Insanity Question


For those of you who are doing or have done insanity, please answer the following question for me. Feel free to choose more than one letter and explain. Thanks so much.

I was wondering about pain/soreness and tiredness afterwards. For Insanity:

A. Tough during the exercise but no pain/soreness or tiredness later in the day.
B. Tough during the exercise and pain/soreness later in the day but no tiredness.
C. Tough during the exercise, tiredness later in the day but no pain/soreness.
D. Tough during the exercise and also both pain/soreness and tiredness later in the day.

Again, thanks.


  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    Basically, I know it might be different for each person and might depend on whether you listen to your body but I want to get the sense of whether it is 60 days of suffering only during the exercise or 60 days of suffering all day each day. That's the gist of my question. It makes a difference.
  • TrueBodyCoach
    It all depends on your fitness level. I completed Insanity last year. The first couple of weeks were challenging because my body was not used to the extreme cardio! I did not suffer the rest of the day.........I have heard that some do. Regardless, you will feel tired until your body accepts the workout. Once it does, you will CRAVE the HIGH! :)
    whatever you do.....DO NOT GIVE UP! IT WILL GET EASIER, I PROMISE!
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    It all depends on your fitness level. I completed Insanity last year. The first couple of weeks were challenging because my body was not used to the extreme cardio! I did not suffer the rest of the day.........I have heard that some do. Regardless, you will feel tired until your body accepts the workout. Once it does, you will CRAVE the HIGH! :)
    whatever you do.....DO NOT GIVE UP! IT WILL GET EASIER, I PROMISE!

    Nice. Thanks. I don't mind suffering for the 30 min to 1 hour each day but I don't want something that has me suffering all day.
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    I was sure this was going to say something like "Am I crazy?"
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    The first week of each month was horrible. I had DOMS like you would not believe after that it was pretty much no big deal. Some days were worse than others. It really depends on your fitness level, how much you push yourself etc.

    Don't just not do it because you might have sore muscles.
  • biddy81
    biddy81 Posts: 122 Member
    My first week doing it, I felt like my legs would never relax again, and it hurt to sit. Now that I'm in week two, my muscles seem to have acclimated. I get worn out and a bit sore when I'm doing the workout, but afterwards I feel fine for the rest of the day. We'll see if that continues once I get into the Max intervals in month two...
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I'm in week 4 of Insanity and its tough, but doable. Some time in Nov I tried doing it and was doing well, but the jumping was too much pressure on my left foot and put me out of working out for a couple weeks. I've also had this happen with another program so its not just insanity. Everyone is obviously different though.It also left me sore for the first week lol.

    Well like I said I am back on the program and so far I'm doing great.. no soreness, pain, or injuries as of yet. I say go for it and see how you do. It gets a lil easier after the first couple of weeks.. and then they switch em up lol.
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    Cool thanks guys
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in week 4 of Insanity and its tough, but doable. Some time in Nov I tried doing it and was doing well, but the jumping was too much pressure on my left foot and put me out of working out for a couple weeks. I've also had this happen with another program so its not just insanity. Everyone is obviously different though.It also left me sore for the first week lol.

    Well like I said I am back on the program and so far I'm doing great.. no soreness, pain, or injuries as of yet. I say go for it and see how you do. It gets a lil easier after the first couple of weeks.. and then they switch em up lol.

    Thanks for that bit of detail. I have a left ankle that bothered me when I started doing the gym treadmill in Nov. I was a trooper and switched to bike to give it time to heal but sometimes it was bothering me until I switched to home treadmill soft track (Healthrider). That makes a difference No pain in joints.

    I'm sort of glad I stopped. Pain and acheyness in a joint means damage is occurring. It's not suck it up. I've decided to respect ALL joint aches (and try to go more slowly, change surfaces, give time to heal etc). As far as muscles, my thought is if it is bilateral pain, good...suck it up...let the soreness occur and I'll grow...but if it is unilateral, look into it to see why only one side is hurting. Did i do something wrong? We'll see how this philosophy works.

    I accidentally ended up on the grass last week and I loved it. Now I enjoy doing jumping jacks and other jumping in the grass and not feeling guilty about my knees etc. I got this free floor exercise mat one time that I never opened. I'm thinking I might move that outside and toss it on the grass and move the TV with built in DVD player outside each day to do it (it's light). I don't need to finish with a better body and damaged knees.

    We'll see.
  • biddy81
    biddy81 Posts: 122 Member
    At least until I drop some weight, I'm modifying as much of the jumping as I can. I'm trying to lose weight to get better at the active things I like to do, and having bad knees will not help. I experimented a little with doing actual jumping today, and it went ok, so I might incorporate a little more into my workouts now, but I'm still modifying a lot. If you go too crazy with Insantiy before you're ready, I'm certain you can hurt yourself, but I think it's pretty easy to avoid. And it's really fun!! Well... in kind of a sick, masochistic sort of way... :happy:
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Soreness just means you are pushing yourself.

    IT is the champagne of working out.

    Pain means something is wrong.

    Very different those two.
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the feedback.