Fitbit: fun gimmick or worthwhile accessoire

So. Im a techy girl, love gadgets, spend too much money on them. Additionally, I've been trying to lose my last 5-7kg forever now, and either lack the motivation or the proper diet / exercise mix so somehow I'm stuck. In my search for a way to lose weight again I consider the fitbit. I love statistics and any "challenge" or way of motivation, but because I love gadgets so much I am easily suckered into buying something expensive and in the end pointless.

So, who has experience with the fitbit? ( one, or ultra or so) is the information actually useful, did it actually help you lose weight? Or does the product work fine ( I already read loads of normal reviews) but is it only for fun and not useful?

Baseline... Should I buy it? ( budget is not the issue)


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Look at thebBodymedia Fit. Far more accurate.
  • IliaShade
    IliaShade Posts: 20
    I considered that one as well, but as I live in Europe it's impossible to use, as you cannot pay for their monthly subscription as a non america. Not to mention I 'd have to import as i doesn't get sold here..

    Any other opinions?
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    I love my fitbit...It's made a world of difference and been invaluable in helping me lose weight. It opened my eyes about how sedentary I really was and allowed me the feedback I needed to change. I use it to track my calorie allowance on a daily basis. I try to keep a 500 calorie deficit. If my fitbit shows I've been more active, I plan to eat a little more. If it shows that the day is a "slow" one, I eat less. Totally worth the $99, imho.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I considered that one as well, but as I live in Europe it's impossible to use, as you cannot pay for their monthly subscription as a non america. Not to mention I 'd have to import as i doesn't get sold here..

    Any other opinions?

    Have you looked at Kifit. It's the UK licensed version. Are you in the UK. If not email them to see if you can use it elsewhere in Europe.
  • IliaShade
    IliaShade Posts: 20
    I considered that one as well, but as I live in Europe it's impossible to use, as you cannot pay for their monthly subscription as a non america. Not to mention I 'd have to import as i doesn't get sold here..

    Any other opinions?

    Have you looked at Kifit. It's the UK licensed version. Are you in the UK. If not email them to see if you can use it elsewhere in Europe.

    Thanks! I'm in the Netherlands but frequently order on and other English websites. I will check it out :)
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    if you do get one, i would go with the regular FitBit instead of the FitBit One.

    I wanted FitBit one for the "floors climbed" feature as well as the sleep tracker.
    I got out of the habit of the sleep tracker lately due to a lot of craziness going on but I hope to go back to it when things settle a bit.

    I really wanted the floors climbed feature but it is not at ALL accurate. It registers an elevation change (up only, not down) of 10 feet and counts it as a floor climbed. You might drive up a hill or go on an elevator and it will add floors.
    The upside of that is that I no long take escalotors. I figure if it's goign to add that elevation I might as well have it be a "real" floor climbed!!

    I would have been fine to save a few bucks and get the regular one, given the inaccuracy of floors.

    It's not spot-on accurate for steps, because sometimes other movements will cause it to read steps (like driving). but I notice when I do cardio, the number of calories isnormally relatively close to what the MFP log says, so I do like to use it for all workouts.

    Also, I'm a walker, my other half and I love to go walking, and it's a great tool for that because it will log your steps, distance traveled on your walks AND calories burned. And he likes that I have it too, he always asked me to look at the distance and see how far we've walked.

    BUT, it also figues in your daily BMR too, so it's a great way to estimate daily calories. it son't be down to THE calorie accuratre but it will get you in the neighborhood. Mine taught me that I am not as active as I assumed I was and let me tell you, wearing this thing GETS ME MOVING!! I've had it for a few months and i only forgot to wear it one day so far.
  • I love it and was in a similar situation. I have about 10 pounds left to complete my weight loss (I began at 195 and now am at 158-159). Nothing seemed to work! I'm seeing the scale going down again using fit bit.

    What I beleive I was missing out on was balancing my exercise throughout the day instead of considering it an all or nothing sweat fest at the gym. No more going to the gym and wearing myself out to try and burn those calories, I now manage to do it through the day and fit other moderate exercise in. I get in 10,000 steps every day using my fit bit. This makes me get up from my desk in the office and do more little things and helps me have a means to measure by if "it's enough." Whatever is left over after work my dog and I put in, in a walk.

    So why fit bit and not just a pedometer? For one, I a regular pedometer at walmart and it was incredibly annoying. I'm sure there are others NOT like this but it made this super annoying rattleing noise. I looked like the wierdo in my quiet office. I also found it not to be very accurate even after adjusting it. My fitbit is exremely accurate. I've tried it time and time again and the steps it counts is correct. No problems with it counting things such as movement as steps.

    I love that it connects to my Iphone. I like to see how I've done for the week and get it recorded automatically. Sure, you could record how you did with a regular pedometer on your own.... but techies don't like that. It gives me a chart and little badges along the way for meeting goals.

    The BEST part is it syncs with myfitnesspal. I read some places where people had problems.... I never had. For a while I had to guess what extra calories to eat.... this adjusts it for you. It accounts for everyday activities including sleeping to give you a more accurate calorie goal. No figuring now for me! I start out with 1200 calories and usually by the end of my 10,000 steps my recommended calorie range is around 1400-1600 which is very accurate for my height, weight, gender and age.

    Get it! I love it! I like the "one" because you can hide it better than the new arm band one. Just personal preference!
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Look at thebBodymedia Fit. Far more accurate.

    This. I bought the FitBit One. Returned it within the week and bought the Bodymedia. Very satisfied customer.
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I love mine, havn't had it a month but I am constanly moving so my flower grows. Waaaaay more than I had before. I found that you have to climb 13 steps to be a stairs incline. At home I have 13 steps and it always calculate. At work the are 9 steps the a turn and 9 more steps, it isn't until I get to the 13th step that it registers another stair incline
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member

    I love that it connects to my Iphone. I like to see how I've done for the week and get it recorded automatically. Sure, you could record how you did with a regular pedometer on your own.... but techies don't like that. It gives me a chart and little badges along the way for meeting goals.

    The BEST part is it syncs with myfitnesspal. I read some places where people had problems.... I never had. For a while I had to guess what extra calories to eat.... this adjusts it for you. It accounts for everyday activities including sleeping to give you a more accurate calorie goal. No figuring now for me! I start out with 1200 calories and usually by the end of my 10,000 steps my recommended calorie range is around 1400-1600 which is very accurate for my height, weight, gender and age.

    Yes, the iPhone part - I forgot to mention how much I love that - and I do love the weekly progress report that comes to my email.

    There are a couple things to figure out once you sync it with MFP - like you HAVE to log your exercise start time! (MFP will add the option once you sync in a fitbit, even though you don't see that option now)... If you log the exercise but don't add the start time, you will suddenly have a butt load of extra calories available that are not really available. Logging the start time will over write the fitbit reading for that time period so it doesn;t count double.
  • Oh yes... almost forgot about the start time thing but it makes it readily available. Another note on the iphones why I like it.... don't know about everyone else but I wear on my bra strap. That way it stays hidden and goes with me no matter what clothes I change in to. So I'm not constantly having to dig in my shirt and bra to get it out.... it convienantly displays on iphone. Just a personal deal ;)
  • IliaShade
    IliaShade Posts: 20
    Thanks for all the helpful replies. (Although more are still welcome) I'm strongly considered getting one of these! I was wondering about the new Flex armband, too.. but though the 'one' might actually be more discreet and useful as I always wear a tanktop beneath my clothes..

    I have no clue if this "flex" actually is better than the 'one' or just differently shaped..
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I had the original Fitbit, and my husband has now inherited because I got an Ultra. I just love that little gadget, especially when I'm out somewhere where I'm going to be doing a lot of walking. It's inspiring to see how many steps you've taken, and I often work in a few more to get to a certain number. I'm on Neufit, which syncs with Fitbit and lets you use your miles to complete your quests over there. That's a lot of fun, too.
  • stepknee
    stepknee Posts: 9 Member
    I've pre-ordered the flex. I am gadget-y too. I just bought the fitbit scale, which is how I ended up at myfitnesspal. I am hoping it will keep me more focuses on tracking and logging on to the site.
  • Katey911
    Katey911 Posts: 80 Member
    I my FitBit, though I really only use it as a pedometer. I've read from other people that they have issues with theirs tracking steps while driving, etc but I've never had that happen.
  • BrockZombie
    BrockZombie Posts: 2 Member
    I have the "one" and the "aria" scale. Super awesome. Lost 7 pounds so far. The sleep efficiency tracker is a cool feature too.
  • In for fitbit! Love mine,..helps keep track of everything and keeps me motivated to achieve my daily steps, floors climbed and calories met. Works awesome with mfp too.
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 447 Member
    I bought a FitBit Ultra in January 2012 and I've just bought the One a couple of weeks ago having managed to damage my Ultra (it was still working but the plastic casing was damaged!) Obviously I love it or I wouldn't have replaced it. I love that it synchronises with MFP and with my iPhone. It definitely motivates you to move more and for me its well worth the money I paid for both of them. I've never had any problems with it recording car movement etc as steps and I wear it clipped to my bra strap so its really discreet. Definitely recommend it :smile:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Fun Gimmick. The only real benefit I have found to mine is tracking my sleep quality and quantity. I have the one, but find that it is easily lost, it falls out of the rubber case you slip it into. I have managed to find mine each time, but one of these days I won't I'm sure. Its HORRIBLY inaccurate. A day I walk 17K steps, I only burn about 200 more calories than a day I walk 7000 steps. The elevation thing makes no sense for the "floors" climbed. And driving makes you go steps, as well as does sleeping, I sometimes wake with 400 steps already on my counter while sleeping. It doesn't interface well with MFP, you pretty much have to log everything on their site and sync it. I would wait until the wrist band one comes out if I had to do it again. But I'm not finding that any of the information is any more useful than what MFP was giving me.
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    If it is tracing when you drive just go to activity and log the time you started driving and for how long and it removes the steps and stairs for that time frame :)