Help! I swear dieting is ruining my nails!

Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
I've always had crazy strong nails that grow super long and rarely break (to the point where people have always asked me if they're even real). But since I've started dieting and working out so much, I can't stop my nails from breaking! I want my nails back! I'm just curious if there is something missing from my diet or what?

Any ideas?


  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    Prenatal vitamins

    Thats what was recommended to me for hair and nails!
  • I had the same problem--beautiful nails gone away! I started taking a calcium supplement, and after a couple weeks (like once the nails grew in that were affected by the calcium supplement), they were back to normal. I'm just taking some huge chewable tablet from GNC; it's 600mg, but I'm not sure how many fewer it could be and still be effective.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    eat more Eggs Fish and Nuts
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    get your blood checked as see what you are lacking, then change your diet based on the findings. I am not a believer in eating processed vitamins unless you can't get what you need through your food.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Biotin is very good for hair & nail, or a B complex will help. Also rubbing a good quality nail oil into your nails daily will help. If you can't find a nail oil, plain old vitamin E or grapeseed oil will help. I used to work as an esthetician, I know all about bad nails :)
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    TRY USING A FORK!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    Just kidding
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It may have a dietary fat deficiency..... I'm actually willing to bet that's what it is. Fat is not a bad thing and it's amazing for your body... including your hair, skin, and nails. Olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, avocados. Good stuff.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    It may have a dietary fat deficiency..... I'm actually willing to bet that's what it is. Fat is not a bad thing and it's amazing for your body... including your hair, skin, and nails. Olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, avocados. Good stuff.

    I agree! Until then, get prenatal vitamins. You can also massage your nails w/ olive or coconut oil.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good advice. In the meantime: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails. 3 bucks at Wal-Mart. I tried their other nail hardening polishes, but Hard as Nails has worked the best for me. That **** is like wearing diamond strength Kevlar on your nails.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Lots of good advise here. I've noticed if I take extra minerals, fats and proteins my nails are thicker but since genetically the women in our family have paper thin nails that's just saying they don't stay nailbed length. They actually get to the tips of the fingers. The only time I've had long nails is when I had the time to keep them polished all the time with multiple layers of polish.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Tough love time!

    Here's the can take all the supplements you want but if you're not getting enough fat in your diet, you simply won't absorb them properly. Plus your hormones can get all messed up. I'd suggest using more healthy oils (like EVOO) with your cooking and eating whole eggs instead of just the whites.

    That daily calorie goal already includes a calorie deficit and the fact that you're constantly WAY under it is not good. You need to eat food to nourish your body or it will keep reacting like this. Remember the goal is not to just get skinny, it's to get healthy!

    Please take better care of yourself. Best of luck!