Unable to exercise in apartment...



  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    You can buy a pad or mat to exercise on. I have one that is about 1/2 thick and works somewhat well with jumping. Also, try to land like a cat. It actually is harder and a better workout I think to jump and land without a huge thud than just jumping high and crashing down.
  • Compudad
    Compudad Posts: 54 Member
    You are not doing anything wrong, keep doing what you are doing. I believe in being considerate to others under normal circumstances but not in tip-toeing through life to placate somebody's quirks.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Get a 12" sub-woofer. Put on some Skrillex dub-step at high volume and start doing kettle bell routines, see how they like that.

    Seriously, if you are doing it mid-day then they need to STFU and go get a job. It's part of apartment life. If you live under people you are going to hear noise. Let them keep calling the police... in the end THEY will be the ones in trouble for calling them constantly for no good reason.

    BTW resistance bands are awesome if you MUST be quiet.
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    Can you talk to them about if there's a better time? Maybe they work 3rd shift and if you worked out in the evening it wouldn't bother them. If they don't have a time and any noise bothers them, then they should not be living in a lower apartment. If they are just being unreasonable and will not compromise, continue to do what you do until the police get sick of responding to the person.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    When I lived in a first floor apartment, any noise during the day didn't bother me. I only complained (multiple time) to the office when loud music was played after midnight (which was a violation of county noise ordinance). And, trust me, I had to call a lot. The office ended up kicking those people out because they kept getting calls from me, they had been warned, and kept violating the rules.

    IMO: You are doing nothing wrong. Look up the county noise ordinance and if she continues to complain, tape it to her door or hand her a copy (maybe along with some cookies). I doubt she realizes that those things happen when you live below someone. And getting po'd when you're doing exercises during daylight hours in the middle of the day is ridiculous.

    Good luck!
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    We don't know anything about her neighbor's situation. Maybe she works nights and is trying to sleep during the day. I know plenty of people who are trying to get sleep from 11am-noon because they work overnights. Why don't you talk to her and ask when would be a good time to do your exercises instead of engaging in this war of attrition? If she says no time works, then screw her. But maybe she will be perfectly amenable to figuring out a time where she won't be bothered.
  • rankingfullstop
    rankingfullstop Posts: 28 Member
    There's a lot to be said for being considerate of your neighbor's right to quiet enjoyment of their apartment. I have a bike mounted on a very quiet fluid trainer and it sits on top of a 3/4 inch rubber mat. The mat weighs over 100lbs and I bought it before I started using the trainer which tends to vibrate quite a bit. I even bought a slick tire so that there's no rumbling noise when I'm on the bike.

    A lot of condominiums and apartment buildings require that a certain percentage of floorspace be covered by carpeting. This is to ensure that downstairs neighbors aren't disturbed by footsteps and things falling on the floor. It just seems to me that doing jumping exercises without some sort of thick padding is a bit much.
  • Amanda2br
    Amanda2br Posts: 18
    I lived here before she did and was doing my routine all along. When she moved in she was informed that there was some one above her and with a young child.
    She now been calling the office every time my son drops a toy (even at 7pm).
    I am looking for a house come next summer.
    But thank you for all the suggestions.. I like the idea of boxing, always have. And with the warmer weather setting in, I will be out then. I just ahve to survive indoors during the cold..
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I live in a house and the basement is rented out.. hardwood floors creak a lot upstairs.. I got connect-a-mats (like the ones you see in daycares) sometimes I double them up to really stop the sound.

    Your neighbour is crazy though.. I bet the cops don't like coming to deal with her calls. How is the management where you live? I'm sure they are sick of hearing from her too.. Just keep at it, try the mats and persevere.. like I mentioned, people will get sick of your neighbour. I mean, IMO, don't live in an apartment building if you can't handle occasional movement by your upper/lower neighbours.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    When my kids are asleep I don't want to jump around too much so I use a Jillian yoga meltdown dvd. There is no jumping and I find it works pretty well for a good workout. Getting out for a walk is nice when the weather is good as well. I hated apartment living. We decided to always be the one on top after a year of living below some very loud people. We were also in a basement and the basement flooded when the plumbing stopped up. It was our first apartment after being married and within the first week we had to have people extract water/sewage and clean the carpets. Good luck with the new lady living under you.
  • ordnaj3la1
    ordnaj3la1 Posts: 49 Member
    Calisthenics. Do push ups, dips, pull-ups. All these things are pretty much quiet.
    - You could have an amazing chest and back workout with just different variations of push-ups and pull-ups.
    - Biceps; some dumbbells and don't smash them on the floor.
    - Triceps; dips, dumbbells, military push-ups.
    - Shoulders; dumbbells, planks, push-ups.
    - Legs; squats, lunges

    You can do anything (y)
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    2. Start working out between 11pm and midnight for a week so that she's relieved and happy when you switch back to 11am.

    DO IT. xD
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Tap dancing! :laugh:

    Ok, seriously, it sounds like outdoor activity is going to be your thing. Hiking, running with a stroller, biking with a baby/child seat or cart, or just running around a playground.