muscle stiffness

I work out on the treadmill for approximately 30 minutes and then do my Stairmaster stepper for about 20 minutes and then use my stationary incline bike for 20 minutes. I do this every day (7 days a week).
I recently found that my leg muscles are getting very stiff making it painfull to crouch and I'm starting to feel mild pains in my upper back.
Am I overdoing it or am I exercising incorrectly. Any thoughts????


  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Do you do any stretching after?
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    Eat bananas
  • LysaK1980
    LysaK1980 Posts: 20 Member
    Make sure you are keeping hydrated and stretching before, during and after your routine. If it's just slight stiffness try an OTC pain reliever before your workout. If it's more severe, make sure you ate getting enough potassium and calcium (be sure to take vitamin D to aid the calcium absorption). Hope this helps! :)
  • CMGoodie
    CMGoodie Posts: 93 Member
    You are overworking. All the advice given is true, stretching afterwards to release lactic acid build up and drink lots of water, taking potassium; but do not forget to alternate your workouts to allow your muscles to heal properly.

    Your muscles need time to rest and recouperate. If your back begins to hurt it's because it is now taking over compensating for the soreness of your legs. We all forget that our muscular, skeletal and nervous system all work together. When one gets injured, another takes over to compensate.

    Recommended routine, use your stair master one day, rest one day, use your bike one day, rest one day, use treadmill one day and rest. On those rest days, if you feel you need to do something, go for a leisurely walk....not for working out, but for enjoyment. You should also let your body rest one day completely to allow for the acid to remove itself. This day is good for a mental and spiritual feeding, while letting your body recover and prepare for the start of your next cycle.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Could be a posture thing. What are you doing on the treadmill - running or walking? Are you using the incline at all? I find sometimes when I walk on the treadmill, if I try to go to push it, I end up taking it out on my upper back and shoulders by tensing up. Make sure you're keeping good posture - head up, shoulders back and down/relaxed, abs contracted, arms swinging naturally. Try increasing the incline a bit to see if that helps as well. If you're carrying hand weights, you may want to stop that.

    It may also have to do with your base. Are you wearing good supportive shoes?

    Definitely make sure you're well hydrated, that you warm up for at least 2 minutes if not 5 before increasing your intensity, cool down for 5 minutes and stretch really well (at least 5 minutes) afterwards. Maybe even check out a yoga DVD to help with stretching?

    And yes, eating bananas can definitely help. If you don't like them, there are plenty of other foods with potassium.
  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    Your topic name is misleading sir. I suffer from muscle sitffness also, nothing a little massaging doesn't cure. ; )
  • andersonhvac
    Thank you all for the good advise.
    Yes, I love bananas so I try to eat one a day eventhough my calorie counter program (My Fitness Pal) tells me that bananas are one of the worst things to eat.
    Yes, I take vitamin D everyday.
    Yes, I warm up before any workout but I don't usually cool down with any stretching. That might be part of the problem.

    I drink water and G2 Gatorade as the only liquids I consume. ( no alcohol, coffee, tee, pop or juice) I try to drink 60-90 oz of liquid a day which usually ends up coming back out several times during the

    I jog on the treadmill some days and other days I walk at 4.3 mph with the highest incline the machine will do.

    The reason I do all three exercises is to lose weight. I heard that the best way to lose weight ( other than dieting) is to get your heart rate above 145-155 bpm to burn the calories. I don't need to loose much more but I would like to get rid of a small roll on my stomach.
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