Need accountability friends

Hi, I am a 57 year old female. Was always active most of my adult life, until I got fibromyalgia at 50....then things started going down hill physically.
I gained 45 pounds over a period of several years. Had a seizure a few months ago and retired early from bus driving, so I am home now. I want to be active again. I realize that with can't push yourself too far, but I need to push something for heavens sakes!
I could use some friends to be accountable to... someone that should be accountable to me too.
I am a grandma and absolutely love those grand~babies!
I am a Christian and although physically I have went down hill spiritually I feel like Ive been growing.
Please let me know if youd like to be friends and do this together!


  • elm57
    elm57 Posts: 15 Member
    I'll send you a request. Keep your head up!