Introduce yourself

Hi, I am an English 2 student assigned to write a recommendation report. I have chosen to recommend myfitnesspal (mfp) to my class. I have just joined and am really excited about utilizing this site to the fullest. I need to interview a fellow member about their experience with (mfp). If there is someone interested in helping me out, please let me know! Thanks!


  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Don't mind helping if I can x
  • SusanandMatt
    Yea! Thank you so much!
  • SusanandMatt

    Online Community

    You have been asked to participate in an interview conducted by Susan Power from Madison Area Technical College (MATC). The purpose of the interview is to create a Recommendation Report. You were selected as a possible participant in this study because of your community experience. You should read the information below, and ask questions about anything you do not understand, before deciding whether or not to participate.

    • This interview is voluntary. You have the right not to answer any question, and to stop the interview at any time or for any reason. I expect that the interview will take about 10 minutes.
    • You will not be compensated for this interview.
    • Unless you give us permission to use your name, title, and / or quote you in any publications that may result from this research, the information you tell us will be confidential.

    This project will be completed by April 3, 2013. No materials from this interview will be published in any form beyond the report submitted as part of the requirements for English 2 taught by John Drake at MATC during the spring semester of 2013. You will receive a copy of the completed report after it has been submitted to the course instructor for English 2.

    I understand that I will receive a confirmation email from the course instructor for English 2, John Drake, seeking verification of the authenticity of this interview.

    This project is being overseen by the instructor for English 2 at MATC. His contact information is
    Madison Area Technical College
    302 S. Gammon Road Madison, WI 53717
    c/o John Drake
    (608) 246-6513

    I understand the procedures described above. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction, and I agree to participate in this study. I have been given a copy of this form.

    (Please check all that apply)

    [ ] I give permission for this interview to be recorded.

    [ ] I give permission for the following information to be included in publications resulting from this study:

    [ ] my name [ ] my title [ ] direct quotes from this interview

    Name of Subject ____________________________________ Date ______________

    Signature of Subject _____________________________________ Date ____________

    Signature of Interviewer _________________________ Date _________

    Please contact John Drake and Susan Power, with any questions or concerns.
    If you feel you have been treated unfairly, or you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact John Drake at MATC.
  • SusanandMatt
    I sent a consent form and I will next post my questionnaire :+) I look forward to reading your answers and talking more to you. Thank you again for helping me out.
  • SusanandMatt
    1. Name?
    2. Contact information?
    3. How long have you been a member?
    4. What do you like best about this site?
    5. What would you change about this site?
    6. What would you tell new comers?
    7. What are some taboos for this site?
    8. Have you formed any relationships on this site?
    9. Is this site professional or personal?
    10. Who is this site targeted at?
    11. How did you find this site?
    12. How often do you participate on this site?