A tiny bit discouraged

Have to say I am a tiny bit fed up..three weeks and no weight loss at all! :cry:

I have read all you lovely folks say about not watching the scales and all but can't help but wonder what is going on.

OK so I HAVE lots around 5cm in the last month from my waist and my clothes feel a lot looser. Bought a pair of size 16 trousers and they are even a bit big etc.

HOWEVER having a 4 day break from logging food and careful eating this weekend as I will be away visiting family , really wanted to have 1 stone loss under my belt by now.

I am logging food very carefully, eating back exercise calories and drinking loads.....just want to be able to log some lbs lost! Actually would be good if MFP also showed up cms lost on your front page, that would help :smile:


  • Don't get discouraged. If you are working out in addition to tracking & modifying what you eat (I hate the word dieting), you may actually gain weight as your body builds muscle faster than you burn fat. The good thing with that is, you will be getting smaller physically even if the scale doesn't show it. I have had this happen. Also if you have increase your exercise you will temporarily gain "weight". There are so many factors that can cause weight gain (from dehydration to salt intake to environmental) that it is best to go by clothes fit and measurements.
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    be patient! successful weight loss takes a long time. set realistic goals and keep up the hard work. don't get down on yourself about a pound or two here or there. i promise that if you keep up good, healthy habits, you will see results! and you admitted yourself that you have noticed your clothes are looser. GREAT! that's something! forget about the number on the scale. AIM FOR HEALTH! you can do this!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I stuck for 3 weeks at 11 lb losst then suddenly went down another 4lb. It happens! Just be pateint. If your shape is changing, surely that's the main aim - I'd happily weigh this weight if I fitted into a size 12!
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all...this is helpful support!
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. I can go weeks at a time with no loss at all, then *bam* four pounds off seemingly overnight. Sometimes you just have to take it on faith and keep going. These are the times when it's super-important to focus on the non-scale victories - looser clothes, more energy, etc. Try to think about something other than simply the number on the scale.
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, trying to! I had no idea weight was such as bad measure before I started this on the 1st Feb!
  • shannonsky
    shannonsky Posts: 75 Member
    So funny, I didn't read your post before I typed mine :) Guess we need to just keep on keeping on, but it's frustrating!
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    I know- at least you have reached 1 stone! X
  • shannonsky
    shannonsky Posts: 75 Member
    I know- at least you have reached 1 stone! X

    lol I'm American, that means nothing to me. hahaha
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Patience is also needed:flowerforyou:
  • I know- at least you have reached 1 stone! X

    lol I'm American, that means nothing to me. hahaha

    A stone is 14 lbs. Humourously, I am American, I just watch a LOT of BBC.
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
  • I have been stuck at my current weight for at least a year :( I have good months bad months and stay the exact same !! I joined here 4 days ago and haven't lost an ounce and have stayed under my calorie goal 1200 and i exercise everyday !! I feel your frustration !! Hope your scale budges soon !! Have a good one
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    Ha! At long last I have reached my 1 stone lost (UK speak!)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    don't expect to notice a difference in 4 days! Weigh once a week, and MEASURE once a week as well (or less often) - often scales don't change but measurements do :wink:
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I can't see your diary, but have you tried changing the number of calories, or changing the percentage of protein, carbs etc?

    Apart from that, sometimes it takes time. I immediately lost about 4lb when I started watching my calories, then had no change for weeks, and then suddenly it was like the fat just started melting off and people started noticing!

    But if you're getting frustrated with slow progress, I'd suggest modifying something,or focussing more on what your calories are made up of, rather than just the number.