MFP and 1200 calories for everyone no matter what?



  • thecrasian
    If you are exercising almost daily, and only need to lose 3-5 lbs, you should make sure you chose no higher than a 0.5 lb week weight loss goal. This would require you to eat roughly 250 calories below what you need to maintain relative to present activity. Also, please note that 1200 calories is net, not gross amount you eat. Is it telling you that you have X number of calories left to eat when you close out your day?

    Yes, I usually have some left over. I usually only go over on Saturdays (but not by much). I'd be fine with 0.5 a week!!! If I go down a bit one day, I'm just back up a couple days later even though I'm really active. I run 3-4 miles about 5 times a week and also go for a walk on much lunch (30 min to 1 hr).
  • caribear1984
    I think it only gives 1200 to people who are smaller in stature or who set their goals too aggressively. I started at almost 400 pounds, and so 2lb per week was appropriate for me. It gave me around 1900 (set to sedentary.) Now I am down to 310 and I am at 1700ish, still set to 2lb/week and sedentary.

    I agree that there should be guidelines on the page where you set your goals. It wasn't until I had been here for quite some time that I heard someone mention the pound/loss rate guidelines. Now I know that I will have to change my goals as I get closer to my goal weight.
  • dmw45
    dmw45 Posts: 73
    1200 for me is starving. It is unpleasant and I go off the plan and eat whatever and stop exercising entirely in no time. If I'm suffering I'm not losing weight, im eating cinnamon rolls.

    I got a Bodymedia Fit armband which monitors how many calories I burn in a day and I eat 1,000 less than that.

    Most days I burn around 2500 and I eat around 1500. I am not suffering and I'm being successful and feeling good about it. Plus I do more exercise if I want to eat more in a day and I'm getting stronger all the time.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Because I am tall, they have me at 1940 calories to lose 2 pounds a week. I usually eat somewhere around 1100-1400.

    Unfortunately, that is a recipe for success, especially for a man. Men shouldn't go less than 1500 and even then it's still too little most of the time. When you eat too little, you will just catabolize your muscle which makes reaching your goal harder as it will take longer to get a lean and tight body. Additionally, your RMR will adapt and burn a lot less calories, eventually, you will plateau for a while and you will have to follow it up by resetting your RMR by eating at maintenance for a few weeks. If you don't believe me, search on plateaus, you will see a very common theme.

    OP, there are a few reason why people get 1200 calories; first, they set an aggressive goal (2 lbs per week) or two, they don't include exercise into their lifestyle.

    I think you mean this is NOT a recipe for success...

    Yep. I just change it