Not sure where to post this

Hi everyone! I wasn't sure where to post this so I figured here. Anyway I purchased a Bodymedia about 2 and a half weeks ago. I always new I was a poor sleeper but I never knew how poor until this thing told me. I am never getting anymore than 6 hrs of sleep. I would say the avg is about 4.5 to 5 a day. I'm not going to even say night because sometimes it's 1.5hr here and the rest 6 or 7 hrs later. The other thing is even though i'm "sleeping" I never seem to be asleep anymore than an hr to an hr and a half at a time. Then I'm "laying down" for 5 minutes in between. I'm ALWAYS tired. I never feel rested. And because i'm tired ot no energy I don't have the umph to workout like I need to. Any suggestions? Or advice?


  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    Sounds like you've got yourself a vicious circle going there! Have you had your thyroid checked recently? And not just by a gp doc. My gp said my thyroid was just fine but an obesity specialist disagreed. Apparently "normal" thyroid readings are not "normal" for everybody. I've been on thyroid meds for almost 6 months, and holy god, I have energy. For what seems like the first time in my life, I don't want to sleep all day. It's like a freakin' miracle.

    Is there any way you can increase your sleep time? I think I remember that 4-hrs is the minimun a person needs to start REM cycles; without enough REM sleep a person does tend to feel unrested.
  • Cincypsych
    Cincypsych Posts: 116 Member
    Hi everyone! I wasn't sure where to post this so I figured here. Anyway I purchased a Bodymedia about 2 and a half weeks ago. I always new I was a poor sleeper but I never knew how poor until this thing told me. I am never getting anymore than 6 hrs of sleep. I would say the avg is about 4.5 to 5 a day. I'm not going to even say night because sometimes it's 1.5hr here and the rest 6 or 7 hrs later. The other thing is even though i'm "sleeping" I never seem to be asleep anymore than an hr to an hr and a half at a time. Then I'm "laying down" for 5 minutes in between. I'm ALWAYS tired. I never feel rested. And because i'm tired ot no energy I don't have the umph to workout like I need to. Any suggestions? Or advice?

    I think the Body Media does a good job I with regards to accuracy with sleeping and you aren't getting enough. I would go see a sleep doctor and see what they say. I have sleep issues due to meds and chemotherapy induced menopause and my sleep doctor worked with me to find meds that helped me sleep.
    On a side note, i am dong the whole eat more to lose more and I am sleeping better as I am less hungry now.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Hi everyone! I wasn't sure where to post this so I figured here. Anyway I purchased a Bodymedia about 2 and a half weeks ago. I always new I was a poor sleeper but I never knew how poor until this thing told me. I am never getting anymore than 6 hrs of sleep. I would say the avg is about 4.5 to 5 a day. I'm not going to even say night because sometimes it's 1.5hr here and the rest 6 or 7 hrs later. The other thing is even though i'm "sleeping" I never seem to be asleep anymore than an hr to an hr and a half at a time. Then I'm "laying down" for 5 minutes in between. I'm ALWAYS tired. I never feel rested. And because i'm tired ot no energy I don't have the umph to workout like I need to. Any suggestions? Or advice?

    Might want to check into sleep apnea? My husband was terrible...never went into REM and even if he spent lots of time in bed, he never was rested. This might not be your problem but he couldn't function at all. A CPAP machine made a world of difference.
  • amazon35
    amazon35 Posts: 98 Member
    I was wondering if I had sleep apnea. I always feel in a fog. And I had half my thyroid removed about 3 yrs ago. I never would have thought that may be an issue. Hmmmm. All I know is I'm tired of being tired.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    Do you toss and turn a lot at night? If so, you could be asleep and bodymedia will log it as awake. Bodymedia sometimes also will also log that early morning time when you are still asleep and but more active as awake. When I wear mine when I'm relaxing on the sofa at night, it says I'm asleep at times I am most definitely wide awake!

    BodyMedia aside, since you are feeling super tired and not rested , I would talk to your doctor for sure. There could be a lot of reasons you aren't feeling rested.
  • rensife
    rensife Posts: 18 Member
    you should try breathe right strips ... they helped me . I had a broken nose which made me snore - after the first night with the strips, I woke up much more refreshed, Also, you rest really well after some exercise. Even a little 10 minute brisk walk!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I used to suffer from stress-induced sleep deprivation. Here are some of my tricks, gleaned from the experts:

    * Have a set bedtime and wake-up time and stick to them as closely as possible-- even on weekends. The body remembers what it does most often.

    *Make the bedroom for sleeping and sex only. No tv, no reading in bed, no texting, no homework, etcetera. Do those things in other rooms so that your subconscious associates the bedroom with sleeping and sex.

    * Make a nightey-night ritual. For me, it's putting on my jammies, having a cup of calming tea, reading for 30 minutes or so (NOT in the bedroom), then brushing my teeth, and then to bed. It's psychological warfare against my own brain, but the point is to have a routine that I associate with sleep.

    * Keep a notebook in the bedside table. I used to lie awake going through mental lists of things that I needed to do. Now, I write them down, and that gives my brain permission to let them go so I don't have to think about them.

    *If I haven't fallen asleep within 90 minutes of going to bed, I get up. I'll read or do something quiet--usually reading or journal writing (again, no TV, no internet, no texting, etc) until I feel myself getting sleepy, then try again. Fifteen years ago, this would happen about once a week. . . . now I go 4- 6 months at a time.
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    I was wondering if I had sleep apnea. I always feel in a fog. And I had half my thyroid removed about 3 yrs ago. I never would have thought that may be an issue. Hmmmm. All I know is I'm tired of being tired.

    Since you have had your thyroid removed, I'm assuming you are under the care on an Endo. Have you had your levels checked recently? You need to let your doctor know how you are feeling. Sometimes "normal" readings are not where you need to be dosage wise. Some doctors will adjust your meds according to how you feel rather than the range they think you should be in. Also, if you have had any fluctuation in your weight, then your levels will also need to be checked. Good luck!