7 lbs till I break the 100lb mark

Ok I have 7lbs until I break the 100lb mark. I am losing it (however not literally). I am having the worst time gettin weight off now. 2 summers ago it melted off. Now I am busting my a** working out, trying to eat right and NOTHING. I had lap
Band surgery in 2008 and it didn't work! I can barely eat anything without it getting stuck, so with foo I have to be VERY picky I wanted to try to lose 20/25 lbs by this summer, but that doesn't look like it is happening. :( any other lap banders out there?? Any fantastic workouts? I need support and motivation! I have about 50 more to lose to make my goal, but I have come a LONG way. I don't want to give up now!!


  • tvixy
    tvixy Posts: 11
    Please don't give up! Just stay motivated. Best motivation I use is watching tv shows about weightloss like The biggest loser or Extreme makeover: weightloss edition. Those shows are about 1.5 hours long, so if you have a treadmill, you can work out while watching it. Remember, the weight won't melt every time. As slow as you lose it, as slow it can come up. :) Hope that helps :)