day 2...

so....i went over my allotted calories and i'm a little frustrasted....I did so good all day AND i even worked out for an hour....until......i got home and my fiance made homemade pizza and chocolate cookies. I had 2 slices and 2 cookies, plus milk.

now i know, i should have had self-control, but really what women is going to turn down a home cooked meal made by your man!! it's not his fault and he shouldn't have to suffer eating rabbit food for the rest of his life.

tell me how i can keep my motivation up when its ONLY day 2!!!!


  • chriselys
    chriselys Posts: 6 Member
    so....i went over my allotted calories and i'm a little frustrasted....I did so good all day AND i even worked out for an hour....until......i got home and my fiance made homemade pizza and chocolate cookies. I had 2 slices and 2 cookies, plus milk.

    now i know, i should have had self-control, but really what women is going to turn down a home cooked meal made by your man!! it's not his fault and he shouldn't have to suffer eating rabbit food for the rest of his life.

    tell me how i can keep my motivation up when its ONLY day 2!!!!
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    2 pieces of pizza is really not too bad at all. The cookies... Hmmm. Anyway, a little over your allotted cals is no biggie.

    If you haven't discovered it yet, then liquids other than water will be the first thing you'll probably want to drop from your diet. I used to love tomato juice and milk in particularly, but it just used up far too many of my days' calories for little return on nutrients. There's almost 100 calories in a cup of skim milk. Whereas a can of tuna (a good portion of the ingredients of a nice solid lunch) is about the same.

    I drink lots of coffee, but other than that, my liquids are limited to water and green tea (which I thankfully found to be 0 calories :smile: ).
  • suspendedindusk03
    Don't beat yourself up too badly over things like this! It's alright to indulge in things that are perhaps not so great for us, or things we really love, every now and then. Just remember, nobody's perfect! I know I went a little over my calories yesterday, but I didn't sweat it. I was hungry, so I ate a little more.

    It sounds like you're on the right track... just don't let the little things discourage you. If you're eating healthily overall and exercising, a few extra calories are not going to make a hugely adverse difference.

    Keep up the great work. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member

    Don't worry. We are all entitled to the goodies now and then. When we order pizza, I make sure that I get the veggie one and then I make a huge green salad with a fat free dressing. I take one slice of pizza and a big glass of water and walk away from the table. I will eat on a TV tray to keep me away from the boxes of pizza. I works for me.
    Cookies are a killer. I over did it with brownies and didn't even realize that I was doing it. Just make sure that if you do splurge, that you get right back on track the next day.
    Good luck to you.
  • dburrows
    Dear Chriselys,

    Oh, don't feel so bad. What was on your pizza? If it wasn't loaded up with pepperoni, etc. it probably wasn't too bad. Maybe you could mention to your man that the next time you have pizza you'd like your slices to have veggies and just a little cheese! What do you think? And, the milk isn't bad either if it's skim or 1% so there's something else to think about but I'm sure you're already doing that!

    Hang in there! We'll be here for each other and we'll stay on track... even when we fall off.

    My big problem is that I can't stay away from the alcohol in the evenings. I love a good bottle of wine. Yes, I said bottle, not glass. So most of my calories are coming from beer, wine, and spirits. I really need to stick to my tea... which I also love.

    Have a great low-fat day 3!!!!!

  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Hey Chris, Do not fret. If you go over here and there a little, it is alright, like Razbo said.
    If you are only eating rabit food then I doubt that you would be able to stay on that for a long time, little along make it a life time change.
    When it comes to food, remember everything in moderation.
    Again I agree with Razbo on this, 2 slices of pizza are not going to kill you. Well other then the salt.
    As for the cookies, Hey, you still have to LIVE!
    We all need sweets from time to time. It is the point of not eating the whole BAG that we have to learn to get the weightloss thing down too. What did they consider a serving size? Was that what you had, or did you go over that. IF you did the REAL serving size CONGRATES you did good!
    Gradually over time you will be able to make better food choices, that not only work for you but the whole family.
    Right now you are in effect learning how to walk, Just because you fell down once does not mean that you have to stop trying to walk dear! There will be a time when you find out what works for you and what does not!
    Do not worry Chris, you WILL get there!
  • chriselys
    chriselys Posts: 6 Member
    thanks everyone for the support.....i really appreciate it.

    Day 3 will be much better, I know it! I figured I'd do a little bit more cardio to work off those extra calories.

    As for the food yesterday, the pizza he made had tons a veggies (which both love - peppers, mushrooms & onions), sausage and cheese. And yes, we drink skim milk.

    So you right....i didn't too bad.....

    here goes day 3....
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    I allow myself "treats" every day.....a small cookie, a piece of chocolate, a granola bar, etc. Just be sure to work it in to your daily allotment of calories. My husband tries to anticipate when he needs some "extra" calories and goes to the gym and works extra hard, "earning" the calories he needs (or "paying" for the one he already ate!).

    Remember, if you go over your daily calories a little on one day, it's OK. Just don't make it a daily thing!! It takes more than a one-day slip-up to gain weight. You just didn't lose as MUCH on that day. :wink: