Losing weight but stomach still looks pregnant

Does anyone else have this problem? I have lost almost 20 pounds since having my little one 8 months ago b C-section. This is my 3rd csection in 5 years. The previous two pregnancies my stomach was flabby but flat in shape. Now my stomach looks like I'm 5 months pregnant. It starts right below my boobs and archs out like a pregnant belly. It is driving me crazy!

I have been googling and have read where some doctors say it is just bad luck after pregnancy, or detached muscles and that the only way to fix it is a tummy tuck. I refuse to believe that!

Maybe I just have to be patient and my stomach is just being stubborn and will be the last thing to go.

Anyone else having this problem and found a type of exercise that is working to help it? I do a lot of elliptical, walking etc... but so far very little has changed in this stomach problem.


  • I3ernadette
    I3ernadette Posts: 34 Member
    Have you been measuring? I have a similar problem - even though it's not the result of a pregnancy, my belly just didn't seem to be going down - but I started measuring and found out that it was, though slowly; it's just in comparison to the losses in the rest of me that it seems to be the same, or even larger! My hips went down four inches and my gut only two - but those are two inches that are definitely gone :). Good luck!
  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    I had two c-secion, three births...and I am having that problem after my third child as well. I have a pouch above my c section line now and I can't stand it. I have been trying so hard to get rid of it and I lost 33lbs the first time I did mfp and didn't lose the pouch. I am on mfp again for the second time trying to drop 30lbs that I gained after losing my mother to cancer last May. When I researched I got the same results, basically with some women it ruins the muscles and a tummy tuck is the only option. I am not willing to go that route. I would love for someone to put a solution to this post.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    I have the problem of a pregnant looking poochie tummy after losing weight. Being a man, it is even more embarrassing.
  • coleybug73
    coleybug73 Posts: 23 Member
    Same here. 2 c-sections. I don't have an answer but just wanted to tell you that you're not alone! Mine is exactly like you described. I can suck it in good and it looks pretty flat, but relaxed it bows out something terrible. I have been actually comtemplating a tummy tuck, but wanted to give it a few months of all out effort on my part to see if I can change it.

    I have been lifting for about 5 weeks and can feel a little difference in my core. I'll keep you posted if I see any significant improvement!
  • you guys should try a corset
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I've been told that the only way to get rid of my belly is CARDIO ;-(
  • I will need to start measuring, especially if I can get some reassurance. It is very frustrating! Hang in there ladies, there has to be a solution!
  • jolene_ca
    jolene_ca Posts: 91 Member
    Cardio and just general weight loss has reduced the roundness of my belly tremendously. I had 5 kids in under 5 years.
  • MamaTop
    MamaTop Posts: 24
    I have the same problem! I have had 5 kids, 3 in the last 4 years and look 5 months pregnant too :( I was told a tummy tuck to fix the muscles is my only hope :( Lets see what loosing 75lbs will do first!