Cheat Attack - How to break the cycle

Ok - I like to cheat sometimes - when I plan on it - or when I've hit a certain goal. But something has happened the last few days: Unplanned cheat binges - Mrs. Baird's Fruit Pie was the trigger - and the last 3 days have been rough.

Well, I've been eating great for 5 months, lost 30 pounds, and this is the first time where I've felt I may be "done". Like I had a good run but it's over. Any strategies to get back strong? I don't want to go back to where I was.....


  • Jes21sica
    Jes21sica Posts: 90 Member
    yea I've been like that the last week. I start thinking oh I'm soo close to my goal, only like 5 lbs to go, a little xt ice cream wont matter and then it just continues from there. and to add to that I didn't get to run twice this week bc it was extremely hot, almost 100 with very high humidity. Oh well it's a new week and I still mange to lose .8 lbs this week
  • crasula
    crasula Posts: 53 Member
    I feel for you completely as it's happened a few times to me in the past.
    The first thing i can say is you've acknowledged the problem and not let it get out of control, sometimes denial can completely ruin all the hardwork.

    When it happens to me, what i usually do is put a little plan into place; First thing i do is set a mini goal, lets say lose 3lbs in a week. Then i work out how i'm going to lose the weight and pull back the deficit. For example, if i do a double treadmill session every day for 5 days i would burn about 700 calories which will put me back on track in no time. (Maybe a long walk in the evening or some other form of excercise you enjoy).
    Finally i actually plan what i'm eating each day of the week, ensuring the calories are well below the target i usally set myself. (Lets say 1500 calories). Load up on the liquids to stave the hunger pains and keep away from influences which can break you. E.g. Going for a glass of wine with friends or restaurants which are my weaknesses.

    Keep diciplined, weigh yourself everyday and you'll see that weight drop off and those happy endorphins will start to flow again. It doesn't sound like you've strayed too far so you could correct the problem in no time i'm sure!
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Ok - I like to cheat sometimes - when I plan on it - or when I've hit a certain goal. But something has happened the last few days: Unplanned cheat binges - Mrs. Baird's Fruit Pie was the trigger - and the last 3 days have been rough.

    Well, I've been eating great for 5 months, lost 30 pounds, and this is the first time where I've felt I may be "done". Like I had a good run but it's over. Any strategies to get back strong? I don't want to go back to where I was.....

    Like the others have said, it does happen. And it's important to acknowledge it and recognize it, which you've done.

    Have a little talk with yourself. You've done good so far, lots of hard work. Going to spoil it all now? No you're not. Back on the wagon for you Mister!

    Also, you might want to consider other forms of 'rewards' rather than cheating. That's the old response... I feel good, lets eat! I feel bad, lets eat! Instead, when you've lost another 10 lbs, buy a new pair of pants, or that new putter, or whatever it is you like. We need to stop using food as rewards, because they quickly turn into punishments.
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    I've had a bad couple of weekends myself...graduation parties, etc. It is going to happen so I don't beat myself up about it any more and keep plugging away. It takes a little more will power to get back on track but it is worth it. I do know that if/when I really deny myself being healthier doesn't last--and I'm downright CRABBY. It just isn't realistic for me to say I'll never have cake again. It is realistic to say I will save it as a special treat and eat a smaller portion than I may have in the past. I didn't get here overnight and I expect healthy living to include a lifetime of responsible choices.
  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86

    . That's the old response... I feel good, lets eat! I feel bad, lets eat! Instead, when you've lost another 10 lbs, buy a new pair of pants, or that new putter, or whatever it is you like. We need to stop using food as rewards, because they quickly turn into punishments.

    First of all - to all of you - thanks. I am going to get back going again - right now for a 5k walk. I've premade food for the next 3 days - and that emotional eating: I feel good - let's eat! is pure genius. I love the idea of a new pair of pants in 10 pounds - that's a much better goal!

    Many thanks!
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Oh my goodness - I'm so glad I'm not the only one in this position right now, I've actually come on here for some motivation and willpower today after 2 really lazy and naughty weeks!!

    So you're not alone!

    I'm glad that I've read this thread as I know what I need to do - it's ike I need someone to tell me that I need to do it before all my hard work is undone!

    I have the kind of treats where I'll buy some new clothes or some sort of pampering treatment :)

    We will get back on it hun - we know we can do it, it's just the DOING it that's the hard part :)