Why can't we be friends?

Any 20-30 year olds out there? I've been slacking the past two months. I did great during the first month. Lost over ten pounds and stayed stuck at that loss. Probably because I haven't been tracking like I was. But I'm putting my foot down. I'd really like to lose 30 more by July 1st. That's hefty I know but maybe I can do it. I really hope so. I really would like some friends that log on daily and actually want to motivate each other. So let's do this!


  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member

    Feel free to add me.

    I'm 24 and log on daily.

    I try to support and motivate the best I can.
  • ninessential
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    I'm 25. I've been logging for just over 6 months. If you have an open dairy (to friends) feel free to add me.
  • PandaBandit19
    What if I'll be 20 this year?
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Well, I'm 48, I've done it...I have 2 pounds to goal.

    It is an amazing feeling to have accomplished something that you've wanted your whole life and I wanted to be a size 8, you know single digits just one more time...

    To have gone from a size 24 to a 4 in 15 months and maintained that size and continued shrinking by toning muscles (who knew they were still there), well, I do nothing but smile all day...even on the most stressful days. I'm motivating people at work who have watched the last 57 pounds melt away.

    It all comes down to one thing. One thing that you figure out for yourselves. My one thing is logging every day, planning every week, exercising at least once a week until I drop. Making sure I keep my meal plans simple and enjoyable. Making sure that I spend time with those that like me and know me best---the ones that cheered me when I was down, that stuck by me through thick and thin (literally and figuratively).

    I just treated myself to The Color Run last weekend, which isn't really a run, but a celebration to be who ever you want, to be colorful, to enjoy the satisfaction that I achieved something that can last the rest of my life.

    I'm posting to the topic because people, I'm so proud to see you on the site, to strive to achieve this goal for yourselves--whatever that goal may be. Congratulations! MFP is a great first step! :)
  • tiffsting
    tiffsting Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me..... I can always use motivational friends! :happy:
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    I'm 35, but feel free to add me! I peeked at your profile, and don't live too far from you.
  • RemiLynn79
    RemiLynn79 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I'm 33 and would love some new friends. We all could use a little more motivation.
  • ForABetterMe89
    Fee free to add me.

    I'm 23, a married mama of one.
    5'3," 162 lbs.
    SW 173
    GW 150
    UGW 140-145

    I log everyday and love to give and get motivation. I've failed many times before, but I told myself if not this time I"ll never do it. So I'm just about halfway there and log every day. I'm looking to lose 10 more lbs by June 1, and hoping to lose 15 by the end of July when I have to beach trips.