I fell of the wagon and get get back on :(



  • Me too :(

    My eating is just terrible lately. I've been feeling so depressed, and so down about everything. I'm sure it's seasonal, I live in Denmark and haven't seen sun in months. I have a long flight tomorrow, but the day after I'm going to go pick up some vitamin D supplements. I could also really use some support both with getting my food back on track and with the seasonal depression.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Yes. This whole motivation thing is cyclical for me (and for many people I know).

    Start with just one thing. After I recently fell off the wagon, I started back by logging everything. Every. Single. Thing. From there I progressed to starting to move more again. Soon I was back to running and lifting. I know I am going to hit some rough spots up ahead but I'll keep my head up. I'm strong enough to do this and so are you.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I've been struggling too - looks like lots of us have been! I chalk it up to the time of year - it's just wretched.

    I am trying to get myself back into the swing of things by just committing to a WEENSY change at a time. That really helped when I was getting started - if I tried to do it all, I'd get overwhelmed. So I'm focusing on my exercise first - make 4 workouts this week. Once I've gotten that back as a habit, I will work on getting my diet back in shape - one step at a time.

    Progress, not perfection!
  • I've had seasonal problems for a long time. My doctor has recommended vitamin D, but you still need some sunlight to metabolize it. So even in the winter I try to be outside for 20 minutes... walk to mailbox, etc. He has also suggested a light box in the past. Exercise, helps me tremendously. As a last resort, once a week in the tanning bed... it gets the vitamin D.

    Right now I just vitamin D, see the sun for a few minutes outside, and exercise. It's working a ton.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Fall down 7 times, get up 8. (Chinese proverb...I think)

    I've fallen about 43 times. 44th time is a charm ;)
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    that would be great i dont have many people i can actually talk to about all this except my husband but he has the rely on yourself and yourself only attitude.. it just doesn't work for me,

    sorry about your loss and i hope you settle in you new home soon, do you do any exercise dvds at home it, i love Bethany Frankels yoga one, slow and relaxing and the breathing aspect of it makes me calm down,

    i dont have any thing major like that going on in my life which leaves me with a hopelessness because theres nothing i can point at, im gonna try vitamins and the vD.
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    have you thought about trying the SAD light therapy? I am thinking about giving it a try, as I feel like you do...did well, lost 20lbs, then got depressed and pretty much gave up...HANG IN THERE! I am slowly pushing myself back into it...you can do it!!!:flowerforyou:

    thankyou youve done great! my mother in law tried that it didnt work for her and also my aunt tried it failed for her also altho i think it runs more deeply for them than just SAD
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    Me too :(

    My eating is just terrible lately. I've been feeling so depressed, and so down about everything. I'm sure it's seasonal, I live in Denmark and haven't seen sun in months. I have a long flight tomorrow, but the day after I'm going to go pick up some vitamin D supplements. I could also really use some support both with getting my food back on track and with the seasonal depression.

    me too, i didnt know if id get a response from this but im amazed just the support i need, its nice to hear that your normal and everyone else struggles with the same things, :flowerforyou:
  • 4bigeasy
    4bigeasy Posts: 51 Member
    you should get your vitamin d level checked. mine runs low and that can cause sluggishness and depression. a normal range is between 30-80, mine has been as low as 10. it won't get up to normal levels with otc vitamin d, you have to get a prescription dose of 50,000 units that you take once a week for 3 months. it took me about 5 months to get to a normal range and i still have to get tested even though i take otc 5,000 units every day. once my level got closer to normal, i felt a lot better!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Whenever I mess up it helps to picture this 'wagon' everyone keeps referring to as being two feet off the ground and pulled by two elderly, arthritic Shetland ponies. One easy hop to get back on.
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    you should get your vitamin d level checked. mine runs low and that can cause sluggishness and depression. a normal range is between 30-80, mine has been as low as 10. it won't get up to normal levels with otc vitamin d, you have to get a prescription dose of 50,000 units that you take once a week for 3 months. it took me about 5 months to get to a normal range and i still have to get tested even though i take otc 5,000 units every day. once my level got closer to normal, i felt a lot better!

    wow i never knew that, i think im gonna change doctors i feel im never taken seriously and fobbed off when i ask for any sort of treatment or diagnoses over than antidepressants, thanks!
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Been there and quite recently I might add. I had surgery that kept me out of the gym for four months, and It seemed like I would never get motivated again. But found that if I just make myself, it will become a habit as it did before. It is just about doing it!
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    Whenever I mess up it helps to picture this 'wagon' everyone keeps referring to as being two feet off the ground and pulled by two elderly, arthritic Shetland ponies. One easy hop to get back on.

    just LOL!!! :laugh:
  • j_ringsaker
    j_ringsaker Posts: 47 Member
    Sometimes you just have to kick yourself in the *kitten* to get out of a funk. Begrudgingly, get off the couch and go work out. You'll hate every minute of it, I'm sure. But by the time you're done with your first round of exercise, it'll all come back to you. Think of how you want to be, not how you are or what you were. It'll give you a better outlook!

    Next day.....do it again!
  • lms4310
    lms4310 Posts: 21
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    i fell off the wagon again since my injury has taken over my life. i had surgery yesterday and am finally going to be on the road to recovery soon. i can always use some support and it sounds like you can too. feel free to friend me. :smile:
  • 4bigeasy
    4bigeasy Posts: 51 Member
    I didn't know about vitamin D deficiencies either, my doctor certainly didn't pick up on it. My sister, who's also a nurse, also had really low levels and knew my symptoms and suggested I get tested.
  • baileyesp
    baileyesp Posts: 54 Member
    Up to about mid last year I had lost a huge 22.5kg and now I have gained about 13.5kg back :( I don't know what the hell happened to me. I had recently completed the C25K program and was the fittest I had been in my whole life and the never ending compliments I was getting on my weight loss from family and friends was amazing.

    Now I'm keen to get back into it. I'm back logging my diet on the MFP app and I'm exercising everyday. My goal is to lose 20kg by October as my brother is getting married and I am one of his groomsmen. That is going to be my motivation.

    I hope you get back into it. There is nothing worse than feeling like you have let yourself and your loved ones down after working so hard to get your health and weight back on track.

    Good luck.