1st week

OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
Hello, all.

I have been here for 1 week now, and was pleasantly surprised today to see 2 lbs loss. I have read here that it could be water retention, but I have been watching my sodium for a while now (few months), I have been pretty good with my main meals, it is the snacks (even if they are lower in sodium) that are my vice. Anyway, whether it is water retention for me or not - I will take it!

I have been following the calorie and exercise plan that MFP suggested for me. My projected goal is to lose 1 lb a week. First, I need to lose 10 lbs in 3 months, this way my doctor will not insist on any medication (I was offered some in order to lose weight, but I really don't want to use it, I want to try and do this on my own).

I had 2 days where I slipped up. One was business lunch in a restaurant. It was hard to choose the healthiest meal, I was under pressure to make my order so that not to hold anybody up, this was a new restaurant to me, I did not know the menu well, etc, etc... My second one was yesterday - went to a friend's birthday. I did not mind the friend's birthday one at all, so that was a totally willing slip up.

Anyway, if this is your first week here, let us know about your experience. Or if you've been here longer but still remember your 1st week, let us know how it went for you. (Also, what did the 2nd week bring?)

It has been really helpful for me so far to read all the posts and advice and information.

Have a good weekend, everybody!


  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    This concludes my fist week basically also. I have lost 1.8 lbs. and am starting to get excited. I'm having a hard time with getting enough carbs/fat down. I'm the mother of 4 basically (1 own 3 step) that live here also so cutting out our favoriate meals has been hard. I've tried to substitue items and add more fruits and veggies, but my husband is a good ole' country boy and loves everything drowned in butter. I'm hoping that honestly posting on here will allow me to adjust my eating to fit my daily needed calories without to much nitpicking on our every meal. Keep up the hard work, maybe we can keep each other accountable on our food/exercise logs.
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    1.8 lbs - awesome, good for you!!! Best of luck :) It's so nice to have so much support here!
  • badgirllaughing
    badgirllaughing Posts: 30 Member
    Just remember it's a healthy lifestyle and not to beat yourself over a few slips.. its all in portion control and cutting out most of the bad stuff. :) but we have to eat realistic too. All I do is just eat less the next day or workout more that day.. :) just keep plugging away and one day you will look at yourself and go wow... :)

    I have been at this for just over 3 years and I am actually down 74 lbs now but wanted to keep track of how much i've lost since i've started training for a half marathon. January 2010
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I am at the end of my second week and weigh in is tomorrow and will get to remeasure. I'm excited to see what everything says!! I started MFP because the doc told me I was prediabetic and my cholesterol was too high. Had to start cholesterol meds but do NOT want to start diabetes meds so I am losing the weight! I'll be rechecked in 2 months to see what the numbers are and hoping there will be a HUGE difference! Another motivating thing for me is to watch my BMI go down. I soooo want it to be in the healthy range. I have set a goal to walk at least 10 miles a week and started that last Monday. IT adds up quicker than you realize so is another motivator for me. I am working up to start the Couch to 5K program. And I do understand about the hubby being a country boy and loving everything in butter. I switched the kind of butter/margarine we use and he never even noticed it. Try the Smart Balance heart healthy margarine. Switched his 2% milk to 1% and he hasn't noticed that either. Keep it up ladies! Add me as a friend if you would like. We can all encourage each other!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Well done on the weight loss girls :smile:
  • lovebrittnie
    I know the feeling in being irritated when someone takes too long to order, but now i'm perfectly okay with taking my time,,, generally what i do if i still need a bit i'll let everyone else order, and ask the waitress for a bit more time (and ask for a water or something so he or she can come back) my first week was a pain to get adjusted, i would be good all day with my food choices and then by the end of the day i would over snack on calories... and i have basically had days like that it seems like once a week. and i've been on for 9... but i've gotten really good a working out and on those days that i have a little too much chocolate... Make sure i don't go over in my calories.

    so anyway my point kind of is, you may make a few more slip ups through out your weightloss journey, but whenever you have a bad snack or a bad meal, don't get in to the thinking that "you'll resume you healthy eating at the start of next week" But start right away and if it is too late start with the next meal or snack! any way i wish you the best on your journey

    oh! and really, Job well done for wanting to try the weightloss on your own!!! It can be a challenge but you can do it!
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    Thank you, everybody :) Hope you are having a nice Monday.