said that he really loves me how I am and that losing weight is something that really doesnt affect him at all) so why not make myself be the one to blame if I break down and eat chinese or dont go to the gym? Also when I exercise with other people I feel too competitive and can’t focus on what I’m doing because I’m too preoccupied by what they are doing. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've used that excuse in the past . . . my weight loss buddy moved so I fell off the wagon myself. I now plan a few "exercise" dates with a couple of people each week but have made the commitment to myself and usually do it alone. I have lots of upbeat and motivating music on my MP3 and actually enjoy the solitude now.
    I found that the exercise buddy was actually an enabler for bad choices sometimes if they were not as dedicated as me so happy that I am now able to do it on my own.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I think you definitely have to have similar motives. For me, knowing that someone is up waiting for me to work out is a great reason for me not to just crawl back into bed....

    Working out definitely brings out my competetive side, too (which is kind of an oddity in me because I'm generally pretty laid-back, who knew I could be such a bi***?! Kinda fun, though.) But I've noticed that that competition will help me and my buddy motivate each other. We have different strengths and weaknesses and carry each other through. I personally have loved having a buddy the past few months, I even get a lil' teary-eyed thinking about it!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm with you lutzsher....i do the "majority" of my workouts on my own...i have to schedule them to fit in my schedule, forget trying to get it together with someone else's....but i have been doing a beach walk with any of my girlfriends who can join me one early morning each weekend...i plan on going alone and if someone else goes GREAT...girl chit chat time while we exercise but i dont have to count on anyone else to get my workouts in....

    it's MY TIME.....i get to listen to music or read a magazine or just BEEEEEE and think without interuptions...i love love love my workout times...who'd of thunk it a few years ago that i would be saying THAT.....

    keep up the girl work folks...it really does pay to put in the time and effort...we each are living proof of this FACT...
  • SunmayLo
    SunmayLo Posts: 16
    I defenitly agree about the solitude and it being my time. I feel like everything around me is always crazy and I have plans with friends or family or I have work so those few hours a week that I have to myself have become better than anything right now. Sometimes I completely zone out on the elliptical while listening to the beatles. :P
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I do it both ways, my wife and I take classes together but there some days I go by myself and she goes by herself to workout at lunch, I think in general, having someone losing weight with you who will support you is better in the long run though
  • blugoogirl
    blugoogirl Posts: 41
    I've never had someone to exercise with so I don't know if it'd be harder or easier, I imagine more easier.

    I did lose weight once around the same time as a friend and I think we were sort of competitive with it so in way that positively sped us both on.

    It'd be nice to have a dieting companion once again! My fiance is currently trying to eat slightly better but he's not really watching what he eats as much as I am. So he doesn't really count as he isn't exactly dieting or trying to lose weight.