Disappointed in myself but going to fix it



  • tamiz2013
    tamiz2013 Posts: 21
    Hello and welcome to mfp. I too was disappointed in myself too; especially how I let myself go. Well, that changed almost weeks ago and I am on my way to be a healthier me. I have cut back on calories, adding more fruits and vegetables at every meal. My husband has also joined me in hopes to control his diabeties or even stop eventually taking pills. It is a slow process but we are encouraging each other to stay on track and are starting to feel better in such a short time. Good luck to you and your husband ... stay motivated and all else will follow.

    Hello and thank you for the welcome. I have tried to start adding fruits and vegetables and cut back on calories. Well we started with carbs since we went to his training. My husband has joined me in what we eat. He works most days so he says that is where he gets his exercise and won't join me there. I'm going to stay motivated I need to be there for my kids. If not, I'll kick my own butt to get back inline.
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I've always been heavy but right now I am at the very top of my weight limit. I can't believe I call it a limit but when you reach and go over 250 for a woman its bad. My mom is heavy. My sister is heavy. And so on. So I always blamed it on my genes. I was predestined to be overweight. Until recently, I wasn't happy about it but I really wasn't trying to fix it. I had a very large scare with my husband. My husband was diagnosed with diabetes last year and he ignored it. Last month he ended up in the hospital with blood clots in his legs. I was terrified and rightly so.. I had lost a husband to diabetes some twenty years ago so it felt like a major flashback to me. He could have died. All I could think of was what would happen to our kids if something happened to me as well. We have two beautiful kids, 7 and 10. One with special needs so it makes my life really hard to set up a routine to go to the gym.

    I'm disappointed that I accepted me like this but I am going to fix it. A friend mentioned myfitnesspal and here I am. The odd part is that it's not that I'm overeating.. It's that I don't know how to eat the right things. We just finished diabetic training this morning and I know some but I'm going to learn more. The last couple of weeks I've taken to working out in the bathtub. I know that sounds silly but I have major back and knee problems and it takes the stress off. My husband actually laughed at me when he found out but I'm still going to do it.

    I would love to become friends with others so that we could cheer each other on.


    Hello, Tami! Glad you decided to join MFP. If you'd like, there's a Type 2 Diabetes support group you could join. Everyone there is very friendly and can help answer your questions.

    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in January 2004. I started off with pills, but decided to go on insulin a few years ago because I got married and insulin is safer than the pills if I were to get pregnant. I'm doing really good with my diabetes right now. I hope your husband's diabetes gets better.

  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello all, I am also in this place. I've been big all my adult and some of my young life. I've yo-yo dieted and dropped, gained it all back. Every time I say this is the last time, I lose the weight only to put it back on. I am seriously self conscious and not happy with myself.

    Any of you can add me as a friend, we've got to do this together!
  • goNELYgo
    goNELYgo Posts: 7
    HI Tami,

    Thank you for sharing a bit of your background. I found that if I eat a salad (toss in whatever you already have at home) watch the dressing though and some fresh fruit before my main meal I didn't eat too much of the entree. Have water w/lemon or mint with meals, too. The fruits, veggies and water help boost energy. It can be tough working in a trip to the gym, especially if your family requires extra attention from you. How about doing small workouts while at home cooking, cleaning, doing the things that need to be done on a daily basis anyway. I know this might sound a bit silly but some things you can try (of course keep in mind your knees/mobility):

    In the kitchen as part of dish cleaning/putting away:
    ~lift pots and pans w/arms as if they were weights (arm curls, biceps)
    ~do squats/lunges as dishes/pots are put away in bottom cupboards
    ~use this same idea when doing/folding laundry (raise basket, extend arms fully when folding towels)

    In the living room:
    ~lay on floor face down w/pillow beneath stomach. Now, alternate leg lifts as if you you swimming

    You get the idea...you can get real creative with these workouts and an added bonus is the your children will learn from seeing you living healthy. Much success!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Hi Tami,
    Welcome to MFP! I just sent you a friend request. I am a type 2 diabetic, trying to get things under control. I've had success in the 3 months I've been on MFP. I don't have all the answers, but will coach and offer advice along the way.

    You have a lot of good reasons to start taking control of yourself. One thing that will help you is if you get yourself an electronic food scale and a set of measuring cups. I weigh and measure nearly everything. it has helped me understand the correct portions in my foods. The first week will be tough as you reduce the amount you are eating, but it will get better. You can do this and your health and that of your husband and your children will improve!!!

    I look forward to watching your progress and will offer support and encouragement along the way!
