Small Changes You've Made Since Joining MFP



  • jdyer90
    jdyer90 Posts: 15 Member
    I look up the calories before I eat, and think, do I really want this?
    I didn't realize how many calories I was eating at the end of the day when I should of been reversing it!
    I feel guilty if I don't jog that day.
    I've inspired my roommate to make healthier eating choices (although she's a twig!)
  • delor44
    delor44 Posts: 71
    Like many of you, I really think about what it is that I am going to eat - still have treats, but much less. MFP made me much more aware of the types of food I needed (protein) versus where I was getting too much. Protein is my friend - on so many levels.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I drink more water. This is the longest I've ever tracked my food, etc. I try to eat more fruit and vegetables. But the main thing is whenever I have a bad eating day, I don't consider myself a failure and give up like I used to do yearssssssssss ago. Now I just try to exercise more that day or if I don't do that, I don't beat myself up over it. I just do better the next day with my food and working out. So I guess you can say being on here helped changed my attitude towards getting healthy and working out. Sometimes its not about the pounds it's about the inches. I lose inches before it starts showing up on the scale, so I go by my clothes and not what the scale says. It is nice seeing the numbers go down on the scale but as long as my clothes are starting to feel big and I can see it in my face, etc... I'm thrilled.
  • stumpycow
    stumpycow Posts: 94 Member
    When eating dinner, I don't go immediately for a second helping. I wait a little while to see if I'm really still hungry or if it's just the food is there. I haven't had that overly full feeling after dinner in quite awhile. I also drink a glass of water if I feel hungry, especially when the night cravings start. I've even managed to convince my husband to do these two things!

    ETA: And I've also kicked my Mt. Dew habit... and I don't miss it!
  • willafan
    willafan Posts: 101
    No more mindless snacking! I used to have a drawer of snacks at work, a whole cabinet of them at home and even a little stash in the car.. Logging every bite in MFP and seeing how many calories I was eating outside of my meals was very eye-opening. I'm now on a very good pattern of 3 meals, two snacks and appreciate an occasional treat. Good Topic!
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I've seriously been cured of mild orthorexia. I can eat "bad foods" in moderation without derailing progress toward my dietary goals. In the past there were periods where if I did eat something bad (like candy or a desert) it would send me on a weekend long spiral of terrible food choices (that I could easily work off in a few days with all the working out and exercise and lifting I was doing but still were unhealthy).
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    1. Drinking more water. I haven't had a soda in about 2-3 weeks. And I don't miss it. I drink water, coffee and ice tea.
    2. Exercising more. Even if I don't make it to the gym (which I joined b/c of MFP), I take the dog for a walk. I love when I get home from the gym and 2 miles on the treadmill and then take Cora (the dog) for a 1 mile walk. It amazes me that what used to be a PITA is now something I look forward to and enjoy, esp when I can log 3 miles for the day.
    3. Eating better. More fresh fruit and veggies, less processed crap.
    4. NO sweets for about 5 weeks now, not by conscious effort. I'm eating better, so I don't crave the sweets. And I don't even miss it. AMAZING.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Like everyone else I think before I eat something. I now eat my breakfast at dinner a lot of times because
    I am running out of calories.
    I lost 4lbs when I only wanted to maintain so it does work.
  • krucks
    krucks Posts: 10 Member
    I am definitely more mindful of what I eat, when, and how much...I never tracked my eating before and what an eye opener this has been. I have found that I need to pay attention to the amount of sugar I take in - the first week was depressing as I saw that by the end of breakfast I had way too much sugar!!! (I eat usually a greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom, and my cup of coffee with cream and sugar) Now I use truvia, and am trying cream substitutes (soymilk, almond milk, etc...). Love the experience and hope to make my goal by the time summer hits. :)
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    I drink lots more water, and am conscious about what I eat now. I eat a lot more whole/clean/nutritious foods. And the major change for me is I've cut out milk and switched to almond milk instead for way less sugar and carbs (and cals!) (though I do still sometimes have cream in my coffee at work, but...i'm trying to maintain and I measure out my tbsp of cream into my coffee instead of just dumping it in!)

    I eat lots more veggies.
  • blindedbyawesome
    blindedbyawesome Posts: 56 Member
    Less Beer!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I choose water instead of sending my daughter to the store for Diet Pepsi every night.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I have found myself wanting to eat healthier (instead of feeling like I have to). I feel stronger and better mentally because of it. I have noticed vast improvements in my skin (I have very sensitive, problematic, combination skin and it has been much clearer lately - that could be partially contributed to quitting smoking as well though). I track my calories every day, which kinda makes me plan out my meals in advance, so I always have something healthy prepared now. I used to just go out to eat alot or get take-out because I didn't feel like cooking. I almost never do that now. I also have been drinking alcohol less, becaue it won't fit into my calorie goal. I've never had an alcohol problem, but I would have a glass of wine or 2 on occasion or some drinks on the weekend. Now I maybe have one or two drinks, but I never have the calories left to get drunk anymore.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I try to exercise daily, drink more water, and eat what I want in moderation. No more heaping plates and seconds. I even use a smaller plate sometimes at dinner so that I get that illusion of a heaping plate. LOL
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Started buying almond milk instead of whole milk
    I'm doing this one, too, although I started before MFP. I've been moving to more vegetarian meals, and a vegan friend told me about almond milk. It's great for cooking, cereal, and just about everything else (except coffee...just couldn't make that leap).
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i drink more whiskey and exercise more.
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    I have pretty much quit pasta since starting MFP. I can't measure it well, so I just stopped it. I've also cut out crackers and other processed carbs, not only are they a trigger food, they are also pretty devoid of nutrition. We joined a produce co op and that has done great things for our family! I had eggplant Parmesan for the first time ever.. I know, not healthy but I've never had eggplant in my life! Lots of small changes here.
  • shannonahenderson
    I pray more...can't conquer this weight loss journey without God's guidance!
  • younginaz
    younginaz Posts: 71 Member
    I eat 5 small meals a day. It helps me from going home starving after work and overeating dinner.
  • aikasm
    aikasm Posts: 63
    i've started drinking more almond milk and using PB2 powdered peanut butter instead of regular. and of course just beieng healthier in general