Does the feeling ever go away?



  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    No :( Especially when there are always even fitter people showing off how fit they are while you're busting your butt just to get by. It really feels better than the alternative of being really out of shape though. That's one positive thing.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I was just talking with one of my amazing friends on here. We both are going through the same thing, I'm hoping to hear what people think.

    My highest weight was 215 I was in a size 18/20 pants and 2X shirts, I'm now 156 pounds, I'm size 8 pants, small/med shirts.
    There are so many days that I look in the mirror and see that 215 pound, unhappy woman. I also catch myself looking at bigger clothes sometimes when I'm out shopping.

    I know what I've accomplished, but does that feeling that you're still as big as when you started ever go away?

    Thanks :smile:
    Talk to a professional. It's obvious that there are feelings that you have that are much more complicated than just how you view your body at a lower/higher weight. At least this way you can try to identify why you feel this way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Unless you're adding psychologist/psychiatrist to your list of qualifications I don't think this advice is valid.

  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    3 years and counting on this journey and STILL feel this way. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    I totally sympathize with you. I look in the mirror and don't feel THAT much different. And I'll go shopping, and my ability to size what clothing I'll fit into has just flown right out the window. But when I see myself in pictures, and on video it REALLY hits home, and when I look at old clothing that falls right off I feel a lot better. Keep before and after shots/clothes. It really helps. And remember it's not your size that makes you anyway. It's your character.
  • salu1975
    salu1975 Posts: 26
    Actually, I always look at size small in clothes untill the harsh reality of the fitting room. It says.. "ya u wish! Go get yourself a large!"
  • tricelive
    tricelive Posts: 93 Member
    It definitely takes some getting use too; I have just about lost 90lbs from an 18-20 now to a size 12 and I can get into some 10’s tightly, medium shirts & dresses. But when people say you’re so much smaller I’m thinking what you are seeing I still need to lose weight. At least now I can see it, it took awhile to stop shopping in the plus size stores too. But my mind is catching up now.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    It does for some people.

    Some of those same people also forget where they've been, and turn into high and mighty snots.

    I hope I never forget, even when the feeling goes.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I have lost 40 and need to lose another 40, but lately I still feel fat. I measured my belly and it was 45 inches and for some reason I expected it to be smaller. Now I measured it at it's biggest point (my belly button), but it seems so far away from 32 inches.

    I know I just need to keep doing what I am doing and one day I will wake up and it will be 32 inches, but sometimes that seems so hard.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I wasn't unhappy when I was obese and I'm not unhappy now. I do sometimes pick up way too big size of stuff lol. But I usually feel pretty awesome about my reflection in the mirror now lol :wink:

    I think a big problem people have is that they are unhappy and think magically losing weight will make them happy.... I can't tell if that's what you meant or not.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Wow! Great job dropping 10 pants sizes and those extra pounds. That's impressive.

    I don't personally have this problem, but my sister does. She is totally fit and healthy and skinny now, but she always sees that 220 pound woman in the mirror. You just have to conivnce yourself that's not you anymore and know that you are doing great. It's hard, but you can get over it in time. Positive self talk and having friends and family reminding you of how good you look will help. Put up some post it notes on your bedroom mirror to help boost your self confidence; "I am skinny", "I'm hot", "I love my body" etc.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    In the past, it helped to go shopping and try on various sizes.

    I remember in particular trying on swimsuits. I tried on one size down from what I bought before and was surprised to find I had to go down one more size. It was exhilarating!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I hope it goes away eventually. But not yet for me anyway. I started a hair larger than you and am about the same now, and I don't really see any difference. I don't have "before" pics, the best I have is a during (about 1/2 way) and now- and I guess I see it a little there, but never in the mirror. I put on size 6 jeans yesterday. I know I'm smaller, but I don't see it or feel it yet. At all.
  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    I have lost 115 pounds and celebrate the fact that I just get size large instead of triple X. It will wear off since their are so many more options on that side of the rack.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I think it's hard to say. My heaviest was 208. I'm about 145 now. Some days I really see the difference and some days I still see me the old me. I think it depends on my moods
  • HealthyinAZ
    HealthyinAZ Posts: 408 Member
    I'm still in process, and it certainly hasn't gone away for me - except that it's a bit different for me than for you. When I'm at home and I look in the mirror - I see my progress and I'm THRILLED that I'm not that size 22/24 anymore - I see how hard I've worked and I think I look amazing for a size 14...

    Then I go places, like yesterday to my kids school for my daughters play - and as soon as I'm around strangers... I feel like every one who see's me is looking at me like I'm HUGE. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

    ...because I've been in this negative thought process so long, I don't think it'll be something that's easy for me to break, it'll just take time for you and I to slowly re-see ourselves in our new bodies.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I'm about 10 months in and I KNOW that I've gotten smaller - I can see it on the scale as well as in my clothes. I went from a L/XL to a Medium in tops and from a ridiculously tight 12 in pants to a 6. I know it and I can see it. But when the clothes come off, I don't see much of a difference. If I could get the weight to come off of my waistline, I think my brain would finally catch up.
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    Congrats on an awesome job!!! Our personal lens of perception often has us seeing ourselves one way despite the obvious. For example I could still see the ten pounds on that I lost. Keep loving yourself and celebrate the victories that have gotten you this far... Accentuate the positives and the negatives fade eventually. Talk with someone if you need to but celebrate celebrate celebrate the positive steps and courage that has gotten you this far.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I know it is hard for a woman in this culture, but you cannot rely on how you look for your feeling of self-worth. Your looks will eventually fade--we all turn into fat little grannies or skinny little grannies, but none of us look that awesome past a certain age.

    Focus on other accomplishments--are you good at your job, do you have kids you raised well, and did you turn into the kind of person that you wanted to be when you were a kid? Because those are the things that will not go away.
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the responses, it's great knowing I'm not alone with how I'm feeling
    And for the person who think I need to talk to a therapist on why I got to 215, my daughter had 3 major surgeries when she was 10 months and 4 years old, that is the major reason I was overweight, the stress of my baby going through that made me over eat, so please don't judge, you never know someone's story. :-)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Interesting you mention this. I just reached my goal last weekend and next week I am going on a beach vacation. I bought myself 2 new bikinis. For the first time in my life, trying them on and looking in the mirror wasn't a horrifying experience! However.....wearing it out in public might be different. Normally when I go to the beach I wear a bikini, but I usually keep on a shirt and shorts and don't go in the water (even though I love swimming). I am wondering if I will find myself doing the same thing next week, even though I know that I look ok in a bikini now. I have never worn just a bathing suit on the beach in public.

    And yes, going shopping sometimes I grab a size 12, which is what I wore for years, completely forgetting that I'm a 6 now. Sometimes I will pick up a 6, look at it, and say "ha! No way I'm ever getting into that!" but...I actually do fit into it. My brain hangs onto the overweight me just because I was overweight my whole life.