Getting older and dealing with body changes (20s to 30s)



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'm arguably in better shape at 39 than 29. My biggest noticable difference is my ability to overcome lack of sleep. Back then, late nights were no big deal. These days its 2 more to recover from a late night. and that doesn't even count drinking.

    I eat a million times more healthy now so my energy is a lot better. Physically I haven't lost much, a little bit in my vertical, a step or 2 off my sprinting, but strength & endurance are very solid.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Yeah I'm turning 38 in just over a month.... I'm in better shape now than I was ....well ever was. I was fat, unfit & lazy. Now? Try stop me. My 19yo son can't even keep up
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    Well now for "the not you granny's" point of view. I turn 61 in a couple months and am physically SO much hotter looking than I was in my 20 ,I have tons of energy,weigh 30 pounds less,I never had flat abs till the last few years. And hated exercise.
    As for the biggest changes each decade you get to eat less....get less sun...I am paying for my generations love of the sun on my face with wrinkles,your body will lose elasticity so keep it in shape along the way and it won't be an issue.

    And then you to can be your husbands trophy wife at 60!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I assume it is different experience for a guy than a girl while aging.

    But I find that women in their 30s are at their sexiest. They know what they want (in multiple "situations" ;) ), they are confident, independent minded and mature while still being physically beautiful. Sure, girls in their 20s are usually more physically attractive, but that’s what they are -- girls. I prefer women. I guess it's like when a woman says "I don't want a boy, I want a man."
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    Yeah, when I turned 30 my ability to drink whatever I wanted took a nose dive. I can now only stick to one kind of alcohol in a sitting, and it takes far less to make me drunk! I was never a big drinker in the first place, but this was still a bummer.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't think there was any intrinsic change for me. Spent less time burning off cals at clubs though lol. But honestly I've been in better shape in my 30s than before thanks to working out.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    And btw mentally and emotionally it's a 100% better! At least for me. More confident and all.
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    I noticed no change at 30, a bit of change at 35, and 40 has been a brutal kick in the *kitten*.

    Elaborate? (afraid)


    I definitely can't eat as much now. The change at 35 was pretty marginal, but the change at 40 has been very significant. I gained 20lbs between August and January. While I was indulging a bit, I didn't think I was indulging that much!

    My face has changed. I noticed it back in the fall, but it is really obvious to me now. I can't put my finger on it, but my face is different. I can't colour my hair as dark any more, and I've had to change the way I do my make-up. I wound up in the M.A.C. store in tears two weeks ago, begging for help. The colours the artist chose for me were completely different than what the last artist chose for me 5 years ago.

    To quote hubby, before I changed my make-up, "You look like Commander Data." (Google "Commander Data" if you're not familiar with Star Trek). It was so weird the way that happened, seemingly overnight!

    I've always had issues with acne, but they were pretty mild. Now, I get deep cystic acne on my face. OMG it is terrible. Just horrible.

    Oh, and the hot flashes are great fun. :grumble: One of our project mangers told me "I'm not going to be a slave to your hormones" when I asked him to turn down the temperature a little. My sweater goes on and off all day. And, the night sweats have started. :sad:

    I'm sure I'll get used to this. The changes actually started to become noticeable six months before I turned 40.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I assume it is different experience for a guy than a girl while aging.

    But I find that women in their 30s are at their sexiest. They know what they want (in multiple "situations" ;) ), they are confident, independent minded and mature while still being physically beautiful. Sure, girls in their 20s are usually more physically attractive, but that’s what they are -- girls. I prefer women. I guess it's like when a woman says "I don't want a boy, I want a man."

    I want to slow clap for this. ^^ :drinker:
  • aisling816
    I'm 31 and the biggest change I saw is the slowing of metabolism...gone are the days of eating whatever and how much you want. Your body is not like it was. Notice how recovery from drinking alcohol take longer than it did in your early 20's. Your body changes.

    That being said, it only means you need to be more mindful of what you put into your body and remain dedicated to a fitness regimen. Numbers on the scale mean less than how you look; I've noticed that I carry weight differently. I've been working out consistently for about 4 months now. I have noticeable changes; I have more muscle tone, my stomach is smaller and I actually have a bit of curve to my butt now :) However, the scale has not changed one bit and that was discouraging. Compare that to your 20's where it seemed results were shown in the numbers.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I assume it is different experience for a guy than a girl while aging.

    But I find that women in their 30s are at their sexiest. They know what they want (in multiple "situations" ;) ), they are confident, independent minded and mature while still being physically beautiful. Sure, girls in their 20s are usually more physically attractive, but that’s what they are -- girls. I prefer women. I guess it's like when a woman says "I don't want a boy, I want a man."

    I want to slow clap for this. ^^ :drinker:

    :) Yep. That's why my husband married an "older" gal. Love this.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your metabolism slows so little over the years that you really wouldn't notice it, less than 10 calories per decade. What does happen is you become less active, start to replace lean muscle mass with fat and then you start piling on weight. Rebuild your muscle mass, get moving, watch your calorie intake and 80 can look just as good as 20 plus a few wrinkles.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am 31, I have started to notice some wrinkles around my eyes and definitely some wear and tear on my joints =( I dont to get older. Turning 30 REALLY bothered me.

    On the other hand I am a lot smarter and stronger (mentally and emotionally) now than I was in my 20's
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I will be 39 next month and I am barely recognizable from the girl I was in my 20s. For the first time in my life, I have curves. I threw away my B cup bras and started buying DDs. No more boyish figure! I have muscles. I can see the outline of my abs - just a few more pounds! have endurance. My willpower is much stronger, so it's easier to stick with a diet and exercise program. I am stronger, more confident and sexier than ever. I know what I want, I'm not afraid to go for it, and my sex drive is through the roof.

    Embrace your thirties. I highly recommend it. :drinker:
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I will turn 30 in September and am really pretty excited about being in my 30s. I've made a lot of gains in my personal and professional life over the last couple years and am really happy about who I am as a person and where I'm going with my life. My upcoming 30 was a big motivation for me to get serious about my health and fitness last year. I feel so much better after losing 20 lbs and am focusing on strength training now so I can bring the hotness through my 30s. Of course I want to look good("What, there's no way your XX years old!") but really I want to maintain my strength and health as I get older.
    I'm already planning all the grown-*kitten* woman presents I'm going to treat myself to in September :bigsmile:
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I haven't really noticed much change from 20s to 30s to 42. I weighed less in my 20s, but I'm leaner now. I started running regularly when I was 34; I'm faster now and can run further. Ido need more sleep now; I remember being able to get away with just a few hours a night, now I need 6 or 7. And I pay a lot more attention to what I eat.
  • Rosytakesoff
    I'll be 40 this summer. Sure, I have more wrinkles and gravity has caught up with me, but I am 100% happier than I was in my 20s. So the physical changes were a tradeoff for the happier outlook, IMO. And lots of women my age have expressed that they too are much happier with themselves than they were in their 20s.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    i'm 31 now and i was terrified of turning 30. Actually, i'm in better shape now than i was in my early 20s, probably because i pay more attention to the foods i eat and exercise regularly, which i did not back then. There have been LOTS of body changes for me, but that is because i've had two kids — one just 6 months ago! haha. I keep telling myself that if i eat healthy and exercise and drink lots of water, i should hopefully not look too haggard when i'm old. :)
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    I will be 30 in July. I have to say....the only thing I have noticed is that I am much more bad *kitten* these days. :-) Lol. Naw, I am in the best shape of my life and I am much happier now than when I was in my early 20's, but my skin is sucking for sure. I never had acne, but now, I have blackheads constantly. I am getting a few wrinkles under my eyes and I look worse when I'm tired. I've had 3 kids, but have a much better body now, than before my first child at 19 years old. I wouldn't go back in time for anything!! 30 is the new 20! You all are beautiful!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've noticed I get drunker quicker from beer.
    I've noticed I can handle spirits a lot better than in my 20s.
    I've noticed my hair is starting to thin up top.

    I don't get as angry as I used to, which makes me think I need to get a subscription for testosterone so I can preserve my rage.

    That's about it. Oh yeah, your knees will sing to you on occasion.