Managing the weekends

Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I do great during the week when I'm in my routine but the weekends are always a mess. I find myself not eating much all day to be able to eat out with friends or cookout with family. Tonight it's pizza and "drinks" with friends. I don't want to end my social life because of needing to lose weight. How do you balance the weekends? I only get the 1200 base calories plus whatever workout calories I earn. Usually around 250-300.


  • If you know where you are going out to eat and can find out the calories in advance you should be able to eat out and cookout... I do this often and am just fine on the 1200 base plan. It really just depends on your portion size. And another thing that I always do is just drink water. Its not as fun as beer or whatever drink you like but it saves a lot of calories and you can still eat 2ish slices of pizza and have a decent breakfast and lunch
  • mmshadell
    mmshadell Posts: 16
    I go through the same problem, during the week im under my calories and then the weekend i mess it all up. Im trying to eat something small during the day so thqt the rest of calories can go to my night out. Its amazing how many calories just a few drinks have
  • F4play
    F4play Posts: 21
    Its actually worse if you dont eat all day and save your calories up, whilst the rule of thumb is to stay under your calorie threshold for the end back ending your food means your body will think its starving and hold onto it for dear life self defeating

    This is catch 22 - look for the middle ground tell ur friend im on a diet can we skip the fat food tonight or do u mind if i have a salad instead its who your eating with not what your eating that matters

    Good luck with it
  • micheleestes61513
    micheleestes61513 Posts: 4 Member
    If I know that I'm eating out ahead of time, I look up the menu and calorie count ahead of time and burn enough calories to be able to plan what I'll order. It's kind of a hassle, but you need to stay aware of the calories that you are putting into your body. And also remember that the more nutritious the meal, the fewer calories it is! I try to think of things like pizza as poison to my body, unless it is topped with healthy things and has a thin or whole grain crust.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Your body won't be starving and storing fat after not eating for a day or missing a meal. It takes a long time to starve.

    I plan ahead of time. I know on Saturday, I need more calories to eat out and enjoy myself. I'm on net calorie plan of 1150/day, so I eat a little less during the weekdays and work out more during the weekdays to save up extra calories for the weekend. This allows me to have 2000 calories on Saturday and 1500 on Sunday. At the end of the week, I'm still at a net of 1150/day.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Try loading up on lower fat proteins (chicken breasts, tuna, egg whites) on the weekends and veggies. Drink lots of water and get in an extra long workout on the weekend to counteract your higher calorie intake. Also planning ahead is really good, are you going to friends for pizza, why not offer to bring a whole wheat Boboli with veggies and chicken? Know your options if you going out to a restaurant, look up everything ahead if possible and Re: the alcohol, I reallly don't know a better way around it other than limit yourself to two at the most, and keep them lower in calorie, I.e. light beer or chardonnay. If I drink more than two I really don't care how many calories I eat.
  • Im on the same boat Amanda, During the week i do perfect but when saturday and sunday come, it gets messed up. I guess its becuase my hub=sband is home and he is not trying to lose weight (eventhough he needs to). Like forexample tonight he is ordering pizza but i ate a tuna sandwich using the multi grain bread thins and spinch and at 9pm im going jogging!! (sorry rambling). good luck on your night out. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone, i feel like every weekend is a battle for me!!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Thanks everyone. Luckily it was pizza that I could look up the nutrtional info. Who knew just plain breadsticks were so high in calories? They are so little. I did over do on the beverage but only by 162 calories so I worked out extra hard this morning and will go forward. Have a great Sunday!
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