Insanity Newbie

Hello everyone~! I'm new here and just received my copy of Insanity. I started skimming through them and I can't do normal psuh would girly ones be acceptable?
Also, what's your advice for someone who is pretty out of shape doing this program? :D


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    There really isn't much advice, just go at your own pace. If you need a break, take one. You will workup your endurance. I started on Monday and there are some modifications I have had to make. Some of the pushup parts are very fast paced and by the time I am in proper position, it's time to move on. Good luck! Focus on form.
  • Jkbeale
    Jkbeale Posts: 2 Member
    Do what you can. I could barely do it when I started. It is about your improvement and your fitness journey.
    Do your best and forget the rest.
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    Try doing the push ups while pivoting on your knees until you gain strength. I am starting Insanity April 1st
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    You can do the knee pushups. Just keep doing it and eventually you will be doing them from your toes. Heck, on some of the longer workouts I end up doing a few as my final reps because I wasn't able to maintain form on the regular ones.

    What Jkbeale said: Do your best and forget the rest. As long as you continue to push yourself to improve you will.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Go at your own pace, and don't worry about keeping up 100% with them on the video. As far as pushups go... Girly ARE acceptable. But work up to full push ups as fast as you can. Even if you can't push UP, if you can lower yourself down, then go to your knees to push up, that's better than a full girly pushup.

    Stick with it. It's hard... even the fit test is hard. But the results will be worth it.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I have been doing girly pushups my whole life. I'm on week 4 and I can do 4 legit push ups. You build up to that. You will be amazed what your body will turn into.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Do the best you can and modify what you have to. You'll see even the incredibly-fit looking people on the video take breaks. It's actually one of my favorite parts when they take a break or have bad form and I am still going gung-ho. :)
    Have fun!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member

    Also, what's your advice for someone who is pretty out of shape doing this program? :D

    I am on week 5 day 4 currently. when I started I went from the couch to working out with this program. The only shape I was in was round! The first few weeks were girly push ups for me but I kept trying on my toes until one day I was there. I might not be able to do as many from my toes but they are getting better. Advice?

    1. Make sure you are eating enough! This is intense and you need the fuel. I had to add a protein shake for the days I don't get enough.

    2. Hide your scale!!! It doesn't move very much and can be very very demotivational! I only pull mine out on Fit Test days.

    3. Get a HRM. BEST way to know what you are burning calorie wise. People are different and will burn different amounts on the same workout!

    Other than that just go as hard as you can. Don't be surprised if your weight doesn't move at all and maybe even goes up the first few weeks. Most likely it is just water retention.

  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Start out on your knees you will get there, I had to start on my knees and now I can do a few regular ones.

    ps join my group guys...I need some company/support/motivation/and accountability and I would love to give that all back to you.

    Group "Insanity April 1st to May"
  • HomegirlDee
    HomegirlDee Posts: 18 Member
    OK, when are you going to start? I want to start it. I had it for over a year and haven't been able to finish it. But I want to start and finish it.
  • HomegirlDee
    HomegirlDee Posts: 18 Member
    I would like to start tomorrow, When are you starting??
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    I am going to try insanity tomorrow for the first time...I am scared but excited!! It looks, well, insane.
  • RHeishman
    RHeishman Posts: 32
    I completed the insanity program in December. The best advice I can give you is...

    Show up and be consistent.

    That means, never fail to press play and do this consistently every day. The rest will follow. You will get better, believe me. But you got to stay in there. It's hard, and it will get harder. Trust me on that, but you will feel so good when you accomplish this. Dig deep!! Do what you can do, but make sure you jump back in it. Don't allow yourself to get caught up in taking long breaks, only take what you have too. This is max interval training.

    I've been a Beach Body Coach now for a year. I love doing what I do, because of what they have provided me. If you are ever in need of a coach, or anyone else for that matter, I am most willing. Currently I am doing my second round of Body Combat. I will do Insanity again.

    Friend me or email me if you ever need encouragement or advice.
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    I'm in recovery week- and even that's intense. I definitely have to modify some things- on week 2 my right knee was strained so I started doing squats instead of power jacks while it healed. Like everyone says, even they have to take breaks. Just make sure you drink plenty of water and try to keep moving even when you do take a break. I love the program, and I've been surprised with my progress on the fit test. I agree with ditch the scale and pick up a measuring tape instead! Good luck, I'm here for support if you need it! :)
  • LikeASirs
    Thanks everyone for the advice! I plan on working up to regular pushups, but my upper body strength is like...non-existant, so I'm excited that it'll help out.

    bronnyd and HomegirlDee, I'm starting April 1st (no that's not a joke, lol) so I can start at the exact beginning! (:

    I've been browsing the forums and it's super motivational looking at all the before and after pictures of the completion of Insanity.
  • LikeASirs
    I'll be starting it on April 1st, so that way the calender matches up and I don't get confused, lol.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    Be prepared for a new love-hate relationship with Shaun T. ....seriously when I started, I thought he was evil, trying to kill me in my own living room! But now its the only thing that our DVD player gets used for!

    When I first started I couldn't do a single push up (real one), now I'm in week 4 and I can do almost all of them as we go through the circuits. When I started, I tried to do at least 1-2 real when pushups were the exercise, then I would go into girl pushups. Your strength will get there, just go at your own pace and have FUN with it.

    Try to find a comfortable pair of cross trainers if you can, that will give you the proper foot support you need. Get ready to be sore and challenged, but you will get through it! I always make sure to have at least 20oz of water with me for the workouts too because you are going to SWEAT!
  • kjchapa82
    kjchapa82 Posts: 15
    I just got my insanity in the mail today!! I couldn't even make it through the fit test without feeling like I was just ran over! I was sweating for 10 minutes afterward:) I am pretty out of shape myself but I really hope to work my way up!
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    Agree with the others. I just started on Monday and knee push ups were all I've ever done, but I'm going to keep trying till one day I get it! I already feel stronger and I've done 3 JM DVDs, this one is torture, but wonderful!