Lupus sufferer, steroids user looking to lose weight

Hey Im Rachel and Im currently overweight. i have Lupus and Im on 40mg of steroids a day. as u can guess its increased my appetite and stored fat on my body plus i work in an office so no exercise. Im getting married in august and as an incentive to lose the pounds my dress is smaller Than me. i have 2 months to lose about half a UK stone which is roughly 7 pounds . i plan 2 lose about a pound a week. i have started slim fast 321 plan plus 30 day shred fitness video. Im taking a sliming tea too to regulate my digestive system. i started Mon the diet and Thursday the video. its been tough but Im getting used to it.

anyone else on meds that makes u gain weight like steroids!?!


  • chrissiij
    chrissiij Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I have just been diagnosed with lupus and I am on, amongst other things, meloxicam, which makes you put on weight, and amitriptyline - also known as the munchie drug! While getting used to it I went through 4 large chewy chocolate cookies, 2 nutri-grain bars and a pasta bake. Needless to say, I didn't log that day! Getting used to it now, though, as I am learning to listen to my body rather than cravings, ie am I really hungry or are the drugs hungry? Once this spell of fatigue buggers off, I am going to start the 30 day shred again and head to the gym a bit more! :)
  • keets502
    keets502 Posts: 34
    I was first diagnosed in 2010 with SLE and put on high dose steroids. I"ve been on the lower doses here recently, at intermintent times.

    Yes, I did gain a TON of weight being on steroids but now I'm hoping to shed some of it. While on then, you just have to be really mindful of what you eat - make sure it isn't junk but healthy filling foods!
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I don't have Lupus, but I do have Fibromyalgia. I've got meds that make losing weight very difficult. Flexeril, meloxicam, Lyrica, methocarbamol...etc. On top of that, I have a crappy thyroid, and I'm not taking the meds. I refused to take them when my hair starting falling out.

    Even with all of this, I'm still managing to lose about 2-3 lbs. per week. So, I can tell you that it IS possible. Sometimes you have to have more fight in you than the average person. You also have to be little kinder to yourself as well. Don't stress about plateaus or minor gains. Life happens. Pick up and move on. far as the steroids, I'm not sure what kind they have you on, but if it's Prednisone, please make sure you are taking calcium tablets (preferably not calcium's not as easily absorbed into the body as other kinds). My grandmother is dealing with an autoimmune disorder, and the Prednisone is leeching the calcium out of her bones. She can break her bones doing absolutely nothing. I know it's off topic, but I felt that was important.

    Steroids do cause you to be extra hungry. Drink plenty of water and keep your mind off of food as much as possible. And if you do cave in, make sure to have plenty of healthy, low cal options to choose from.

    Best of luck to you!
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    I have an autoimmune disease and follow a Paleo diet. I have been able to mediate symptoms to where I don't need to take steroids. Coincidence, not sure? I do feel much better eating this way. There are many leads on the net about the Paleo diet. Robb Wolf is a good source of information and was suffering from an autoimmune disease. Here is a video that describes the Paleo diet as well as cross-fit as an exercise plan, from a SLE sufferer. She is symptom free as well medication free. Does it work? Maybe. Worth a look.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Slimfast is vile stuff, far too sugary for a start.

    Concentrate on eating better, keeping sweet things to a minimum and try to move around - swimming? Aqua zumba? - to help you.

    I didn't put on nearly so much weight when I switched from oral steroids to injectable ones - not medical advice, obviously, but the rheumatologist might have some suggestions for you.
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi Rachel, I also have SLE and am on low dose prednisone, hydroxychloroquine and several others. Luckily, so far I have actually felt the need to eat less, I think because I am feeling so much better, but I am worried about gaining prednisone weight. Having to be on 40mg, I think it will be tougher for you. What I've found that seems to be helping me more than anything is eating something every 3-4hrs, like a piece of fruit and a special k protein snack bar, or glass of almond milk and piece of fruit, etc.

    Most of my weight I gained before the prednisone. Anyway, the main thing I wanted to tell you is that I have had flare-ups and then several years of basically minor symptoms so just wanted to let you know that your lupus may not always be as bad as it is right now. Hopefully, you'll have remissions like I have had where little treatment is required and you're able to lead a more normal life. Since I was diagnosed at a fairly young age and am 49 now, just wanted you to know there's hope.
  • I don't have SLE (afaik) but I am a Prednisone user who JUST finished 2 back-to-back cycles and am on the last day of taper.
    The majority of my medical issues have been caused by longterm use of prescription stimulants (never abused them, was at the same or lower dose for 7 years). Now it is time to 'pay the piper' and I believe that being fit and healthy will be key to increasing my quality and length of life.
  • kfers01
    kfers01 Posts: 5
    I am 32 years old and I have had lupus going on 8 years now. I have 3 children all under the age of 8. I just joined the gym and trying to get myself back in shape. It is so hard with all the medicines I take for the lupas. I am on 8mg Methyprednisolone, Plaquenil, and Nifedipine, and Losartan for high blood pressure. My current weight is 193 but I am trying to get to 175. I need to lose 18 lbs. I am 5'4. I don't look like I am overweight but I sure feel like I am. I am so young but I feel like a old lady. My body aches and my joints always hurt in the morning and in the evening. I have been trying to keep record of what I eat and trying to eat healthier. Alot of people in my family have diabetes do to being overweight and I want to make sure I don't get it. Any one else have this same struggle.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I'm also doing 30 day shred, fast walking 30 min a day, and tracking my calories on myfitnesspal. I was diagnosed as having lupus (in the very early stages, not much joint pain yet or other complications). All I take is Plaquenil so far. I'm exercising and keeping healthy to keep my joints in good shape! When I have had joint pain, I know it makes it worse to have extra weight on your joints. Add me if you want support and motivation! I would appreciate the support of a new friend on mfp too!