HipHop Abs Calender

jtapp9 Posts: 59 Member
Does anyone here have the workout schedule for the program? I got mine off of ebay and its missing the schedule. Would like to try to do the program in the original order.

Thanks in advance!


  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I got this off yahoo answers:

    Here is the workout plan:
    Week 1:
    Monday - Fat Burning Cardio/Disc 1
    Tuesday - Fat Burning Cardio/Disc 1
    Wednesday - Ab Sculpt/Disc 2
    Thursday - Fat Burning Cardio/Disc 1
    Friday - Fat Burning Cardio/Disc 1
    Saturday - Ab Sculpt/Disc 2
    Sunday - REST

    Week 2:
    Mon - Fat Burning Cardio
    Tues - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Sculpt
    Wed - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Sculpt
    Thurs - Ab Sculpt
    Fri - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Sculpt
    Sat - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Scupt
    Sun - REST

    Week 3:
    Mon - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Sculpt
    Tues - Total Body Burn/Disc 2
    Wed - Fat Burning Cardio/Hips, Buns, and Thighs
    Thurs - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Sculpt
    Fri - Total Body Burn
    Sat - Hips, Buns, and Thighs
    Sun - REST

    Week 4:
    Mon - Total Body Burn
    Tues - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Sculpt
    Wed - Fat Burning Cardio/Hips, Buns, and Thighs
    Thurs - Total Body Burn
    Fri - Fat Burning Cardio/Ab Sculpt
    Sat - Fat Burning Cardio/Hips, Buns, and Thighs
    Sun - REST
  • jtapp9
    jtapp9 Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you! I guess I didnt look hard enough when I searched.